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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. How about this: The way I interact in SL is not gaming. Others *may* game my reactions but that does NOT make me a player. In all honesty I do not care whether any one of you thinks SL is a game or not, so long as you are honest and not deceptive.
  2. @Tom00062I think LL might be a tad preoccupied with the Uplift and its associated glitches to give any attention to this new item.
  3. As far as I can see, we have no choice as to whether or not we trust them and I see no reason as to why that should be an issue. It is their programme and they would be the biggest loser if it went badly. We just have to grit our teeth and hang on.
  4. It's a sad fact that it is (nearly) impossible to convince a paranoid that anything is safe anywhere. Let's face it even life is fatal...but who can PROVE it?
  5. Yes, I did think of that, however the two hosts that were specified in the AV reports were datacenter hosts ( ie agni.linden.com). My plan is to specify both the AWS and datacenter host names and see the result. It just struck me as odd that datacenter hosts names were being rejected.
  6. Since yesterday my AV programme BullGuard is rejecting any port opening requests from SL servers. It seems that something has changed at the LL end and the new host names are being rejected and I am disconnected. Any others seeing this?
  7. @Maestro LindenI assume since the uplift planned for Tuesday does not involve new code it is not covered by the scope of this thread? Just that seeing the announcement on the GSP for the Tuesday operation and yet no mention made of it here is a bit vague and confusing. I see elsewhere in this forum a degree of concern raised by some residents regarding the amount of warning (ie lack of it) before regions are uplifted. Perhaps a little more warning could be given to those affected? As an aside I must say that those uplifted regions which I have vistred in the past few days do appear to be running very well now.
  8. At last! Scheduled Maintenance Scheduled Group Chat Maintenance Nov 2, 10:00-10:30 PST We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Group Chats beginning at 10 am PST on Monday, November 2nd. While this maintenance is in progress, Residents may be unable to use group chat. Please monitor this blog for any updates. Posted on Nov 2, 09:10 PST
  9. Reading ALL the above and applying a little common sense, the announcements are to me simply sloppy. Sure, we do not (or at least ! do not) expect the uplift to suddenly occur in one fell swoop but referring to uplifted and datacentre regions as RC channel seems plain lazy (unless of course, it is only RC channels that are being uplifted still, in which case it is a little less inaccurate).
  10. I suspect that also...what makes me think otherwise is that it has not (as yet) been either Ninja edited or otherwise ammended. Sure it might be automated. Am I then to assume that no one at LL has noticed the error?? I don't like to think about what that says about the Lindens on shift.
  11. I suspect that there will be few or maybe no further Deploy announcements from LL until the region uplift is either completed or abandoned temporarily. There are likely to be sporadic restarts to groups of regions at any time, though it cannot be predicted quite which ones or when. Sayrah's request for more warning is the most likely request to be acceded to but I hold out little hope of that. Miller...you, like me, are irritated by the widespread inability of Americans to realise that a world exists outside of the USA's geographic boundaries and timezones. I see no sign of that changing any time soon.
  12. FFS give the Lindens a break, why don't you @H8. For once they ARE telling us what is going on! The fact that you cannot be bothered to find the info when it is under your nose does not make LL the ones at fault. Yes, this is me defendinging the Lindens... oo'd a thowt it! I give credit where it's due and it is due to Oz and April, this time.
  13. 's fun this innit? For two days now FS chat has been as dead as a doornail for me, was fine through the week, now nada. Oh well, just got to wait this phase out.
  14. And there you have the definitive information. There IS a forum and that's your place to go. Henri does not suffer fools gladly and I just hope he doesn't think I am one!
  15. @Guku Aabye As I said you'll get the best information by notecarding Henri. I doubt very much if anyone familiar with Cool VL will respond in this forum. One of your requirements simply is not compatible with V1 type viewers (which Cool VL is) and that is outfit saving. That is exclusively a V2/3 viewer function.
  16. @Guku AabyeCool VL is one of the oldest viewers to SL that there is, so there is no contest there. Firestorm's ancestor was Phoenix and even THAT was younger that the Cool.I won't mention the progenitor of Phoenix, it is too contentious. Back in 2009 I ran a fork of Cool VL the Rainbow viewer, compiled somewhat controversially from Cool by Boy Lane. Personally and for my purposes I much perfer the UI of the second-generation viewers but it is a case of each to their own. If you are having issues with Cool VL notecard Henri Beauchamp. There are few folk that know more about SL and none that know more about the Cool VL...he compiles it.
  17. I'll add this as a separate post, I dunno what Linden techs have done but I no longer need to log in to the MP when I access it inworld, once I logged in today I stayed logged in over several sessions! 😄 It is worth adding that on all occasions I was on a region at the datacentre not in the cloud.
  18. Second Life Marketplace Issues Investigating - We are aware that Residents are experiencing issues logging in, and seeing some delays, while trying to access the Second Life Marketplace. Our operations team is investigating. Oct 22, 07:49 PDT
  19. Then today: Second Life Marketplace Issues Investigating - We are aware that Residents are experiencing issues logging in, and seeing some delays, while trying to access the Second Life Marketplace. Our operations team is investigating. Oct 22, 07:49 PDT
  20. What is happening with the SL MP today, we have maintenance, it is "completed" then immediately Billing Maintenance, then another (apparent) dose of MP Maintenance. Is this more uplift issues or is there a serious issue that LL thought was fixed earlier today but isn't?
  21. tsk! that darn Grumpity, he's after another pizza!
  22. @Lucia Nightfireand @steeljane42: if I read Bugsly's OP correctly you will need to raise a support ticket specifically opting OUT of this week's uplift. It is not very clear but that is the only way that I can see of getting your wishes through to the operations team via Support!
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