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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. Tittle tattle however, and gossip, are welcome. Do share why you think you may have got it.
  2. Should there be a "SL's Manliest Man" contest? Yes. It would be a lot of fun !
  3. Um. Theres some great free multi pak alphas on the MP, old types, I didnt realise they work on BOM altho I understood clothes layers do. Dig 'em out. I had a fest grabbing old reseller layers on the MP too, a rich source of low cost layers and some are really good. Of course, it didnt do the Inv much good but ...
  4. Hmmm, do confirm if you find out .. and I've been a guard dog on my inv this year. Like say I buy a sweater. The classics, LM, nc and ones not for my av type all get binned now. Tough love I calls it.
  5. Once they release this emoticon I'll be clicking a lot more often ...
  6. WAHOOOO !!! Whoever paid the 'leccy bill, we THANK YEWWWW (dont ban me for that - twas a joke)
  7. Reduce Lag. ikr - mission impossible, but as it's a wish list ...
  8. They'd all all be playing SL What if we could see ultra violet ?
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