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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Remember when skin ads actually showed you what you would look like?
  2. The scale looks appropriate to me. The doorknobs, stove and counter look about waist height to your avatar, which is about where they would be in relation to an average sized person in real life. The door? In my experience doors on older houses tended to be much taller for some reason in real life, if that house is supposed to be a Victorian farmhouse, I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the scale of the door. Somewhere around 1.82 m (6ft) seems to be a good height so that you don’t look like a child in older builds and normal sized in newer builds. Usually I’m between 1.82 and 1.93 m, I’m taller than some people and shorter than others. Most people don’t follow scale too, too closely.
  3. It could work, there is a sizable Kawaii niche on SL (not saying what you want to do is Kawaii). Enough people could be interested in something like that. I agree you’d have to put down some serious ground rules and be ready to do a lot of kicking and hire someone to do it when you’re not around. One thing that is consistent in SL clubs: if you tell someone not to do certain things...someone is going to attempt to do those certain things.
  4. Yes. It’s super easy to block and ignore people in Second Life. Even if that’s not your bag, it’s still easy to not be around people on here. People tend to be extra nice and there are some that take advantage of that. Tell them to “eff off and have a nice day”
  5. Damn, beat me to it. Twitter’s algorithm shows you more of the types of things you’ve already been looking at....hm.
  6. You mean the line where the lipstick or gloss doesn’t quite cover the lip? Like around the corners?
  7. From the thread back in September https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/443135-any-review-for-signature-alice/
  8. When you see posts like this just remember mercury is in retrograde!
  9. It’s not really strange. It came out right after the TMP Legacy body. The female market is flooded with bodies...that sounds strange. Most creators support a couple of bodies. That is Maitreya, Belleza Freya (specifically Freya) and Slink Hourglass (specifically Hourglass). I could list all of the other female bodies, but the list is pretty looong. Then Legacy came out and it started taking some market share from the other bodies. So much that some creators have dropped either Freya or Hourglass or both for Legacy. After all of that....then Alice came out. Lightning usually doesn’t strike twice like that in SL. It is a really good body though.
  10. I’m confused. I thought the op was asking about Signature Alice? It’s not getting much support.
  11. I believe his name is Gianni. Its an excellent body. It’s on about the third update, the creator is constantly improving it over the past few months, is BoM ready, omega compatible and..... Completely overshadowed by the Legacy bodies and further slammed into obscurity by the “But who makes clothes for it” question. You’d be taking a risk getting it as the support isn’t where it should be and it doesn’t seem like creators are really adding any bodies to their lists, if anything...at this point, they’re dropping bodies.
  12. I think you hit some important points. Mainly that newbies just don’t look like everybody else and the lengths you have to go through to do so. You’re going to lose a lot of people in that onboarding process. It’s funny you said this because I talked to a newbie for about an hour yesterday and these things came up. LL took a big step by improving the starter avatar. It’s a big improvement. However, most noobs are going to want out of it as soon as they hit the grid. Here’s where noob story comes in: So I was shopping and I ran into a noob. He literally said, “Can you help me with my avatar?” So we talked for a while and he really just wanted to know where to get a body and head. Then I explained to him he would still need a skin for both the head and body. He was pretty sharp and quickly figured out it would cost him about $50 to get on par with most people. Needless to say, he was a little overwhelmed by the process before he even got to cost. Here’s what he said “I don’t have a problem with the money, the problem is spending the money and then deciding I’m not sticking around.” He said that as a creator just came out with another 5000L body that everyone is going to be tripping over themselves to buy. That’s bad. It’s 2020, people are used to micro transactions. I don’t think most new people would truly have a problem buying 20 worth of L$ if they thought it was worth it. Part of the noob experience is to basically come into SL and see that they have to completely overhaul their avatar, spend money, just to spend money at a point where they’re not sure they’ll be here next week. What part of the newbie experience tells them it’s worth it?
  13. Isn’t the idea of these designated months that __________ can do? As a counter to the wide spread belief that ________ can’t do? If anything, you have to see the value in that for children.
  14. Yeah those pics were a little bit much. You don’t like the heads, you don’t like the heads.
  15. From looking at Lucagrabacr’s ad, my question is why hasn’t LL tapped the user base to do something like this already? We know SL has tonnes of creative people, not just with 3d modeling, but video and music. Why not run some kind of contest for an ad like this with really good prizes?
  16. I wouldn’t give him that much credit. It was just crappy RP on his part. She basically gave him an out with the “she would” whether it hurt him enough or he would have to react in some way to avoid it. The bare minimum in RP imo, is to react in some way to the person’s action before yours, so that there’s a continuous feedback loop. He didn’t even acknowledge it even happened, it just was bad RP and pretty prevalent in SL. Automatically broke the loop.
  17. There’s also the issue of the low effort response too.
  18. When the hate comes Genus wearers be like....
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