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Everything posted by NevaehHeartstrings

  1. Stop feeding them in the ways you do then... do the whole grid a favor stop acting so thinned skinned when they fall into your attention getting traps.
  2. You have no clue anything can be stolen online.. If SL did not have 3rd party viewers I'll bet it would not be around today..The only issue with 3rd party viewers is they got handcuffed being muzzled by the lab with the 'shared experience crap' when they were creating really awesome features, the decline might not had been as bad as it is today had linden lab forked out some resources to follow up server side to the great things viewer developers were coming up with viewer side. Damn near every feature users wanted was being developed to fruition by 3rd party until the lindens stepped in.. Say'n 'Hey guys your costing us money we want to waste elsewhere'.. like in Project Stupid. Maybe you should move to Sansar... getting the lab to let you be an advisor to them sharing your treasure trove of knowledge and insight.
  3. Well, maybe the solution is all child avatars on Adult Land must be Boneless?..Just puddles of pixels on the ground unable to move..we could give them cute nicknames like slosh buckets or Jello Kids?
  4. Using your own flavor of RP as pretend KOP ...peeking around corners spying on people.
  5. It's been upgraded to a more robust power source.
  6. One things for certain if it goes through then in the 2020 Election we will have a new president...I can see the election fodder now ...Maybe that was the Trojan horse all along?
  7. As a Clueless Git, I've come to believe internet access in a basic package that allow everyone to access information in today's society is near being a needed universal right..Google Fiber has been really innovative in efforts to bring it to the masses were everyone has access. FTC on Net Neutrality: “We Are Being Set Up to Fail” by Ajit Pai and FCC
  8. As a former sim owner of one of the most successful public sims pre-2015, we averaged around 40k a day in 'real traffic' everyday for over a half decade so here are my thoughts. See growing up in real life my parents were monsters with split personalities who fooled everyone in thinking they were great parents and all the issues i had came from someplace else..I remember the beatings daily from my father who was cruel and malice who really hated me & my sister..his idea of punishment was busting glass drink cups on the kitchen floor then making me do 500 jumping jacks in the pile of glass on the floor.. Even today I am unable to feel my back from all the punch's when he would pin me down and take both his fists pile driving into my backside( no bruises seen) until at some point I'd pass out.. even to this day sometimes I can still hear my sisters screams echo out of nowhere, her cries for him to stop trying to kill me, often I would remember looking up seeing her in terror crouching in the corner of room powerless against my attacker while she knew once he was done with me she was to be 'punished' By the time I discovered Second Life my real life was destroyed by not only others but by myself never letting myself live, the with self hatred ruining everything, I had severe brain damage and all the symptoms of severe autism, I hated the real world often thinking how things would be better if I was dead and gone. everything was wrong my body, my thoughts, my family, my friends...in the end it left me feeling like I must be an alien that no one could understood with everyone being better off without me, so much pain and so much darkness, in this world we stumble through. But you know something, if you really take advantage of all the things in second life it can help change your life, it helped me grow overcoming many things and turn my real life around.. I found in second life it was OK to be me, it was OK to dream, to understand what a real friend is, To understand how to be a real friend, It has helped me overcome so many things in real life I would have never been able to face alone. It is OK to leave my heart wide open, I learned it was OK to laugh, To dream, To care about others, To let go of the hate and resentment that tied me down all those years. So I can relate to child avatars and even myself had an alt now since closed who was a 5yr old anime girl with 9 tails that had the most adorable AO that always made her look even more happier, she lived on the mainland at a bus stop that was a retired safe hub even back then( back when it was really crowded with noobs) and she would cruise up and down the mainland roads in a large slick black Cadillac convertible often waving at everyone as she drove by them pretending she was a movie star..sometimes I would log another alt in to drive her around in a stretched limousine were we would cruise driving from one ground level hot spot to another everytime I would roll the red carpet, logging in alts dressed as paparazzi with cameras using repeated gestures to make it look like a movie star has showed up...it kinda freaked some out it was fun back then . Later running my own sims... the rules were yes even if Sims were adult rated then child avatars were permitted, this is allowed allowed under LL Terms of Service as a child avatar can go anyplace it wants .. There's nothing objectionable nor illegal in having a child-like avatar in itself and we must assume innocence until proof of the contrary, in my old land they just were not allowed to use any equipment that had adult animations in them..to not be naked ..not engage in adult activities .. I took a lot of crap from people trying to tell me how to run my sims, including them harassing child avatars in them under the false belief they are restricted from Adult Regions..as for others they can ban you from the region or parcel they pay for for any reason they want, but I bucked the trend after dealing with so many mad islanders obsessed with traffic numbers they would troll sims they thought competed with them. Did I have child avatars troll the sims? yes... often they would voice being a complete jerk to others in the region getting banned by my alt..I ran a tight estate of eight regions knowing who was in a sim at any given time while knowing all chat at the landing areas, public areas of gathering, griefing went both ways but most often it was stupid avatars pretending to not see the child avatar pushing them was the most common abuse to harass them, often had the same issue while wearing my petite avatar people liked to walk on me thinking it was funny often going full stupid with a quick chat comment like ' oh, Sorry I didn't see you down their LOL' I understood back then why some people are child avatars, I've tried to have as much compassion as possible for them...but in the end parcel and region owners hold the cards..many people feel uncomfortable with them it breaks the fantasy they have.. second life is segregated in many places but those who pay the bills have the final say no matter what we think or feel. In real life children have terrified me, I've had to face the facts it was facing a part of my life were I know I'll never be be able to have my own children or a family.. I think being around some child avatars in Second Life helped me deal with that fear of the real ones, while also understanding many wearing those avatars might be fighting there own past of being deprived humanity as a child. Real Child or Avatar Child I could not imagine being mean to them.. but on the flip side some see child avatars as invading their imaginary world..often those people are doing or engaging in things they would never do in real life..a child avatar brings parental instincts out in many of those in that situation, conflicting the personality side they express here often that is sexual, most not having a way to deal with it they eject the child avatar labeling them as a troll from the land. Child Avatars are not alone often Furry Avatars are mistreated too..Often we have to not only face our own insecurities but those of others even in the digital world Child Avatars have safe places they just have to understand Adult Avatars do too.. Why be in places were people are uncomfortable with or your unwelcome..you must follow every land owners rules or leave them...when people landed in my estate I made sure they knew my rules of all avatars are equal and would be treated that way, but other places had tougher rules often for reasons of importance to them so that should be respected. Second Life is not a game, I play a few hours a day but I see it as an extension of my real life... I'm a new person now, different much , healed in mind, body and in the spirit because of being here in many ways in this world... maybe some child avatars are trying to get there too.
  9. They could be saved if domesticated like chickens with industry's built around them maybe.. 'Kentucky Fried Penguin' ..it sounds penguin licking good
  10. One wonders what they will do regarding bots? people use them for traffic boosting in search not just to inflate the traffic numbers but people leave them out to make it look like place is busy. I've seen lots of clubs just log bots in and out all day long. Will they finally ban bots or find a new way to restrict them, seems it could be abused hard by some, I count 40 a day on average just stalking me unwanted in my private region.I wonder if Telehubs will finally make a comeback after all these years? people actually having to stand around talking to each other before the experience is 'ready' That other thread "Does LL want to fix SL' well this is some idea they are trying to at the least do something.It would seem to me they are trying to turn a product neglected by past management into a great product, it will be hard to fault them at that considering 75% of today's current linden lab had anything to do with past management mistakes or decisions.. considering they were not employed at the time by the lab.
  11. I did buy it, figuring out now how to work it, so far very happy ..your review was helpful as well, better then my L$4500 clone looking head
  12. Is it possible we could crowd source a set of bodies as a universal body? then donate them to linden lab to add server side so everyone has access to it? then offer kits for it under a creative commons type license, have a Github with an Inworld support group maybe with a linden as founder to be the official group for support? The body could get worked on by volunteers/paid developers alike until perfected, going thru alpha and beta stages before working with linden lab to accept it, doing the server side work, allowing time for TPV to prepare for it, maybe they could come up with viewer enhancements for it.. I have seen many other less deserving projects/residents get huge amounts of real dollar donations for all sorts of things of a less impact for world as a whole, since I am not a creator it could be me missing details, being less informed, so maybe your thoughts on this idea penny?
  13. Does the Griefer end the conversation with.. " Your abusive message is permission to publish your chat!" ?
  14. They want the cable and other landlines to have data plans like phones have, excuses will be due to needing to upgrade the networks, when they got free billions from the government but they just kept the 50 billion instead... Its a big trap to control us
  15. Something needs done, it has been neglected way too long! just like the linden homes.
  16. my opinion is someone who stays within the TOS while trolling others.. then cannot take the same medicine when giving back... plays the victim card. Calling people pedophiles for being in a group or roleplaying then passing around a notecard( chain letter) to stigmatize further those residents is trolling, most narcissists are just unable to self reflect, it actually is from an area of the mind that is damaged physically thous you can't give empathy or feel for others.. it this is understandable with you having my sympathy for your disability, this is why others have been so nice in this thread, it is a good example of compassion by the community in handling residents who are socially challenged. One thing I've learned about 2ndlife in the last decade, it can be very therapeutic in helping overcome all sorts of personal disability's but the key is accepting you have a problem/issue then letting yourself grow with allowing others to help you... the first step is the hardest then it gets easier.
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