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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. I think you will need to wait for your support ticket to be handled. If the land is not in a state where you can sell it back to yourself (if the land was deeded to the group) or where you can set the group to none (if the land was only set to group) I don't know what else can be tried that doesn't involve Support resolving it. Before you set off on enterprises like this, it is always good to read up on related things in the Knowledge Base. For example, It's pretty clear that groups need to have more than 1 member in order to not be deleted after 48 hours. As an aside, if you do create new groups in the future, it is always best to have your alt as the second owner. That way you can always maintain control of the group.
  2. Another thing to remember is that along with the announcement of the new Linden homes area, was the announcement that the old Linden home areas were going to be removed at some point, and people still there would need to move to the new area or to somewhere else. Some may just be moving right away, rather than waiting, and may not necessarily be anymore concerned about neighbors and community than they were with that in the old Linden homes. There were public areas, small gathering areas, and places to explore all around in the old LH areas - perhaps not as beautiful compared to what can be built today - but apparently many of the residents there did not put a huge emphasis on community, and that lack of emphasis might continue even when they move to the new area. I really would not like to see a special area just for people who want to live in a skybox. I think having the option to have a skybox over any of the parcels is the best option. It offers the most flexibility for the resident, and allows them to change their focus on how they want to use the parcel, without having to move to another parcel to do so. I also hope people will not be going overboard on interpreting what is "in-theme" or not. I really don't like restrictive home owner associations in real life, and while I understand (and agree) that the Linden home areas need some type of covenant to keep the area nice for everyone, I would hope residents will not be too judgmental of others. Not everyone has the same decorating or building skills.
  3. This is a good point. I started to get carried away yesterday morning, getting the new content pack, unboxing and rezzing the security orb to see what it looked like and to read the NC that came with it. I almost put it on the wall to get it set up, and then I came to my senses - I haven't had any situations yet in my almost 5 years where I've needed to have a security orb. For me, putting up a security orb doesn't feel necessary to do, even as a pro-active measure. If that situation should change, at least I know that I have one that I can quickly set up and use. At one level, a continent full of security orbs and parcel privacy turned on, where you can't see your neighbor walking down the street, doesn't really feel like a community, neighborly oriented place, but that's also OK, because not everyone who opts for a Linden home is doing so because of the community aspect. I do think that both the ban lines not allowed and the functionality of the new orbs are definitely good improvements for the Linden homes area. (And these policies should just be applicable to areas such as the Linden homes, and not to mainland parcels in general.)
  4. Glad you found a fix. Switching to one of the starter avatars is one of the suggestions for resolving the issue you were having, and often the quickest thing to try.
  5. This new security orb seems to me to be a fair compromise for the new Linden home community. It may not fully meet everyone's needs or situations fully, but I think that just comes with the territory - I don't think it would be possible for the new homes to fully and completely meet everyone's needs, as naturally there are members of the community with opposing wants and needs.
  6. I think the main bone of contention is that without a 0-second security orb setting, you can't completely keep anyone outside of your parcel. For some, the 15 seconds might be considered to quick of a time, and for others, it is 15 seconds too long.
  7. MoiraKathleen

    Tier Fee

    If you owned more than 1024 sqm for even a minute during the monthly billing cycle, you will be charged for that on your next tier billing date. You are billed in arrears for the maximum sqm that you owned since the last monthly billing. For your situation described, it looks to me like you would be charged for tier only 1 time. ETA: It's not actually clear to me whether you sold the 512 before or after buying the 1024 on the same day. If you sold the 512 first (so then you owned 0 sqm) and then bought the 1024 a few minutes later, the maximum you would have owned at the same minute would have been 1024, so there would not be an extra charge. Timing matters.
  8. I think what you really need to do is to change the culture of how creators use Gacha machines and get them all to buy in to only having their machines out for use for some specific limited amount of time.
  9. Experienced users would be aware of that, but the person is probably counting on the offer being taken up by new users that might not be aware of those nuances and wouldn't realize they were being taken advantage of. There probably will also be a segment who just don't like to decorate, don't buy furnishings, and so spending the L$2000 seems like a good deal for them, because they probably aren't going to want to move things around, redecorate, etc. I might be kind of strange - if I find that my alt keeps wanting to use some home & garden item or house I have often enough, I just have her go and buy her own copy.
  10. Are you suggesting that creators should be limited to a specific number of items Gacha machine to be sold? They already have the option to limit how many items they sale by picking their gacha machine up so no one can buy anymore items from it. Apparently they aren't as concerned as you are about the number of items available for resell...
  11. And that's for Marketplace. I don't sell things, so I don't know if there is a similar quantity limit available for in-world sales as well. (Ignoring the "copyable" issue for now). And if there were limits available for in-world resells, I would imagine it would be the reseller who would be setting the limit, not the original creator. (I'm in a mood today it seems, posting on all types of topics I have no direct experience with, but opinions about, lol)
  12. ? The price of a full-perm animation (regardless of how it compares with its own market competition) has nothing to do with the price of one mesh body compared to prices of other comparable mesh bodies on the market.
  13. This response to the valid (in my opinion) concerns that have been raised in this thread by others seems to be a bit strong and uncalled for. What I was curious about, as you seem to be upset that others aren't trying this new release out, is have you purchased one? And if so, how does the deformer feature work? Are you actually able to wear clothes rigged for other mesh bodies, and do they fit well? How did you get the information about how many bodies they sold in the first 24 hours?
  14. Kudos to the residents who are working on building community spirit and involvement - the groups that have been created, the tour pictures that have been posted, the collections of LM's posted and sent out to the groups, etc. It is this type of thing I think that will be the most successful for building and maintaining a sense of community among residents.
  15. I keep separate folders for land rez zones and water rez zones, but I do re-name them so that the region name is included in the name.
  16. As far as time frames for the creator to sell items from their gacha machines, the creator is already in charge of whether they want a time frame or not on allowing people purchasing from them through via the gacha machine. It's their choice. As far as the resell market, I doubt that there could be a timeframe on that. If I ever saved up enough gacha items that I didn't want, to make it worthwhile for me to rent a stall at a gacha yard-sell, what would prevent me from setting the items for sell? I don't know if functionality like that currently exists to limit the sell-ability of the item? and if it doesn't, I don't know that it would be anyone's priority to be developed?
  17. To be honest, right now I would rather see the moles working on more (and varied) housing regions than on a "city center" which may or may not continue to be popular a year from now when all the hype of the new continent and community has worn off. It's hard to gauge how many of the new residents are really into being part of a community long term, or how many might be if only there were <whatever buildings and/or activities>. But first, I'd like to see the housing built out.
  18. Wow! That is certainly an abuse of the copy permission on items. I imagine that many of the furnished rentals are abusing this as well, but it's the charging L's for it that really sets this apart as much worse, in my opinion. They are in effect making money off of other creator's copy permed items, which is not right at all in my book. I hope that some type of recourse can be found.
  19. I can understand that (and I think we're around the same age). I do occasionally search on marketplace, but I guess I have been fortunate with the things I've been looking for to not have too many gacha items cluttering up my search returns.
  20. If items are encroaching onto your parcel, sending a message to the owners of the objects is a good first step. Not everyone is in-world as often as others, so I would allow for that in waiting for responses (also, if you sent an IM, follow that up with sending a notecard). If there isn't any response, after a few days or a week, I would then see if you have the option to return the item, and if you do, use that option. If you don't have the option to return the item, then you would need to escalate the issue to LL to take care of. I'm not sure if it would be via filing an abuse report or via a support ticket. (I haven't actually had this particular situation arise, which is why I'm unclear on this last part). Good luck!
  21. Just a small correction -- having actually had an older linden home myself, until 2 weeks ago - the old homes had 175 prims to use, just like any other 512 mainland plot has had since the prim allotment per sqm was increased some time ago. (The web pages are showing out of date information, but the reality on the ground, is 175 LI available for the older LH's). (I know that this is not completely relevant to the new home conversations, but I don't like to see incorrect information being repeated.)
  22. My two recently premium again alts initially got homes, but both gave them up 2 days ago. Outside of decorating new homes, they just aren't in world that much, and the traditional style of home wasn't the best fit for their personas, anyway. When they've had LH's other times in the past, they've always had one of the fantasy themed houses, so they're going to wait to see what other themes of houses might come in the future. In the mean time, I'll enjoy spending the stipends they'll be collecting (and transferring over to me).
  23. Some people collect things in RL because they find the item interesting and enjoyable to collect, whether the item is considered a "collectible" by whomever sets those standards, has any sense of rarity or not. I'm just having a hard time seeing gacha items as some type of limited edition, collectible type thing. When I buy gacha items - generally from reseller shops in world - or once in a great while a pull or two from a gacha machine - I'm buying it because I happen to really like the item. I have no idea (and don't care) whether it was from this season or from three years ago, or how many there are 'out there' in SL. The presence of gacha items in the marketplace doesn't really bother me.
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