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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. Same. Being made to feel obliged to tip over n over ruins the fun. Thats why I love Belli so much, where we just dont do it. Can go and enjoy a party for the sake of enjoying a party. Love that a lot. It's bought the fun back, and folk can tip direct if they are really so inclined, pressure free.
  2. Really glad skin makers are on the case for matures. Lets say a young person tried and loved the game at the beginning, and they were aged 28 years at the time. That player would be ... 44 years old by now. Shows the longevity of the game eh !
  3. Fixed it first time, I owe you a Thankyou Lyssa, and here it is .. THANKYOOO !
  4. I absolutely love KFC and McD's double sausage and egg McMuffin. I'd say addicted, but I can stay in control if I want to, scouts honour. Well I logged in to a new gift from my friend bwahaha -
  5. My friend uses some kind of organiser that links to a website it's pretty cool. The website shows pics of inv stuff, like shoes and dresses and so on. Very clever, no idea how its done.
  6. oooh you lucky thing. I've seen them islands when sailing, prime turf ! I confess I got lucky with my houseboat, corner plot, I could never leave it. And yes, I adore Snowlands, and we have a spot there too.
  7. Too many syllables. If a newcomer to the forum sees a thread, at the very top, called 'Newcomers', they's gonna click it and read. What a newcomer is not going to do is plod through a long and complicated list until they stumble upon 'knowledge base'. Do you stand corrected ? No, I thought not
  8. Yo Jaysson ... On the mp type the search term 'sound'. Check the MP doesn't auto change your search term to what it thinks you should have typed, and click the button Search. Now use the filter boxes on the left and tick all three perms, so you see only full perm sounds. Thirdly, change the price range filter min 0 max 0 and click the Refine button. What you see available should now be free and full perm, and should also show in your sound drop down box when making a new gesture. If it doesnt, right click the sound file in Inv and choose 'Move to default folder'. Now try making the gesture once more. If it still don't work, seethe here, and we'll have a rethink.
  9. Yeahhh, that's what I meant too. ( jumps on your bandwagon) .. pronounced, here at least, SUE-WON. Thankyou.
  10. Here's some nice easy listening URL's I use regularly in the land stream: 80s= SMOOTH=http://media-the.musicradio.com:80/SmoothLondonMP3 MAGIC=http://stream-mz.planetradio.co.uk/magicnational.mp3 CHILLAX=http://server1.chilltrax.com:9000/ TALK=http://media-the.musicradio.com:80/LBCUKMP3Low BLUES=http://wgltradio.ilstu.edu:8000/wgltblues.mp3 DANCE=http://dancewave.online/dance.mp3 ROCK=http://us2.internet-radio.com:8046/ 80's=http://airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8018/1606_192 60s-90s=http://uk2.internet-radio.com:8358/stream TOP40= CLASSIC= CAFE=http://listen.livestreamingservice.com:8004
  11. RL jobhunting. Possibly. If I login that one will be out the window, Again.
  12. Currently daily, sometimes a few days go by, sometimes a week goes by before I pop in. As BinBash mentioned, some gems of tips and tricks to be found and I love that.
  13. Hey sl'ers. My firestorm 'use internal browser ' stays blank and has stopped working. Is it me or is it general I wonder ?
  14. A forum thread for newcomers questions might be a good idea ?
  15. Seconded. Um ... are you still getting some enjoyment out of SL actual, when you login there ? I have noticed when inworld, while there is a huge interest in mesh avvies and all the new bells and whistles, there is still a lot of long time players who are more than happy in their old old skins, which I think is great as well.
  16. I'll live without websearch for this handy tip cheers
  17. Better than Bristol, I know for a fact
  18. I can't help loving ketchup, is it so very wrong of me ?
  19. I simply had to click it after you said that. Was good, glad I did.
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