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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. The road layouts are what, in part, give each region it's own look, and contribute to the small neighborhood ambiance. While all the roads are great, and it's nice to be able to drive or walk/skate/etc to visit others or to attend a gathering at a park or beach, in my opinion, that is not the main point of the continent being built. I like it that I can't look at the map of Bellisseria regions and see repeating block / roadway patterns, like you can with Bay City, Nova Albion, Horizons or Shermerville. Right now, everyone is exploring, because everything is new. I wonder if people will continue to drive across 5 regions to visit a friend six months from now, or whether they'll just be TP'ing instead. I lived in Bay City for a good amount of time, and on roadside parcels on other continents most of the other time, and even in Bay City, seeing cars driving around was not a common, all the time, experience.
  2. That is not true. There are many players who present themselves as a baby or child. You can not get reported* unless you are engaged in (or in close proximity to) sexual activity. To the OP, mallienna's suggestion for looking on the Marketplace is a good idea. I would also suggest, after you identify a couple of avatars that you think would work, that you try a demo and that you also look for clothes for that particular avatar, so that you will know whether the one you choose has a good selection/quantify of clothes available for it. *ETA further clarification: People may report you if they don't understand the TOS, but it is not a TOS violation unless there is sexual activity happening/present. Many "A" rated areas will not allow child avatars just because, and many child avatars stay away from "A" rated places on principle.
  3. Exploring inside Mount G'al (and survived to tell about it) A control area inside a volcano? Perhaps there were aliens after all ...
  4. It is confusing. Even more confusing is that they both use Bellisseria Citizen as a role name. The Bellisseria Citizens group that you joined was the first one, I think.
  5. From what I've heard about the infohubs, poetry using voice would be a positive improvement.
  6. lol A community group that isn't open to join doesn't sound very community-oriented, especially in a new community just getting started.
  7. Patch Linden can be a terrible tease as well. He posted a picture of himself with packing boxes on the porch of one of the new houses in the SSP thread last October, wondering who his first trick-or-treater would be ... making some of us wonder if the new home release was going to be before Halloween. Little did we know then it was still months away.
  8. True. However, because I rarely have to ever type the "resident" part, I rarely think about it being there.
  9. My reaction was to the picture before I saw the caption, and so a different thought entirely came into my mind, especially after some of the episodes over the weekend. I remember seeing a notice, now that I think about it, of the tribute to Mt. G'al event. Now I'm going to have to go and search out this location (or see if it was a group notice rather than group chat). I've been up on top around the edges, but wasn't aware of anyplace one could be undamaged inside.
  10. I gave myself a little break - I think I'm ready to head back into the fray again
  11. Generally this happens when the display name uses some type of fancy fonts or symbols. There are some that can be used, but there are some other fonts that result in the behavior you're seeing. Also, using fancy fonts or symbols is not recommended, as they can be difficult for other people to read and they may just use your username instead.
  12. I am the only person in my immediate family who has not watched more than one episode or read more than one of the Game of Throne books. I did give it a try.
  13. I just used two names that I thought sounded nice together. I wasn't really concerned about not having a last name.
  14. I don't know that I've actually seen or heard any comments from anyone wishing that they could have just a skybox location. I have heard it proposed by people who seem to be upset that others are getting homes but then not decorating them or appearing to not use them, using a skybox instead. The people using skyboxes may like the additional privacy that they feel they get from a skybox, but maybe they also want to feel that they are part of the community and enjoy the roads and other public areas. Perhaps over time, they will decide to move down to the ground level. Sometimes just being in the midst of community, even if not explicitly participating in the community, is enough to make one feel included.
  15. MoiraKathleen


    Did you purchase it through the Marketplace or from the in-world store? If you purchased it from the Marketplace, did you double check to see if it was or was not in the "Received Folder" in your inventory? If it was not, it looks like from the marketplace add, that you should be able to request a redelivery yourself. In the Marketplace, go to My Account -> Order History and find the item. There should be a redelivery link in the transaction information for that item. If you purchased it from the in-world store, you will need to contact the seller - I don't see a redelivery terminal in the store, at least not from my quick look around. If you sent an IM, I would also send a Notecard with the transaction information on it - sometimes people's IM's get capped, others prefer NC's, so doing both covers both bases. Don't expect an immediate reply - not everyone is inworld all the time, or even every day, so be patient.
  16. I hadn't thought about using area search. That's a good suggestion.
  17. If I'm getting a demo, I will take a LM at the vendor display and then put the LM in the demo folder. Sometimes this doesn't work correctly with set landing points, but a lot of times it does work. I especially find this useful for big events.
  18. I did find one residential area with 26, and one with 24, still nicely landscaped with some open park area besides the buffer zones. The buffer areas one the sides and backs of the home parcels are very effective in making the parcels seem larger, and also in making the parcel seem more private. I think the landscaped buffer areas were a very wise decision.
  19. And those are the ones that usually have a display name full of fancy fonts and symbols that make my eyeballs hurt trying to decipher.
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