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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. Tell me about it. I even have a boo-boo on my finger from all this clicking! Gets band-aid...see you there! HA!
  2. I like the Maitreya Moccasins and I always thought 700 linden a pair is way too much. I might consider a pair at half price, the blue ones. I love her Laud boots too...I believe that is what they are called and are about 750 a pair. Half price, maybe.
  3. I made Dinkie Nourishment. It's very cute for Dinkies and the animation works very well. It's a free product I do not currently have out but will again soon. Nourish your Dinkies.
  4. On a side note, differing a bit from the OP. A lot of skin photos are taken in a SL lighting called Annon Adored Optimal Skin No Shadow or Nam's Prim and Skin I believe is another. There is also another lighting called Cal something. The problem here is the buyer though not the seller because they do not know how to work the SL Environment Editor or don't read the notecards that come along with items, and since they don't know where these SL lightings are, they leave a bad review for the skin...saying such as "doesn't look like the photo". Well, it's not going to look like the photo if you don't read the notecard and learn how to turn on the lights provided by SL to view skin properly. So, I'm not talking over-enhanced photos, I'm just speaking about good photos but shot with the correct SL lighting that many users don't know about. I'm guessing the biggest reason for that is users are not reading the notecards. So, some creator's are now saying at the bottom of their MP page, must be viewed with Nam's Skin and Prim for example to view skin properly, which is a lighting provided by SL. Many users aren't reading notecards...so it's not a seller problem, it's a user problem A LOT of the time, and I mean A LOT.
  5. It's not a bad idea if you want a low lag avi to go shopping in or exploring in and/or for Halloween. I bought a rather famous cartoon character and a certain avi from Star Wars one Halloween and they looked good dancing together. Somehow, I could make the Star Wars avi dance with my avi...I forgot how it worked now. There are uses for them, low lag is a big one, imo.
  6. Is this a new avi? She's just beautiful! If you please, where did you get those adorable shoes? I love the ring too! Sometimes I think we should say where we got the items. Hmmmm, I know it would sound a bit like spam...but sometimes I just would like to know.
  7. This one gave me goosebumps. I forgot how much I love "Carol of the Bells" too...probably my No.3 favorite is Carol of the Bells in almost every version I've heard.
  8. Favorite is The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole. The ..."chesnuts roasting on an open fire; Jack Frost nipping at your nose..."...etc song (pasted below). Runner up and very close would be "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" by Judy Garland. Meet Me in Saint Louis with Judy Garland is a pretty good "Christmas" movie, although not really a Christmas movie. My favorite Christmas movie is probably "A Christmas Carol", the Jim Bacchus version although I like other versions too. My least favorite "Grandma Got Runover By a Reindeer".
  9. Los Angeles County has just issued a stay-at-home order for the next three weeks starting Monday. I kind of felt it was going to happen soon. I did not want to meet for Christmas this year. For one thing my youngest sister is a primary school teacher - she has enough to deal with that is for sure. I will listen to Christmas songs and remember family and friends. Many of us in my building are already playing Christmas Songs - just leave the door open and walk down the halls, most residents are still in pretty good spirits playing some great classic Christmas tunes. Our landlord has prepared a room where we can meet with one family member over the holiday season but she wants only two people in the room at a time with a kind of ppe on that she will provide. So, Christmas time is here even though we all have to abide restrictions.
  10. I think I got about $80 dollars worth of stuff for about $30 U.S. dollars. The $80 dollars worth of items includes free credit items too plus the one store that was 75% off. I'm not done yet though. I have about 2K lindens more to spend....still lots of great deals around. I don't think it's shameless, I am super thrilled! I also had a 50% off Dinkie items sale plus other items of MY items I make inworld which gave me a lot of my lindens.
  11. It is most definitely one of the best live shows EVER! I love Nirvana to put it mildly, and I love Kurt's sweater too. Bob Dylan received Lead Belly's entire record collection for his 13th Birthday; lucky kid. Credence Clearwater Revival does an incredible rendition of Lead Belly's Cottonfields and Midnight Special. Did you ever listen to The Black Keys, they are incredible 21st Century musicians. As far as what's going on with you, I remember now AFTER I submitted a ticket with LL for support about the sim I work on and after things were all working nicely and all smoothing out great, I remember remarking to myself "it's going through restarts now, that's GOOD!" The sim was not re-starting prior to that. You may need to wait for LL to check stuff out and get your re-starts going.
  12. It's run by Amazon...and he (Jeff Bezo's) is taking over the world. Actually, the cloud is awesome...awesome...awesome for ME! And, I'm a purrincess too, that's why.
  13. Blueberry is 50% off too, and I believe it's storewide for everything plus the 500L store credit. I cannot get in yet DAMIT!!!!!!!!!!! Adorsy is 40% OFF and FashionNatic is 35% if anyone is interested in checking those out.
  14. Addam's is giving out $500 linden in store credit. I just got two tops from Addam's absolutely for free. Pretty crochet tops too! You have to join the group...I'm already a member. If you get onto the sim, you may need to cam in - I had to cam in. If you don't know how to use Addam's store credit. First you join the group, and then right click on the item and choose MENU not pay. Once the menu comes up it will show you how many credits you have and if you want to apply those credits to the item you are about to buy. Hope this is correct...if I'm off a bit here don't hesitate to ask in Addam's group prior to purchase how to use the free credits. I believe credits are good through the 29th.
  15. To give an update on that rare Lode Morning Glory Gramophone in Golden...no, it isn't it. I would have made an offer for that gramophone IF it was it. I don't think that darn thing exists as I've looked everywhere for one. Me, in my Black Friday 385 Linden Head from LAQ, Nyx. She's just a beginning...I cannot figure out the eyes yet. Plus, this isn't a LAQ skin...it's my skin I made but basically it's for Catwa...it looks okay here.
  16. Early on me and my landlord and his sim were experiencing odd things. I issued a support ticket to LL. They checked it out and all is working well. As things are moving to the cloud more and more each day and as I am going shopping for Black Friday sales, I suddenly have no lag. The cloud is amazingly wonderful, in my experience. Call LL for support. I love Lead Belly's song as covered by Nirvana. That is one fabulous live show; one of the best ever! I thought the lyrics Kurt was at first singing were "in the past, in the past". I later found out he was singing "in the pines, in the pines" when I read the lyrics.
  17. I'm sick of being sick, although doing a bit better now at about 11 months post a horrible flu-like illness in January of 2020. I have learned to get along a bit with my crazy Russian landlady who says things she doesn't mean, until a few days she said she wants to lock us all in here again, not literally but voluntarily. We talked as residents, she changed her mind...she knows it's illegal. She's Russian; she doesn't know what the hell to do...she tells me she is losing her mind. One of her buildings has lots of people with Covid. Not ours though. This thread will probably be locked if it has too much politics in it. I haven't read much of it, just a bit. But, anyhow...it's not good news today. This is news for Wednesday, today. Wednesday, the United States recorded more than 2,200 new deaths — the highest-single day increase since May 6. The figure kept the seven-day average of deaths above 1,600, a figure comparable to that during the first spike in cases and fatalities, and brought the U.S. death total to more than 261,000. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/coronavirus-deaths-reach-ominous-levels-unseen-since-early-in-the-pandemic/ar-BB1bmMNQ?li=BBnb7Kz
  18. OMG, is that possibly Lode's Rare Morning Glory in Golden Gramophone behind you? I've have been looking for one for three years because that might be the only one as I've never seen one except in the Gacha picture itself. I'll have to go check! Sorry to interrupt your beer....
  19. Best thing to do is join the group if there is one so you will get the notice; otherwise, I have no idea. Maybe somebody else does. You could check their website, FLICKR page, social media, whatever they got, etc.
  20. Who's got the other half my eyelashes...lol Trying to fix it...but not yet!
  21. Yeah, I am too but for eyeliner and blush because I love Catwa's eyeliner in that it's white which I like for my "fairy" style avatars, the white eyeliner to me is a bit magical looking. But, lipsticks are difficult because of the map itself. Someone on the forum said making lipsticks are easy, omg, not in my experience...it's been hell! lol
  22. I find many lipsticks are not the correct fit even with blending them sheer. In my photo below, it's a tattoo BOM add on lipstick that fits correctly on the lip. This is one thing I had never been happy about either...the way the lipsticks don't fit right - the one's from the HUD that sheer out I mean. Although in your photo, your lipstick looks like it fits. It could be because I prefer albino to porcelain skins which is {somewhat} rare for SL and with light skins I could really see on the Catwa Hud the lipstick was going over and above the lip rather than on the lip. This photo below is a BOM lipstick and it fits perfect. Also, sheerness with BOM lipsticks could be achieved by sheering them in Photoshop. For me, now having made BOM lipsticks for myself, the fit is pretty good. I'm still working on the lipstick.
  23. Soon, but I only have MP and two tiny booths I rent in a mall inworld. However, right now I only have limited fantasy skins but soon I will have some for humans. It takes a very long time to make things plus I got the flu shot and after the flu shot it made me tired and I had complete inertia from the flu shot for a month. I am working a little bit now. I have made 1000's of items at least that I've never brought to market due to the workload to make things in SL. One would never realize how much work it is to make things here unless they did it. For instance, you have to be designer, animator, scripter, photography, marketer, texture artist, I mean the work is so much that I make most of my items for myself and bring only a few to market. I love being able to sell things inworld where the item itself is the vendor and people just click on that item to buy a copy - it saves tons of work for me that way as all I have to do is rez the item and set it to buy a copy or contents. I will have a limited supply of human skins and make-ups because the workload is too much for me, but one of the skins is the prettiest skin I've ever seen in SL. It's just gorgeous. Others may have a different view of it as beauty is seen in the eye of the beholder. But, for the first time since I've been a mesh avatar, I finally said "she's pretty" and been excited about it because mostly I've said I'm just not happy with my avatar. Well, BOM changed it for me in that I could make my own skins and for the first time say "I'm pretty". I could cry...it's made a world of difference for me.
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