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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. The easiest way is probably: World menu -> About Land
  2. The Land Forum General Discussion area is not the right place for advertising - though I suppose we could start a discussion about whether paying an estate owner a weekly figure for house and prims is actually a sell or a rental/lease situation. This should be in one of the following sub-areas depending on the type of land (if it's advertising rentals): - Region for Rent: Full Private Island - Region Rentals: Homestead - Parcels for Rent: Mainland There are similar sub-forums for land sales.
  3. Most of the time I'm not conversing with anyone in-world, so If I'm going to get up to do something around my RL house, I just hit the "home" button in the viewer so that at least I'm in my SL house before I get up from my desk to do whatever. If I happen to be conversing with someone in IM's or local chat, and I think I will be AFK for more than a minute or two or three.... I will tell them "just a sec..." and "ok, back". If I get an IM from a stranger, I do check the profile first before responding. There have been a few rare cases where I couldn't get past what was in the profile and therefore did not respond at all because I knew that we had absolutely nothing in common.
  4. as the sun rises … danced away the entire SL night
  5. I've spent the last few days relocating my main residence in SL from a mainland parcel to a long double parcel along the water on the west side of Hither. I always have some feelings of trepidation when making moves like this, especially when changing to a new house as well. Overall, I'm pleased so far with how the landscaping has turned out (and I even did a little terraforming without having to call the land owner for help ). The long look back towards the house: Closer view of house, patio and greenhouse: Long look towards other end of parcel, where I have set up a little retreat/art studio (and a little teardrop trailer for when my alt comes to visit):
  6. If you upgrade to premium membership, you always have the option to freely return to basic membership. The caveats are: - you need to release any linden home you might have, or sale any mainland you might own, before switching to basic - you will not receive any refund of remaining premium membership paid - instead you will remain as a premium member (without the ability to own mainland or a LH home) with a pending downgrade to Basic until your premium membership term you paid for expires. During that time you will still receive the other premium perks (weekly stipend, higher maximum number of groups, live chat support, etc.) - if you start the downgrade process to premium, but then change your mind, you can contact live chat and request that the pending downgrade be removed, which will restore you back to full premium membership. Premium membership is automatically renewed using your payment info on file. When you upgrade to premium, you have a choice of paying monthly, quarterly or annually. Monthly is the most expensive option, annually is the least expensive option. As long as your payment info remains on your account, and LL is able to successfully receive payment for your premium fees, you are good. If, for someone reason you remove your payment info, or LL is not able to successfully bill it when your premium term expires, there could be a situation where you are not able to login inworld until you have brought your account back into good standing.
  7. Prior to demoing a mesh body such as Maitreya, I would suggest doing a couple of things first: 1. Save the current fixed version of yourself as an outfit. Click on the Appearance tab on the viewer (it may just show as a tab with a shirt icon on it) and then do a "Save as" on the bottom of the appearance window - name it something like "base outfit". Then if something gets mixed up later, you can fit this outfit in your inventory under "My Outfits", right click on it and choose "Replace Current Outfit". This will let you reset your classic body yourself. 2. Be sure to read through the instructions that come with the mesh body demo so that you have an idea of what happens when you use a mesh body, and so that you understand the steps involved and which items from the demo folder need to be worn.
  8. I didn't mean to imply that "the 50s" was just a fantasy theme. I often do not do well at expressing my thoughts clearly. If we were talking about a national or international real life celebration, I would think differently about it than as a celebration in SL (which I view as a fantasy place in part to escape from the darkness and grit of real life). In real life, I am very much a firm believer that societies need to learn and understand the past so that they don't repeat mistakes of the past or, perhaps more importantly, unwittingly give up rights and advances that were only won through hard-fought social change battles several generations ago.
  9. As a general theme for a celebration in a virtual world that's filled with fantasy, I don't see an issue with it even if it's glassy-eyed nostalgia. People choose themes for parties and celebrations all the time, focusing on what is iconic about the theme even though I'm sure most all themes also have a dark side. Being mainly a child of the 1960's (I was born in 1959) I can say that even the flower child peace and love experience of that generation had a dark underside. What is iconic about the 1950's in my mind are poodle-skirts, soda fountains (and root beer floats), bowling, music, dancing, what my mom called peddle-pushers (and I call capris and might have been clam-diggers on the eastern US coast?). I think the general iconic images of that period are great starting points for a celebration. As so much of the SL birthday builds are resident built, even the migration of blues artists from the South to Chicago could be chronicled and celebrated in a resident-created exhibit if one wished.
  10. I'd been wondering where on the grid the traffic bots hide out, and then I finally saw one today while browsing the booths at the Steam Exposition 😁
  11. My main home parcel is on Gaeta I, so I would vote for this choice, if we had any say in the matter I like setting up different houses - currently I have my main house on a mainland parcel, a townhouse I rent on a private estate and an existing Linden home. I went out to the preview and I really liked the neighborhood look. There were one or two of the house designs I liked, and I prefer the houses over the houseboats, partly because I really like having the yard space around the house. I like that we'll be able to change the house style from the mailbox - that is a big improvement over the existing Linden homes where you need to change location in order to change house style. I've purchased homes before that have had around the same size or smaller rooms than those in the preview homes, so I am not expecting furnishing them to be an issue. Even though (in the homes) the ceilings, doors and windows are tall, the bottom of the window sills are low enough that I don't feel like the house is oversized for my avatar size.
  12. With clothes, it doesn't really matter to me if they're mod or not. The types of things where I prefer mod are hair and home and garden items. I rarely do re-tinting, but I do like to be able to turn off full-bright, be able to re-size and to be able to change the alpha masking setting. If something is no-mod, but I've seen it in-world to know that I'm going to be OK with it as it is, or it's not overly expensive, and it's something I really like, I will buy it even being no-mod.
  13. I've definitely noticed a difference in how the shoulders in particular look between 2 different brands of AO's that I have. With one, the shoulders often kind of droop forward some when standing, the other one the shoulders are up and back when standing, but that AO also creates a curved back like you're trying to stick your chest in someone's face. I've also noticed that there can be a difference in how some clothes fit across the shoulder blades at times depending on which of the AO brands I'm using. So it can be a trade-off of which aspects are more important. Depending on which body I'm wearing, I keep the shoulder sliders between 37 and 41.
  14. When I first joined SL, I thought I would do all the fashion things that I do not do in RL - styled hair, makeup, different jewelry for different outfits, nail polish, high heels, stylish fashion, etc. Instead I first found myself wearing a lot of medieval era clothing for a RP I was involved in, and then found myself picking out clothing that more and more matched my RL style of dressing (which is only in style maybe once a decade or so, it seems). Comfortable clothing - long (maxi) full skirts with tank tops, or sundresses, with sandals or bare feet in summer. Winter is long skirts and long sleeve shirts or jeans and comfy sweaters with boots. While I do own heels in SL (and maybe still have one pair in RL) footwear is generally flat sandals, flat boots or converse sneakers. Just like RL, I often wear leggings with what I call tunics (but are marketed as dresses) and in SL I have been known to wear an applier shirt or tank top under some dresses or shirts that seem too low cut for me. My SL hair length and style right now is pretty close to my RL hair length and style, though my RL hair color is mostly light brownish with some grey that has been creeping in. For the last 20 years at least, I've worn 7 silver rings and my wedding ring. When I'm wearing Lara or Slink bodies, I do have a set of 8 rings that I wear. Sometimes I wear them with the Tonic body, but they don't quite match up fully with the Tonic fingers. I used to always wear a pair of peace sign earrings like I did in RL until the last Shop & Hop when Blush had the spoon earrings as a gift. The spoon end on those was so close to a spoon necklace I wore in high school, when my husband and I were dating, and which had been made for me by my father-in-law. So I've traded the peace sign earrings for the spoon earrings as my every day earrings in SL because of that resemblance. One of my daughters listened to Rammstein, along with Marilyn Manson, Korn and Eminem - all very loudly, I recall - back when she was in high school. I remember feeling thankful that I didn't know German so that I didn't have to worry about what the lyrics were in the Rammstein songs.
  15. The lava room is cool and unique, and shows some imagination by your youngest For the older ones moving back in, I'd wait until they decide what type of social rooms they want - otherwise it's likely that what ever you decide still won't satisfy their needs for social rooms. Depending on house layouts and prim availability extras rooms in my houses over the years have been art studios, dance rooms, music rooms, sewing rooms or home offices.
  16. If you're just starting out as a family or with putting together a home for the family, I would start with the basic rooms first (living/dining/kitchen/bedrooms/bath areas). Then see what needs for other rooms develop naturally by activities and interactions of the family members.
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