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Gopi Passiflora

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Everything posted by Gopi Passiflora

  1. Thank you for the replies, but I think the purpose of this topic was to ask what the name of the clothes these stereotypical zoo keepers wear. @Silent Mistwalker said the khaki pants, so that's one half of the equation, but I'm wondering what the shirt is called so I can look for it in the marketplace?
  2. Background: I've created a couple of accounts that have the appearance of animals. The (admittedly cartoonish) backstory of the account with the chimpanzee avi is that he was able to free the rest of his fellow zoo animals from captivity. With their freedom, an angry zoo keeper is determined to get his precious zoo animals back. I sometimes like to make villainous foils for my "protagonist" accounts. In the case of my chimp account, his antagonist is a zoo keeper who wants him and the other animals back. I'm wondering how I should design my zoo keeper account. Like for example, what kind of clothes should he wear? What should his body type be like? And all kinds of things. (Yes, I have an overactive imagination.)
  3. Regarding the "quality" of the avi, I don't think I have a particularly harder time talking to one with more "quality" than one with less. I do find it harder to talk to female human avis as compared to other types of avis because there's some sort of thing in the back of my mind that you don't wanna offend them - that you wanna leave a good impression. I think real life carries over to Second Life in that sense. Also as someone who uses such as avis myself I can see how they can get harassed or trolled more compared to other avis, so I empathize with them.
  4. Thanks for all the replies to this topic. I think @Scylla Rhiadra and @Blush Bravin's ideas were quite informative and I agree with them.
  5. ...than men? I know it's a cultural thing but I am interested in the origins.
  6. Main Premium Account: 1. Ground 1024 parcel with a space station sandbox 2. Ground 1024 parcel with an tall apartment building. Top floor of apartment is used as a personal place. 3. Sky 512 parcel that is a rental. Other premium: 1. Ground 1024 parcel.
  7. I see your point about how stupid it can be, though.
  8. Just wondering. I'm bored, that's why I made this topic. I can at times...just for the whole absurdity of it all.
  9. The MAGE sandbox is a busy place, but...I could see why you may not like it....
  10. Sorry...I guess you can offer opinions if you want (I was just thinking of his "target" demographic....)
  11. I'm just curious. This is a stock photo of an actor playing as a "Prince Charming":
  12. Dang. I can so relate (except for guessing the right answer!)
  13. It's like a spelling bee but instead of spelling, you need to be good at solving integrals from calculus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integration_Bee I just found out about it today. I'd probably do terribly because I don't have the patience for really complicated integrals.... (Just thought I'd mention this here because Philip Rosedale was a Physics major and probably had to deal with integrals a lot at least when in school....)
  14. I kinda agree with him. People hold on to past relics like dead ideas and outdated beliefs. Recent events have led me to think this way. But I made it my New Year's Resolution to be more forward thinking, to think about the wave of the future. To think about new possibilities. (For example, space and other scientific and technological discoveries are something I look forward to.) (Apologies if this is yet another vague post, but I wanted to express a topic without getting too...controversial.)
  15. Actually I just figured out what the problem was and was able to get my stipend (as well as pay my land tier). In summary: I forgot to update my credit card's info: the expiration date - I had to do this manually. So yeah, thank you Gwin and everyone else for your input and concern!
  16. I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, but I don't know where to put this topic. I haven't got my stipend as of this Tuesday afternoon this week.
  17. For me, my preferred channels of communication in Second Life are in this order, from most preferred to least: Local Text Chat, Voice Chat, then IM chat. What can I say, I like multi-person conversations. More fun. I only use IMs if another person IMed me first or if I'm friends with the person and have a specific request (which I make clear in my opening message).
  18. Well the compensation I should get as a troll should be better...then again, I'm just an amateur troll, so perhaps I shouldn't complain about working for free.... . . . (I'm just kidding of course.)
  19. I'll celebrate by reciting the powers of two I memorized: 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 16384 32768 65536
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