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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. I am always saying to my partner "ChinRey wouldn't like it", when we look at some new item's hideous LI or massive textures. Only yesterday I checked out the textures on a new boat, there were more than 20, and they were all 1024sq. "ChinRey wouldn't like it"
  2. Note to self: Repeat after me 'thou shalt rebuild blender-2.8-git every few days'. (I use ArchLinux, da, I know, hypergeeky) Things seem to be moving fast now, and every new build looks more like something ready for release.
  3. If only the dorks who stick up those terrible huge photo boxes round their mainland parcel would see what SL could have been with a few more rules. You want private, get an island sim. The ancient and middle Lindens should be burnt at the stake for allowing it all. Moles are the mostest!
  4. That's 'mericans for ya. Always advertizing somethin', always trying to make an l-buck.... It's called the Consoomer Syety or sumthin'. Why do peeps who hate SL come to SL to moan 'bout it?
  5. I wish I hadn't started this thread. It was meant as jocular remark. Come on you lot! LAUGH!
  6. I have had that a lot recently, both in slow ships and fast aircraft, both in Blakes and around Bellisseria. The only way out I have found is to fly/sail in mouselook, which sometimes works, to landing/mooring, then stand and resit. Which suggests it is some viewer-server connection issue? You are the expert Animats.
  7. Ummm. You spend 120$ a month. US$120 (~L$30,000) will buy you quite a nice little mainland parcel when you can put up banlines, fly a zero-timer security orb and generally be an anti-social typical mainlander to your hearts content.
  8. pressed send when I meant to hit Cancel... Doh.
  9. Thanks for the reassurance, everyone. At least they didn't take it twice..... Kiss. Anna.
  10. Clearly soon is longer that 2 weeks.
  11. I've been premium for years, and always before my tier and annual subscription is taken automatically from my paypal account. Today I find a 'There is a problem with your account' notice, and a request to manually authorize my tier payment. So I just hit the usual paypal button and it all went through - no paypal issue. What has changed? Has anyone else had this? Do I need to raise a ticket?
  12. You can't fly over a 1024 sqm parcel in under 15 seconds?
  13. If you do decide to learn blender, I would recommend starting with the beta version 2.8. Although it is beta quality, it will become the next release, and the user interface is very different to blender 2.79. I am using it exclusively now and love it.
  14. Pity it's not possible the get right through to the inland sea. I sold my parcel there because there was nowhere to go. We need to encourage vehicle scripters to make changing sit location and pose part of the dialog/script, so that instant autoreturn is less of a problem. I have several good vehicle like that, and a lot of bad ones. My recent tests suggest that the tp/region-crossing bug of recent weeks has been very much improved by last weeks test fix. Only time will tell if they really got it. Actually I thought last night (GMT+1) that they may have improved sim-crossing over last years stable badness, but it really isn't statistically representative sample yet. But we did sail and fly 2-up in the Blakes for over an hour without ANY issues.
  15. She'n'me went out for a sail and then a flight over the Blakes for an hour last evening (7:30-8:30pm GMT+1), and we had zero issues. Before the fix went in we were having one of us dumped out of SL every 3-5 sim crossings - two-person vehicles seem to be one of the worst conditions. It is my belief that the clever-cloggs at LL have made a load of progress. But it's not a statistically viable sample yet.
  16. I would like to say that I personally am very grateful to the Linden Labs folk who have been working on the recent sim crossing/TP issue. And they appear to have not just fixed it, but also to have significantly improved sim crossing even over what we had last year. πŸ˜„β€πŸΊπŸ‘πŸ˜„β€πŸΊπŸ‘πŸ˜„β€πŸΊπŸ‘πŸ˜„β€πŸΊπŸ‘πŸ˜„β€πŸΊπŸ‘πŸ˜„β€πŸΊπŸ‘πŸ˜„β€πŸΊπŸ‘πŸ˜„β€πŸΊπŸ‘πŸ˜„β€πŸΊπŸ‘
  17. Demand is good. The secret of business: 'Get Customers, keep them'.
  18. 20 meters sea level to 80 meters lake level, sounds like a Canal with locks to me. Great opportunity for a nice bit of Mole-engineering, and maybe a toll-gate.
  19. Yes, I do. And in fact, I am not desperate for a Linden Home. I have a large parcel on Satori, and a huge unique house which replicates an RL dwelling. I would like a houseboat, but actually I'd prefer to have a 1024sqm parcel with just a dock on navigable water as my Premium land. The key is access to navigable water. I'm sorry I have sounded negative about this. I actually do support what you are doing. I want, no, NEED, Linden Labs to continue to be successful with SecondLife.
  20. He's a Linden, of course he's psychic. Only Lindens can use God-mode, after all.
  21. Some of us (the ones with boats, ships and planes) have been asking for the continents to be joined with active sim corridors. The placement of the New Homes continent between Jeojeot and Sansara is a great help, and MUCH to be applauded, especially with the boat and flight friendly new ban-line policy. Well Done Linden Labs! Now how about a HUGE new development between Satori/Maebelea and Sansara? Filled with Premium-selling Houseboats, of course! (Me, trying to balance my negative looking posts elsewhere)
  22. No mention in there of 'HURRY, LIMITED NUMBERS, EXPECTED TO GO FAST'. If as you say Patch has been warning of that, at least he could have put the warning in the notice.
  23. I was feeling catty. (meeow)
  24. Forum watching is not one of my present top-o-the-list activities. But I bow to your analysis, dear Chic (without whom my SL home would have terrible LOD).
  25. This is the best advice of all. There are good reasons to come to SL, not all are addictions, friendships are top of my list, but if you have no reason, go get a life out there in RL.
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