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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. There is something poetic about a Trumper getting bitten by this if I'm honest, has some real leopards eating my face energy.
  2. There is always more to these stories ... The whole "I politely tried to do a thing and was then ejected" is incredulous at best at meant to paint the land owners and moderators in the worst possible light. Considering my interactions with literally every past Trump celebrant and their desire to party on my grave, I can only assume there was a lot more that this was just the final straw.
  3. But .. what's wrong with this bit of water ..
  4. No one cares till it affects them, then they want an instant solution and then find some specific individual to blame when they don't get it .. or worse, find a demagogue who claims to be able to fix things .. just for them.
  5. Oh, in case this isn't obvious - textures do not show on the map - only the face "tint" color on a prim .. probably should have mentioned that Mesh will show the lowest LOD model with the face color of the first face .. so don't even bother. Prims all the way.
  6. To add, if you're going to do pixel art, you can use a cut mashed prism to get 5 pixels per prim - This does not work with mesh. (Conway's game of life on my home plot) Large prim shapes will require some trial and error to get things lined up .. it took me several days to tweak this kitty into something that looked ok rendered on the map. Game of Life and rainbow are 14 prim (7li), HC is 21Li World map tiles are 256x256 pixels with the smallest rendered objects being 1x1 m in size, however the jpeg compression is very aggressive.
  7. The top surface of the prim to be rendered must be below 400M
  8. Filling that position in SL takes no effort or subterfuge !
  9. I am also looking for an assistant .. a secret assistant, no details will be provided, ever. Inexperience, no experience or expert level experience is preferred. Oh! .. and you will be mostly naked, no reason. Please don't message me about being my assistant, message the OP - he needs one, I'm just being a butt
  10. Making your own space and finding the right people to share it with is one of the hardest yet most worthwhile activities in SL. My advice would be - Don't try to do everything, do one thing and do it really really well.
  11. Another vote for Horseradish and Wasabi 💚 as the preferred punch of choice (low oxalate too @kali Wylder) I have enough friends who having drowned everything in chili for years now can't taste anything unless it's downed in chili, bit of franks on wings and rooster on ramen is enough for me, give me a well rounded Indian curry with depth and complexity every day of the week instead.
  12. arms have to be short and held up or they clip into your butt & thighs .. it's truly a product of SL being SL.
  13. I'm not sure there needs to be a unique look, sure we come in all shapes and sizes, but if we mapped our actual personal variations perfectly from RL to SL most of us would look identical once rendered a few inches tall on screen.
  14. Assuming there are no land ownership things going on .. like your land is deeded to a group that she also has land powers over or whatever, then ... nope, if she can return your stuff then your stuff is on her land .. or at least the server seems to think so. The best trick might be to get her to put up a rock wall .. and then you don't have to (and it saves you Li too!)
  15. I adore the skinny-thicc-trex look, who cares if it's realistic or not
  16. If your stuff can be returned then the system seems to think that is on your neighbors land, there are no ways around this, no magic tricks, that just be how that goes. Don't try to rez right up to the border of parcel, especially mesh items which may have bounding boxes much larger than the rezzed objects. It's generally a good idea to leave a bit of 'dead space' around your actual build if you're in conflict with your neighbors. When your neighbor sends your stuff back, just replace them but move them a little further away from the boundary each time. Don't escalate or call your neighbor names on the forums, the interpersonal conflict ends up being the focus rather than the problem you're trying to solve.
  17. Especially as Jack isn't the hero in that story, he's an idiot and a thief.
  18. 189 in platform heels (not counting ears) by rezzing a cube. I'm not short. I'm the wrong scale ! If I slam the sliders and go as big as I can, and bump up a lot of things to try and keep proportions something similar ... I can make 220 cm .. in heels. Who are these houses even for?!!
  19. That's really not super bad for a primary hobby .. and the bulk of it will be the private region. It's also still cheaper than smoking a pack a day.
  20. You can't defend creators not rigging for kupra because of the boobs, and then get all excited about same creators making stuff for the juicy boobs ... for a body very few people are actually wearing. It's not a conspiracy theory .. the stats gathered from bodies seen in world don't lie. It wasn't that long ago there were more ToddleeDoo babies seen than this, and it was consistently filling events even then. Stacking the deck to make a body look like it's popular when it actually, objectively, demonstrably isn't .. is just straight up anti consumer, as you yourself have noticed when you had to buy the thing because you couldn't dress the far more popular body you already had.
  21. I've been playing with it extensively the last few days .. It's far more of a specialty body than it seems at first glance, the default shape is very much cooked into the mesh and trying to edit it past that too much doesn't really work out, some looks (like skinnythicc) can actually crush parts of the mesh so badly you have folds. It's very deformer dependent to correct ways in which the cooked look buckles or bloats when edited. Also .. there is a weird elephant in the room ... Looking at Lucia's mesh body stats (collected today) Maitreya - Lara : 127932 : 34.8% Signature - Gianni : 29321 : 7.9% Belleza - Jake : 20447 : 5.5% MeshBody - Legacy (Female) : 18858 : 5.1% Inithium - Kupra : 12845 : 3.5% MeshBody - Classic (Female) : 12112 : 3.3% MeshBody - Legacy (Athletic Male) : 10254 : 2.7% MeshBody - Legacy (Male) : 9475 : 2.5% LucyBody - Atenea : 8474 : 2.3% MeshBody - Classic (Male) : 7658 : 2.0% Belleza - Freya : 7300 : 1.9% MeshBody - Legacy Perky : 7162 : 1.9% Niramyth - Aesthetic Mesh Body : 6804 : 1.8% eBODY - Reborn : 5479 : 1.4% Slink - Male : 4467 : 1.2% Utilizator - Kemono : 4291 : 1.1% It has taken months and months to get that #14 spot with 1.4% (Back in April it had 0.6%, Kupra had 3.4%) There is a significant and deliberate ongoing effort to make the reborn look like a thing, yet for the significant and on-going wall to wall event coverage .. it's barely a thing and growing very slowly. The level of event coverage does not match actual uptake and usage. Is the creator community so enamored with this body that the big brands decided to go all in and are sticking with it for the long haul, often deciding to make content for this body over the 3rd most popular female body (Kurpa) or are there shenanigans afoot. Why would they be pushing a body that very few people actually seem to use. I've been sorting my purchases with the CTS Wardrobe and entering the bundled sets just so I can see what I have for the different bodies, and a pretty clear pattern has emerged. IF something is made for the reborn, there is no kupra version and vice versa. I'm calling shenanigans.
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