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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Couple of thoughts on this, I don’t think it’s really about being unknown. I know of a skin maker that made a very nice looking body, but never came out with it. I mean like “holy crap” gorgeous. You’ll probably never see it, because the creator had some serious concerns about how it would be received. 1) Signature Alice just came out. I don’t mean like, it recently came out. I mean it was just there. Very little marketing, very little fan fare, it was just available one day. The only reason I found out about it was because it was it just so happened to be in my Flickr feed. There was very little marketing done and that was a mistake. Big mistake. It’s an excellent body too! 2) If you compare Alice to Legacy, you can see what Legacy did right and what other body creators do wrong. Legacy dropped the price of the TMP body first, got some buzz, got people going to the store again. Then they dropped the Legacy and had some big named creators making things for it....immediately. There is also a machine behind Legacy, whether it was intentional or not...it is. People were in group chats asking for Legacy products, saying “Oh my gawwwwd! I love my Legacy body! Look at these pictures!” As it was said before, it’s a little questionable how many people are actually using Legacy, it definitely appears to be the case. 3) Me too. Not that me too. SL is a very me too environment. That doesn’t just go for users, it also goes for creators as well. So when certain creators start making things for a certain body(or head in the case of Genus)...there’s gotta be a reason for it right? Know what? Me too! And the effect snowballs. Then users are thinking, it must be popular creators are creating for it....me too! If you can create that kind of buzz, that snowball effect you can kick in the door in the market. 4) Certain bodies are in a certain wheelhouse. All bodies that are similar to Maitreya are in Maitreya’s wheelhouse. That includes Belleza Isis, Tonic, Ebody (not curvy), Alice. Same thing goes for Belleza Freya, Hourglass and now Legacy. They all have a certain user that invested a lot of money into those bodies: skins, makeup, clothing and footwear. They aren’t going to give up on that investment easily. The buzz has to be there and the support has to be there. It’s possible for an unknown to come on the scene and take a big chunk of the market, certain things have to be in place first.
  2. ....as I look at my lunch in the refrigerator: Spinach salad with grilled chicken, tomatoes and shredded Parmesan.
  3. I’m not sure I would trust a viewer to adjust my settings for me. You can easily set your viewer up with the appropriate settings for certain situations and save them for use. For example, I have a “normal” setting where particles are lowered, avatar imposters, draw distance, shadows off, frame rate limited, etc. That’s what I normally walk around with. Then I have an ultra setting where shadows are enabled, antialiasing is turned up, etc, etc. Then I have various photography settings just for photos, wide angle, interior, exterior, ultra with some adjustments to water, glow, etc. All of them are set up at settings that let them run at a decent framerate for me. I have FS and Black Dragon set up that way. It takes a minute to do, but it’s really worth it as far as viewing experience goes.
  4. You can use it, I can use it no problem. A lot of sims are so unoptimized it actually can become a hinderance to use it sometimes. I find it’s better to turn the graphics down a notch and tweak a few things that are really set unnecessarily high by default. Still looks as good.
  5. Not a complete series yet, it’s on HBO. It’s about 5 episodes deep, sooo...half a binge.
  6. Most video games...If you have a beast of a computer you crank the settings up. In SL *shakes head* you don’t want to do that. That’s probably the last thing you want to do. Turn your draw distance down, limit your complexity, etc etc. I have a great graphics card and I still have my graphics set between high and ultra. People like to brag “I run everything on ultra!!” While they’re doing that and we end up in a crowded sim. Everything’s rendered for me and I’m looking around and they’re saying “still rezzing”. I only use ultra when I’m taking pictures.
  7. Oh, ok I was doing the math on paying 6500 a week. So my thing is, if you got 94£ to spend a month, how exactly are you pinching pennies? I know if I was on a tight budget, paying tier/rent/uploading money in SL would be one of the first things out the window.
  8. So basically by renting a homestead you’re paying about $100 or 75 pounds a month?
  9. I’ve been on SL for ten years and BoM is confusing to me. It’s confusing! I’ll take a crack at it, someone will correct me if I’m wrong. A head like Genus is still using onion layers. They haven’t come out with a single mesh BoM head yet. So each layer is still there and should still have a material slot. So in the case of genus you should still have materials for the lipstick, eyebrow and tattoo layers. The skin bump should still be there as well.
  10. And you have to own a region before you own a homestead? Am I understanding that right?
  11. Yeah, it sounds more like a booty shake animation. I really don’t want to make recommendations if I’m not sure what’s being described.
  12. Is it a twerk if you’re idle from the waist down? Kind of goes against the idea of....twerking. I would need to see the animation.
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