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Gopi Passiflora

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Everything posted by Gopi Passiflora

  1. Well, I don't think it's depression because my therapist says its not. But who knows? I do take medication. I guess you may have a point about being blocked off from feelings because I do have anxiety and several phobias (I guess including social ones.) Thank you for your answer though.
  2. There are some things that many people take for granted that I don't enjoy. I don't enjoy close relationships with other people or beings for example. I'm not a "touchy-feely" kinda person - I prefer keeping my distance from others. I try to appear enthusiastic in social situations but maybe I'm just faking it? I don't smile a lot. Among other stuff. I've read that such things make a person "soulless"....
  3. I don't think it will be successful, since there's already a handful of apps that fulfill the virtual world niche (and are in someways better), but the future is always hard to predict....
  4. (The goal of this post is to ask a question (albeit maybe trivial and simple), not as a trolling attempt, but it's again another random thing that came to my mind. If you see it that way, I apologize.) If you know me by now I wear a lot of non-human avis such as aliens, animals, monsters, and what have you. Many SL people like to comment on my avis since they are unusual to say the least. I also occasionally comment on others' non-human avis. I'm pretty sure when someone talks to be like I'm really an alien, they know it's a joke and they know I'm not really one, and the same goes for me when I comment on a "Dinkie" avi like it was really a tiny cat - I know that the being controlling the Dinkie is really human. What I'm concerned about in this topic is the "subconscious" psyche. Yeah, sure you know the reality, but do you think there's a subconscious part of your mind that still is "convinced" that an unusual avi you see in SL is non-human? It's kinda hard to put into words - I guess what I'm describing is a sort of "hidden" instinct that goes in your head whenever you see such an avi. It may not manifest but you at least feel different when interacting with the avi as opposed to a human one. I think I at least feel this way - it's kinda hard to describe. For example it may explain why I find non-human avis more trustworthy than male humans at least (although I specify male human avis because of bad experiences, too). I think it also manifests in some people's attitudes towards hon-human avatars (some people like them more than humans, so do not, etc.) (I apologize if this seems unclear or whatever, but as always I'm just interested in a discussion.)
  5. I didn't intend for this to be trolling...it was a topic that just came to mind when I looked up the term "femininity" on Google.
  6. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/12/05/americans-see-society-placing-more-of-a-premium-on-masculinity-than-on-femininity/ I found this article on the matter that suggests masculinity is more "respected" than femininity.
  7. I'm sorry to hear about that last part of your post. Can't believe there's people like that even today.
  8. Just for curiosity's sake. I'd also like to know what kinds of people are drawn to your avis the most, what people say, and stuff like that. I have multiple accounts and they each have a different kind of avi. Alien: I've noticed that people with a female or nonhuman avi tend to be more friendly to my alien account. I do have some male avis that are my friends though on that account (although one seems to want "alien *****") "Rapunzel Girl" (Female human account with very long blonde hair) : Compliments and jokes over the hair of course, from both sexes, and random IMs too. Way more male friends than female (although I suspect part of the reason is that real life women can detect one of their own as opposed to a real man. ) This is true for my other female accounts. Other non-human accounts (Dog, cat, Pikachu, various shapeshifting forms): Mostly gals like these guys, although again, like the alien, they may have some male avis talk to them as well. This is even true for not-so-cute ones like the fishman. Male human accounts: Very little reaction from people. Understandably so, though. Most of these cases I must initiate the conversation in local chat or voice to get the chatter going. Although if my avi is wearing something unique such as a grill apron and a chef hat, someone will give a cute remark.
  9. My contribution is not really a funny conversation,. but just an insight perhaps into why people IM random strangers. Took place a safe hub (yeah, it's a bad habit but the antics of other users are too funny to pass up.) Dude: hi Me: hello. may I help you? Dude: help? hahaha! Me: Well then why did you IM me? Dude: It's a form of communication. (Yet he could have just said my avi's name in local if he wanted to talk to me specifically...I mean he doesn't hesitate to talk on local chat or on mic....) (This is a guy who usually is on voice talking about fringe political stuff and conspiracy theories. )
  10. First, take a look at this article about the Golden Ratio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio Using the definition of the golden ratio in terms of x and y: x/y = (x + y)/x ...I created some plots based around the equations related to the definition: I then added a plot to the graph for y/x = (x + y)/y It looked like a pinwheel (sort of), tilted with the spokes having slopes equal to the golden ratio or its inverse, so I thought I wanted to share.
  11. Out of curiosity I tried the artbreeder thing that everyone's talking about here. Here's one of my favorite creations so far that (somewhat) resembles one of my accounts:
  12. Male: Michael, Kevin, Jason Female: Emily, Sarah, Veronica, Monica, Rose Unisex: Dylan
  13. If they IM with just a "hi hru" and we were not acquainted before, then it's a nope.
  14. For me, it was originally 128 m, but I was having a bit of trouble with lag in "urban" regions today, so I cut the distance in half (64 m.) That solved my lag issue for the most part.
  15. I do not for the most part - one of the main reasons being that I separate SL from RL. (I do have one account with my RL pic as an exception, but its coupled to an avi that is clearly not human.) I'm also concerned about this because trolls can use your real life photos against you. I've seen certain people do this in Youtube to other people and they were quite vicious with their insults about the victims' RL appearance.
  16. Not really...I just wanted to give a voice to my female accounts. It's a silly thing that I never really thought seriously about.
  17. Just wondering. I just had a crazy but not really serious idea of getting someone to voice my female accounts....
  18. Mine's is definitely Paul, the title character of his 2011 movie.
  19. All I'll say on this matter is: Yay! It will be easier to get stuff!
  20. It's scheduled to launch by the end of the year...it's a powerful space based telescope that's capable of directly imaging Jupiter-sized exoplanets and determine chemical compositions of smaller exoplanets: https://www.northropgrumman.com/space/james-webb-space-telescope/
  21. Oh, I was just pointing out common future tropes (that were said to happen in this century) and comparing them to our actual reality.
  22. It is not zombies or oversized monsters like Godzilla. It is ourselves.
  23. For almost all of my characters, I do not. I do give out my real life picture on one character but I do not communicate anything about my "First Life" in the text box....just some extended lore about the character.
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