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Gopi Passiflora

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Everything posted by Gopi Passiflora

  1. My solution? I created some, to the best of my ability, in virtual worlds such as Second Life.
  2. What did you think of when you saw the topic title? . . . I thought of Pokemon.
  3. By extremely long I mean the woman's hair goes to her thighs or longer, I guess. But I consider the regular "long" to be past the shoulders, probably.
  4. I love "Rapunzels" or women with really long hair! I'd date one if she were into me, too.
  5. ...in my opinion. I say that because a blonde corrupted my programming that year. I then saw strange happenings. Examples: while one drought continued, another ceased under the light of the full moon. A beloved icon became a leader of a fantasy land. The truth was obscured by illusions, and I became lost in a dark void. Now, hopefully I'm back...after years of trying to quell the darkness and regain my clarity. One can only hope. Nevertheless I am glad I survived those years. But some darkness and uncertainty still remains with me. And it is evident to me there is great darkness in the world, too. Strong malevolent forces I sense, we all must take great caution.
  6. It's okay with me that most avis are human, although I am also appreciative of the more diverse and non-human shapes out there. I understand that humans will tend to seek out human avatars naturally. Female human avis are pretty to look at. Sometimes I get a little envious that they look too good! As someone who regularly uses a female human avi, I can't help put feel on edge when I see someone else with a male human avi, though. But the avis themselves are okay. I like seeing non-human avis, though. They're awesome and unique.
  7. 1. Do the way that upper case (capital) and lower case letters are used effect the way you perceive a message? 2. In terms of letter case, what's your preferred usage? 1. To me, ALL CAPS feels like an urgent message, whereas "all lowercase" is a more casual message. 2. If there's no rush I try to use "proper" capitalization. In something like a text or mobile message (like in Second Life), I may not even use caps at all (to communicate quicker.) I rarely use ALL CAPS. I use CamelCase for some of my usernames on MMOs (and Second Life).
  8. I'm glad I could be of help! She's a great singer, too! PS: Gopi's just a nickname someone gave me because I looked like an Indian kid they knew. The name stuck, I guess. I'm actually of Filipino decent.
  9. 1. Are you a good singer? 2. Favorite singers? My answers: 1. I don't think I am. 2. Female: Mandy Moore Male: Keith Urban
  10. I have yet to try virtual reality, but I may give that experience a shot!
  11. @Rolig Loon I agree! I love the mountains and nature!
  12. I witnessed the spaceflight today, and they had a view of Earth as the rocket left the surface. Man, Earth is beautiful from space!
  13. Second Life is my preferred world, although I do like admiring some of my avatars in IMVU. Sometimes I chat there. I like how big Second Life is and how you can really express you creative side, too. I also like how everything seems connected in SL. What I don't like is stuff like slow rez (loading) of objects and any technical limitations on avatar possibility. IMVU also has a lot of stuff but you can't really walk around in that application, the scope is more limited than in SL and it suffers from slow loading too. Aside from Second Life and IMVU, I have also been in Gaia Online, OurWorld, Woozworld, Highrise, among some others I'm forgetting. They're all cool but their scope is much more limited compared to what you can do in both Second Life and IMVU. I've also played several MMORPGs like Maple Story and Dragon Raja with big worlds and a lot of character customization but they don't offer as much options as SL and IMVU.
  14. I guess I just meant Judaism and Christianity in the title - stuff in the Christian bible. I do know Islam is off limits because it's taboo to depict their prophet visually, no matter how light the humor is.
  15. The type of humor I'm talking about is the more subtle light-hearted stuff, nothing too offensive. The reason why I ask is I'm thinking about wearing a Jesus avatar but just talk using my real personality and being witty if necessary. Edit: After some thought, I'm not going to proceed with this after all.
  16. No, it does not. (Then again, I don't smile very much in real life either....)
  17. ...to use as a regular avatar? This is the regular avatar of my "Gopi Passiflora" account. I act "normally" in Second Life (for the most part.) I interact with people as Gopi using most of my "real" personality. I even keep Breedable Fawns as Gopi. I'm just wondering if you get any sort of dissonance upon seeing my regular avatar (i.e. strange appearance but fairly normal behavior.)
  18. I've read a few articles documenting that some many villains in American movies, TV shows, video games, etc. have British accents. What do you guys think about this phenomenon? I think it's an example of "othering", stereotyping people who are not your own. This othering would probably stem from nationalistic pride after Americans drove the British away in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
  19. I can imagine it.... Beautiful young women in skimpy clothes. Curmudgeonly old bespectacled professors clutching their books on their way to their lectures. A bunch of chads skateboarding and showing off their parkour skills. Palm trees and pool parties all around. Did I miss anything?
  20. I've been to arcades when I was younger (and occasionally, even now). I played games such as fighting and racing video games and games where you can win tickets for prizes. They were a good way to pass the time but the costs to play them add up, though. Money was one of the reasons I don't play them that much anymore. I never imagined something like SL before it was a thing. Maybe vaguely, but it's quite a unique concept! I'm honored to have a "genre" of threads named after me!
  21. To paraphrase: the Fermi Paradox asks that if extraterrestrial life is common in the universe, why can they not be observed yet? The explanation (that I think is the best) is that distances are too far away for civilizations to communicate or meet. I think this is a good explanation of this paradox because there is an ultimate speed limit for everything in the universe (light, energy, matter, information, etc.) and anything traveling at this speed would still take a long time to move from star to star. Sure, there could be wormholes and Alcubierre Drives might bypass these distances but I'd assume a civilization would be far advanced to use such methods, assuming they exist...because of the energy and science necessary for such phenomena, such civilizations might be indeed a rare occurrence and few and far between.
  22. Personally, I don't mind if strangers come to my home as long as they don't bother me with unwanted IMs or rez stuff that crash the sim or something like that. If they just stand there and don't say anything I don't mind. The reason why I ask is because I've been viewing various "SL home invasion" trolling videos and commenters have said that people who get mad at strangers coming into their home are taking Second Life too seriously.
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