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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. It's more than our lives are worth to delete a users chat logs. Even if it's explicitly stated in the uninstaller. Even if we make them say "YES DO IT" 5 times. That would be like uninstalling blender and it deleting all your .blend files.
  2. Game engines operate in fundamentally different ways to SL. The SL viewer has been open source for many years now and there are zero projects to port SL to unity or unreal or anything else (there are even fully FOSS license compatible engines like GODOT). That alone should be pretty informative. The vast majority of what the SL viewer needs to do each and every frame happens way before it gets to the render engine, sure you could probably squeeze it in, but it's going to be a performance disaster. Game engines are top fuel drag racers, they are king for very specific workloads and very specific conditions. Only superficially. SL renders things using your GPU, game engines do too .... Or in other words - Tell me you haven't read the source code without telling me you haven't read the source code. It's not a content issue, it's a dynamics issue. Meshes are just meshes, prims can be rendered as meshes, textures are just textures. Everything else breaks the drag racers back. It's based on a very common assumption missing how all the deep magic works. Games are built around a lot of fundamental assumptions that SL just breaks, constantly, every single frame, for fun. If they taught game design and used SL as an example, it would be as an example of literally every single thing you should never do with a game engine. They don't make games like SL, on purpose. This alone goes a long way to explaining why there is literally nothing else like SL. At it's core SL isn't a game, or even a render engine. It's a massive data management system where everything can change from one frame to the next. If SL were a vehicle, it would be garbage truck and every pickup is a new frame to render. Take a drag racer to that party and the engine has stalled by the second frame and there isn't anywhere to put all the new stuff being tossed on from the curb.
  3. They have mentioned they are going to look at an OpenGL wrapper to maintain Mac compatibility and may look at vulkan at some point, right now they are focused on fixing generic performance problems .. something they will have to do whatever path they choose next.
  4. Probably performance, unless the demo starts with a blind teleport, you can't ever really tell just how much chewing the viewer had to do before the demo starts
  5. Some recyclers will sell PC's rather than just shipping them off to China.
  6. https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/virtual-worlds-are-already-better-than-the-metaverse-will-ever-be/
  7. One of my neighbors is operating under the assumption that tossing dirty laundry in the dryer is as good as washing. Suddenly all the dryers are in use and the whole floor smells like light roasted feet.
  8. We have a guy living here with a sooped up trash heap drag racer that sounds like thunder .. he likes to rev it up before slowly moving it to a different parking spot, usually in the small hours. The guy in the flat above us yelling obscenities almost makes up for their yappy dog trying to dig though the floor.
  9. Gaddmmmit !! Talk about missed opportunities to stir the pot before the weekend.
  10. There is no standard function to do this, however you could make a look up that takes takes all none ascii characters and matches them (this is a lot of work) and is how sites that generate unicode text from ascii work.
  11. I would really like to see instancing in SL Shift drag a copy of something, it's an instance, it costs 0Li for every additional copy It's worth the free Li boost for the render savings alone.
  12. Any starter avatar that can't participate in the social and fashion fashion ecosystem is junk, doesn't matter how good it is if it just marks it's users for harassment or teaches them they need to buy another head and body in order to participate.
  13. VR has always been a hype infused solution looking for a problem, and much like virtual words, has been touted as being good for everything. Which is techbro speak for throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.
  14. I have a Ryzen 3 vega all in one on the bench across from me .. but I'm missing the correct power connector so it's kinda languished. Will see if I can rig something up and If I get it booted up will post findings here.
  15. Roller coasters are faked as its easier to just give the cart the exact sequence of points it needs to pass though, the fact it looks like there is a track is irrelevant. Physics is needed when one object has to freely move in relation to another in an arbitrary manner. You can fake it, but for roaming around it rapidly becomes easier to just have a physics model. The big difference with SL and OS vs games is this is done entirely on the server. There needs to be a local physics engine that updates the server, this saves a round trip and makes movement far more responsive - like you know how SL just feels different from a game, that's why, and it's bad.
  16. They still need physics, they just don't need to worry about what happens at the intersection of the avatar model and the physics ground.
  17. A life time of socialized medicine - get an appointment in a week, same day if urgent. US private care .. 3 month+ lead time to see primary care. JFC .. I'm planning on being sick in March, just giving everyone the heads up now.
  18. No, not everyone, but it's significant enough that there is pressure on users to migrate if they want to continue participation in a meaningful way. There is a huge number of SL discord groups now.
  19. It's been our experience testing that while Ryzen APU's can render SL, it's far from a pleasant experience. The 1% lows can rapidly crush the frame rate down to single digits with even moderate complexity. Building a system around a Ryzen5700G is a great starting off point, but getting a discrete GPU as a follow up purchase has to be part of the plan. The APU is fine for low end gaming, SL might not make full use of a modern GPU but it certainly benefits from running on one. Gamer's Nexus Ryzen 7 5700G APU Review - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8MG66Es2Hw
  20. I think we're past trying to close that door. Discord has already happened and people have migrated. Case in point. When we do a Catznip release or beta or need help chasing a bug, we get almost no engagement from group notices. People just don't see them and if we repost often enough to reach people, some users disengage with the group and most still have no idea what's going on. I can ping our small discord and get responses in world in minutes. I'm not saying burn group notices, I'm saying that system needs to be replaced with something better that isn't so ephemeral or needing users to manually dig though the UI to check. A lot of functionality has been leveraged onto the group system and it's not up to the task.
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