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Everything posted by Fionalein

  1. And some go with the classics... ...based on Arnaud Amalric: Nuntiate eos. Novit enim Tilia qui sunt eia.
  2. was not my first idea either
  3. I have no idea how linking to an existing AO is supposed to work but I bet it needs some modification in one or more items. Do the included notecards give any clues? EDIT: OHHH maybe it is intended to be prim linked to a ZHAO? https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_link_prims
  4. Another way to check stuff like that would be using SeraphimSL's event galeries.
  5. "It's for immersion, the animals look more 'real' that way." Well yeah... 🙄
  6. So, on to the elephant in the room er... in the sim. Often enough, while visiting "child friendly" places I ran into feral avatars (that is normal quadruped animals, not furries) with genitals attached. This always appeared creepy to me and made me avoid those places. With the change of the ToS this is now clearly an AR-able offense, right? Sorry, not sorry, my fellow horsie and doggo friends, but I own the same avatars you have. Those genitals are detachable.
  7. The mods hijacked and renamed the thread I s'pose?
  8. Become a cat and you'll feel like an out of place tourist everywhere. I walk most those circles and as you imply, most of them are completely ignorant of each other.
  9. ... as I told you,... look where her eyes are positioned at.
  10. This kitty recommends drawing anatomy lessons, especially focusing on eye positioning... we all perceive that subconsciously, but experienced artists will be able to draw the line between "youthful looks" and "clearly underage" in an instant. And please spare me the excuse that some rare medical conditions change those proportions in adults.
  11. Actually a smart move to sell it now. As soon as the first of one of those proposed laws forbidding ingame currencies passes, Tilia would be a dead fish...
  12. Oh come on, ... a limited boopie on such a short notice? And at such an inconvenient time as on a workday? It almost appears @Linden Lab is hellbent on angering it's userbase... You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
  13. 3rd party hands might come with buildt in sublte movement - mine do.
  14. You could gamify it: script a data collecting blackbox, distribute it to a Belli Explorer's Association and create rewards for avid explorers.
  15. No Bonnies in Belli anymore, LL banned bots there after user uproar.
  16. It's no toon, it's an avatar, a manifestation of an aspect of me, Look up's it's definition and it's use in the case of the internet. ... PS: I hope you are not in the "SL is not a game" camp, ... because your view on avatars pretty much contradicts that trope.
  17. Why does everyone assume everyone kinky is automatically an exhibitionist? That's simply not true.
  18. If you don't need a real car Arduenn's TBF Caddie Golf Cart can go really slow.
  19. I'd tell them to buy a skin that looks good in more than one environment next time... but that might just be my weird not-blogger point of view...
  20. Well at least you didn't have to ride through Small World to get to the store 🐱
  21. I've seen useful camera permissions stuff in SL theatres, changing environment isn't usual for seats but could make sense in certain cases.
  22. usually in their anniversary "season" which is summer
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