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Everything posted by Fionalein

  1. You are sure they don't run away because before they even learned how to dress themselves everyone is telling them "CHANGE YOUR VIEWER" which translates to them as "This place is populated by religious zealots who fight petty wars over some access software"? The Linden viewer is not more "confusing" - you just trained yourself out of it's use by using a TPV far too long . If you cannot help a person on the viewer most newcomers have: please ask yourself the question if you are in a situation to offer help at all. I remember when I logged into SL folks like you alienated me pretty much. And your kind is in every newbie area I visited. Maybe, just maybe ... this could be an underestimated part of the first time user retention problem complex.
  2. Can someone please enlighten me how that thing is supposed to work? Once a deformer alternates your bone strutcure the fitmesh body will adapt to that. You know what also follows your bone structure? Rigged mesh clothing. So a bone deformer should end up shifting both your cloth and body in the same direction, right?.
  3. If anything good happened from this thread I must thank those creators who clearly showed me that they do not want my filthy basic money - THANK YOU I will gladly spend it now at those other "greedy" creators that showed some concern for the majority of their customers or at least didn't shun them in this thread.
  4. Hands up who believes the group cropping will relieve the backend servers. Do you really believe folks will crop the superbusy groups? I tell you a secret: they won't. They will crop old inactive groups they held on to for sentimental reasons. The results on the servers will be negligeble.
  5. Did they doublecheck that with the EU? Sounds like a source of trouble to me... Trouble that might even fall back on us customers - not LindenLab. I am sincerily curious for the argumentation here. Would of course be nice.
  6. Instead if 72 USD the new yearly fee will be 99+ 19% VAT for me (under the assumption leaving vat out of yearly is a typo - if it is needed for legal reasons it will be needed for yearly too) That is 45.81 USD more or a whoopin 63.6% increase ... not yet available features are not enough to lure me in at that raise ...
  7. You all sound pretty sure that no one accidentally could cam into /end up behind "closed doors". May I ask how long you have been using this platform to make that assumption?
  8. I just noticed the payment pads got switched to an "Payment Info used" requirement.
  9. I know some folks who got multi region bans by insulting land barons - those are just humans too and can ban you from all their sims if you annoy them too much.
  10. Ah but that prcatice raises another question - is that service still GDPR compliant? I remember one Forum user getting patted on his fingers for less ...
  11. "✱ Automatic removal of known attackers using our DDOS protected threat database."? sounds like technobabble of a modern snakeoil salesman to me... how would you even DDOS from within SL ...?
  12. I doubt it works that way...or people would just blacklist each orb owner they felt wronged by with an alt account... the trolling potential would be hillariously high and the system would have gone out of business long ago...
  13. Soul sells omega enabled ear patches... not perfect but best solution I have for now.
  14. I tried establishing "measuring puffer fish" but I guess it was too hard to pronounce...
  15. but when you use a limb per "add on".... 2 arms + 2 legs + 2 hind legs + 2 wings + 1 head/tongue + 1 tail = 10 tentacle thingies per animesh wear two and you have Cthulhu down there
  16. Don't ask a question when you already know the answer ...
  17. I wonder if that explains the arms race of compensators we see out there...
  18. there is no current starter avi out that would be "no gender" let's hope for new ones
  19. Guck in das XML Dokument und benenne das root Objekt um in "hip" um.... vorher HIERARCHY ROOT mPelvis { OFFSET 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation JOINT mSpine1 {... nachher HIERARCHY ROOT hip { OFFSET 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation JOINT mSpine1 {...
  20. My cat does not know about that - no one told her - Miss Fluffy always sleeps among the cucumber plants in our glasshouse ...
  21. Oh, you meana that is actually working? We all know gators don't like dem bananas, right?
  22. sounds like a glitch... can't you stop them from the HUD instead?
  23. I think the Opensim version of FS does not contain havoc and thus cannot autogenerate your physics model for the mesh.
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