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Everything posted by ClariceRose

  1. I've noticed more lag, more freezing up, more being logged out in the last week. 😫
  2. ClariceRose

    Any Idea?

    That looks like a head by LAQ, because of the chin. I could be wrong though.
  3. Boating, jet skiing, surfing, games, carnivals, live singing, events, hunts, discussions, live dance theaters, people watching, truth or dare with friends, dressing up in silly costumes, wrestling, skating, picking out random sims in the destination guide, so so much to do!!
  4. Unfortunately there are people like that everywhere as you know. Public sandboxes are feasts for trolls because they're usually unmonitored and they're able to use griefing tools in them. I used to question why people did certain things in rl or sl, but it all boils down to them thinking it's funny. No matter how many lectures they get, most never change. Respecting other's boundaries is something that many don't practice. The best that can be done is report the griefing to the sandbox owner and Linden Lab.
  5. You can't make everyone happy. Some will like BOM, some will hate it. There will always be people who will be unhappy. I've been looking forward to BOM for a long time. It will be great to be able to wear tats, makeup, moles, freckles and other things together. Yay!!!
  6. If someone is hiding, it doesn't always mean that they are being rude. Maybe they're sl working or taking pics or need alone time with their significant other, etc. Or maybe they want peace and quiet. Think outside the judgemental box at times 😊
  7. You don't need a Yahoo email anymore, use any one to sign up. Also, a free member gets up to 1000 pictures.
  8. L'etre, Lara Hurley, Mila, It Girls, YS&YS
  9. Thank you, I went and got all the games. Woot!!
  10. Once you start taking away the rights of others, yours should be affected too. Why get upset? It's SL. If someone copied you then they think that you have good taste. That's a good thing.
  11. Truth Imani is similar. I have it.
  12. Art is an expression of unsaid words. To some, it can be weird, ugly, interesting, conversation starter, or beautiful. Each person who makes "art" , it's something personal to them. Sometimes they hope for others to see it as they do, other times they can care less. I don't think it hurts society. It can be beautiful or ugly, but it's an expression.
  13. The Ruth 2.0 body is gorgeous. I used my current shape with it and couldn't believe how great it is. I love the butt on it better than other mesh bodies. Of course you need the uuid of skins to apply skins but it comes with 2 skins. I didn't care for the 2 skins included. I'll be looking for full perm skins for it. I have to say that it is comparable to how good Maitreya bodies are. Just need to get skins for it.
  14. As Hotel California plays in the background...☠️
  15. Right. LL can give us all a red carpet and 1 million Linden dollars, but there will be people that would say.. I wanted a blue carpet and why can't I get 2 million?
  16. People who act like that they don't need to lift a finger, and that others should do it for them. They refuse to solve their own issues and want to dump them in someone's else's lap by playing stupid. People who don't read FAQs, important notices, important emails then act like it's an EMERGENCY when the said matter happens. Not our fault that you don't read important things, we are not going to drop things for you. Learn responsibility. People who whine about everything. I am sure you MUST have some positive things in your life to be grateful for.
  17. I've spent a ton of money in SL too! That does not mean we should go berzerk over this.
  18. Many of us still love you LL !!! Anyways, who wants a miserable customer? As a former business owner (not in SL), it felt so good to get rid of clients/customers who made my life a living hell because they were never happy. Every thing that I did was not good enough, after so many times of that, it is just not worth it. I opened the door and told them to leave. Toxicity is not worth a few bucks in my pocket after taxes, fees, etc.
  19. Very good, you adjusted your life as you seemed fit. That's what I'm saying to do. Things change in life all the time and we need to sit down and figure out alternatives. We can voice our opinions but we may not get what we want. So, we need to then move forward and adjust things as we seem fit. People getting bent out of shape like it's the end of the world, due to these changes is scary. LL can't make everyone happy, if they did, they'd probably go out of business due to no profits. We can voice our opinions without raising our blood pressure, hating, etc.
  20. Do you flip out like this when grocery prices get raised, your cell phone bill, your rent? Calm down.
  21. People saying that they hate LL now, wow. If you get that upset over a virtual world, what's your temper like regarding rl matters? During my time in SL, I've never had hate for LL. When issues came up, I realized that things like that happen, no biggie, go read a book or something. When fees were raised, I would figure out how to make it work or not. My life is not SL, and no one's else should be. Even the employees, creators, etc need to have a plan b. Tomorrow things could be drastically changed in our world and this thread will seem like a waste of time. Stop looking at SL as your be all, instead breathe and try to enjoy life. Look for things that you have in life and be grateful, because someone else wishes that they were you. If less groups and raised fees cause someone to get that upset then maybe you should back away for a bit. Or leave. Never put all your eggs in one basket. If you depend on SL for anything, you should start planning on other ways to supplement your financial needs, other ways to help you socialize. Tomorrow SL can go under. Then what?
  22. I'm not a technical person, but with the groups causing problems for LL's backend, then we need to focus on that. There should be an alternative to groups, and we should start shifting to that alternative. It may be too labor heavy and cost heavy to fix the group issues, so plan b is needed. Also, a majority of the chat even in the large groups is nonsense, questions that were addressed already ( but people too lazy to find those answers), whining, off topic dribble, etc. 95% of my groups have chat turned off, notices off, it makes things less stressful and I can focus more. The only two groups that have chat on are my beloved Bellisseria groups. But, like I said, we probably need to start figuring out a way to replace the groups if it's too much of a monstrosity to fix. No amount of us complaining will make a magic wand fix things. If someone's roof is leaking, you wouldn't just yell about it and shake your fists at it. Asking for more patches only helps temporarily. There will come to a point where the old roof needs to be ripped off and trashed. A new roof will be needed.
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