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Gopi Passiflora

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Everything posted by Gopi Passiflora

  1. I guess you're right, the Building and Texturing forum is a better place to ask about decorating tips. I also like your other suggestions, such as looking through the in-world shops. Thanks for the suggestions, overall!
  2. Hello, I was wondering if you guys have tips for making the most of your purchased or created decor (for any celebration such as Halloween, Christmas, and Easter) and using them for building cool and memorable scenes? Thanks!
  3. Sometimes, depending on the type of avatar/character I'm using. If I think the voice fits my current avatar/character (even if it's a non-human animal or alien or something) I will use it. I sometimes use it when the character I'm portraying is supposed to represent the real me.
  4. I know Scylla, I'm sorry. Like I said, I let my anger get the best of me. I already submitted the report for the thread's closure or removal.
  5. You can try to steer it back to about disagreeable people in general, I suppose, as the "Mole" has said. But we'll see how it goes before I report it.
  6. You know what, I'll just stop. I'll just take the loss in the argument. Again, I let my anger get the best of me.
  7. Okay, I'm not telling you, I'm just offering my opinion of what I think about you. You're offering your opinion of what you think about me and my posts, couldn't I do the same for you?
  8. You're right, I suppose I should have done that instead. I guess I was hesitant to do so because I didn't want to bother them with private messages.
  9. I already responded to some of those people and implied it was them I was talking about. See my post to @Zalificent Corvinus and @Alwin Alcott.
  10. First off, I'm not saying everyone here is bad or mean. My post was more just me wanting to vent about certain people on the forum. Yes, maybe I'm too sensitive but shouldn't I be allowed to vent sometimes? I mean if people are allowed to criticize me then I can also criticize them as well. Maybe my venting is a way to criticize those people as well, to let them know I don't approve of their behavior. Yes I know I can't change them, but I dunno. I'm also here to partake in and enjoy discussions. I'm not leaving anytime soon. (I wish I could have phrased my post better, but hopefully you can see what I mean.)
  11. You know, you could be less harsh with your criticism. It's fine to disagree, but the way you phrase things is just so off-putting. I've dealt with people like you in the past, and they were a pain in the butt. Fine, you do raise good points, but see my post to Zalificent. She and other people are so harsh and so hard to please. I know, my complaining could be unwarranted, but I dunno, sometimes it's just too much....
  12. I suppose so. You do have some good points but I just found this forum and many other SL forums is....how do I put it...it's not as "chill" as other places. Yes, I guess maybe there's more aggressive and forthright people here.
  13. Thanks @Ayashe Ninetails and @Ceka Cianci for the advice. Yeah, perhaps I should just filter out those people.
  14. Thank you for the advice Love. Perhaps the disagreeable people are just like that and I shouldn't take their grumpiness seriously.
  15. I suppose so. I guess it's what they call a "chip on their shoulder", perhaps? Thanks for the insight Persephone.
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