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Everything posted by NevaehHeartstrings

  1. Well for one they made too deals in the past to help enrich a tiny group of land barons regarding private islands (We are talking about a handful making millions of real dollars every year off of it) Right now I've seen something that has me putting everything in updated perspectives.. I've seen this kind of stuff happen more and more in the last few years.. really my feeling it is a line crossed in ethics I cannot tolerate ..they are supporting my competitors..promoting the brands they sell.. Helping them take my customers money by putting it into my competitors purse instead..Starving me of sales to benefit those they choose to like (Are they RL family members or friends? who knows!)...they are not even close to treating residents equal when you see this.. I know three things..(1) I am going to work much harder to polish my mesh skills..(2) Find more ways to use those skills outside SL ...(3) I'll keep that decision to myself! I'll be on an extended hiatus for some time to come from this forum/activity in general in SL, I'll respond to topics I've already commented on here if need be. (Basically breath a Sigh of Relief and/or Celebration Time for those here who do not like me) Shop & Hop Participating Merchants: !APHORISM! / !Rebel Hope Designs / .{PSYCHO:Byts}. / .TeaBunny. / [ JUSTICE ] / [ west end ] / /*KC|Couture* / *YS&YS* / #adored / ~Tableau Vivant~ / ADRIATIC line / alaskametro<3 / alme. / amara beauty / Apple May / AZ Emporium / bella moda / Blueberry / by Crash / Cae / Canimal / Cheeky Pea / ChiC buildings - surrounds - prefabs - decor props and poses / CONSTRUCT / Contraption / Dictatorshop / Dynamic Evolutions / e l i a v a h ~ / E.V.E / Envious / etham / eXxEsS Hair / Fancy Decor / Grimes Central Design (GCD MESH) / Heart Trees Flowers Plants / hello dave / Hucci / ISON / Lapointe Bastchild / Lemon Chilliz / Lune Bleue / MadPea / Maven Homes / Maxi Gossamer / MOCO HOMES Emporium / Musa / Nani / Never Totally Dead … / New CHEZ MOI Furnitures / NOX. & Third Eye. / PATRON / Petit Chat / Potomac Signature Homes / ROC / Sweet Thing / The Forge & EZ / The Mesh Shop / Vanity Hair / www.studio-skye.com / zed designz / Zibska
  2. Really it was not a insult at all..See Prok has helped Second Life more then most people here ever has including myself.. but the majority of it was done in the early years of mainland so that credit faded with old lindens leaving, the mainland losing priority by the lab..everything she says becomes unsung with most not really have been residents at the time to know...She really did a lot of help back then in regards to new residents.. when most land barons were only in it for the get rich/get out business and still are.. most do not like her for being overly vocal..its not that she talks too much.. most people hate to hear the truth. I really do believe she could have good advice for linden lab on how to manage a next generation mainland. (They will build one in Sansar a few years from now.. when all the features are in place) I must admit my comments might have been a little tough but she is a tough lady .. most times she is right on in most issues.. outside how she deals with griefers .
  3. "No-one went to jail. I think you are getting mixed up with the developer of Red Zone being sent back to jail because they violated their parole conditions. Red Zone was nothing to do with the Emerald team or any other TPV team." Nothings mixed up several did face federal charges in several indictments...go can go to jail and still have your fight in court . "As far as I'm aware, most of the currently active TPVs have a really good relationship with LL these days. Firestorm certainly does." Personal experience and opinion that is understandable "You have this the wrong way round too. Gemini CDS came first. The beta version of the CDS scripts were leaked & those leaked scripts were used to develop Red Zone what one came first the Chicken or the Egg ? ... it is still around to even this day... Redzone under the name (CDS) by the same man who owned it who was able to use god powers for years griefing the grid (Up until 2016)..who could lag your sim remotely.. who had a hack that let him import any mesh model of any size or complexity as only '1' Land Impact. ( That same man was a co-developer with you on the emerald project.. so its understandable your feelings in the matter.. my apologies) " Yes that was bad enough but don't make it worse then it was by spreading false information." I just refuse to dumb down the facts or bury it where the lab would like to see it.
  4. Yes Emerald was banned/ 2 of the developers going to jail .. Still muzzling the developers has made Second Life user features pale in comparison to what they could be...Black Dragon Viewers developer is always coming up with great features.. those are forced to be removed by the lab everytime. while the firestorm team seems to go through more proper channels with a chance 1% of what they pitch might get accepted..The viewer wars are over that's a good thing... I still do find the labs lack of faith in 3rd party viewers rather disturbing. "All 3rd party viewers must now meet LL requirements and are listed in the SL wiki." To meet linden labs requirements to be included in the 3rd party viewer guide you must follow what they say..not everyone is in it or has to be like Cool VL Viewer " Thanks to that team we now have multiple attachments to the same point." Sorry, that code was originally developed by the developer of the extinct Emergence Viewer "They are also the ones that exposed a loophole that Red Zone, a program that was supposed to weed out griefers, used to collect ISP info." Sorry but the Singularity Team brought that up to the lab first... with all of them later integrating in the media patch distributed by linden lab.. Most know even the media patch itself was broken for a few years. "Emerald was found to have malicious code slipped in by one of the coders that allowed the computers of users to be used for denial of service attacks." It also allowed them to steal log in details.. hacking into user accounts..Muting other peoples abilities to use voice. "loophole that Red Zone, a program that was supposed to weed out griefers, used to collect ISP info" While that developer went to prison.. the mantle was passed to a friend who ran the same system within the rules GEMINI CDS who ran that system for over a half decade afterwards until linden lab "made him go away" in 2016... then he passed it on to another friend with it still alive today!!!! .. Sure it might be within terms of service so they say?? ...the fact is the developer has exploited other server side Vulnerabilities/Exploits that they would only have such intimate knowledge of...Media Patch is for those who want a "good feeling" inside all fuzzy..those in the know turn off all sources of media in the viewer in suspect places Some might say so what?.. that's fine but crazy shenanigans get ignored for years like one man able to use linden god powers all over the grid treating residents as personal puppets.. but god help us all if one of the certified viewers try to squeeze an inch in with a feature like I Dunno?
  5. Strangely enough Mormon Majority Utah is not on the List
  6. Trying to control the Information will not help the matter should they remove it .. looks like a conversation on topic regarding second life to me.
  7. It is VERY sad... but they do nothing about the tens of thousands of Trolling YouTube Videos against their customers with most monetized too
  8. (Former Linden) the Respected Journalist, Mr.Hamlet Au... has an article regarding resident supporters having YouTube videos promoting Second Life taken down by LL.. Top YouTubers Promoting Second Life Hit With Intellectual Property Complaints Sent to YouTube by Second Life Owner Linden Lab Update: See ..Tommy Lindens Comment Below
  9. Your right bad timing taking a half decade to try to repair the damage
  10. I was surprised the whole ending discounts for educational and non-profit organizations was not listed in the Wiki...Huge Damage when they did that.
  11. Often the Rep comes from people who never even tried it..They just read articles online by some obscure magazine often seeing the outdated pictures..then they just repeat that...if you say it enough times on the inter-webs then it must be true? Many of those same online publications have had hidden motives/ agendas behind some of the more over the top negative press to just trash the whole platform...often this is done when some kind of competing social platform kicks off who just happens to be the sponsor of the author who wrote the damaging article.
  12. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Winter Wonderland 2/157/6/22
  13. They had good intentions with it.. while those outside the states might be bugged by it ...that's understandable...the thing is many might not understand it might force LL at some point to have to close Second Life..many years before its time. Interesting article by a former linden: New World Notes
  14. If it was not for 3rd party viewers I would have left years ago!
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