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Kitt Whipple

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  1. You (by your own words) do not even fall under that so-called "broad brush" you accuse me of painting "everyone" with. Sorry if I triggered you somehow, but please read posts more closely before bashing others, thanks,
  2. SL is hard enough to keep most of the complete idiots from staying, and IMHO, that is a blessing
  3. Lol, you hit the nail on the head. We are supposed to believe the very vocal prudes who buy gorgeously sculpted, anatomically correct mesh bodies and bits are truly offended by mature content, and that they never use those bodies and bits in adult ways from time to time. I know I still like to indulge now and then . The louder the prude, the bigger the closeted actual pervert in my experience....
  4. I love this. The effectiveness of a good old fashioned public shaming has more or less been forgotten in these times. I think LL yanking an TOS offender out from wherever they are and placing them in a very public pillory for a couple of days would be hysterical as well as completely harmless.
  5. Here is a fresh article on this stuff: https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/12/16/1042516/the-metaverse-has-a-groping-problem/ Have to admit, this one made me chuckle - I am hard pressed to see how someone's gonna be traumatized by a virtual grope in Zuck's betaverse.
  6. I have to agree - but you have to hand it to Meta: Inane and utterly creepy at the same time is sometimes hard to pull off, but that video nailed it.
  7. Plus, there truly IS such a thing as just plain being too connected.
  8. Hi Lyric, This happens sometimes. No idea why. Keep trying. I have had instances where it took at least 3 reciprocal requests to get the friendship to "stick"
  9. I don't see how you would be able to that if the parcel owner knew what they were doing regarding their parcel settings. its in poor form to encroach on someone else's parcel anyway.
  10. I agree with everyone else in the "Block, Rinse, Move On, Repeat" camp. The person will eventually tire of not getting a rise out of you, Pix. Behavior like your former friend's is to be pitied, in my opinion. The person must not have anything more interesting to do in SL or RL than try to make your time in-world miserable. Some of us have nothing much at all BUT SL. I have sadly had to limit my time in SL lately because my RL is more than I can handle sometimes. I would be in-world for hours a day, every day if I had time. Hoping to get some time this weekend to log in though (fingers crossed). Take care
  11. Well well, A meta question — So what is “the metaverse,” exactly? Will we all live in the metaverse soon? Or is the idea just Second Life redux? Kyle Orland - 11/7/2021, 3:00 PM https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2021/11/everyone-pitching-the-metaverse-has-a-different-idea-of-what-it-is/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  12. So that's why Zuck said he was going to hire all those bodies for his metaverse! I was really puzzled at first. Something as silly as Roblox has over 4000 censors lol, I had no clue.
  13. Next time I log on I will look you up. On something of a forced "break" now, but I am feeling the need to come back in - at least for small periods of time.
  14. "It's a future that is beyond any one company. That will be made by all of us," I don't believe Zuckerberg at all in regards to anyone being in control of "Metaverse" besides his company. I predict the level of control is gonna be suffocating for users. I'll stay here, thanks
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