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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. It seems to me to be a day by day crossing by crossing phenomena. Yesterday I tried a slow sail (Bandit 1F) with passenger in the empty sims to the west of the houseboats to the south of Belli, no issues at all, and then turning south-east got dumped at every crossing - the passenger wasn't. I am giving up sailing now, as I gave up flying. SL is just not able to sustain it any more for me. I suspect it is because of my long latency, but fast, connection. Maybe it'll improve when the move Amazon's servers happens. Probably not.
  2. An AO is basically a set of animations and poses that are set off by a script when your avatar changes state: Standing, Walking, Running, Turning, Sitting, and many others. SL provides a default set, but most people think they are 'wooden', so there is an aftermarket. Firestorm viewer provides a built-in script, but you need to supply the animations. @Pussycat Catnapoffers a free, full perm AO script. All you need are some animations and a bit of editing. But guessing from your question, these are not your skills right now.
  3. I can't tell you how impressed I am with this response from Linden Lab. It raises my confidence in my investments here several notches. I don't use a credit card through Paypal (I maintain a UKP & USD balance), so I was not affected, but I have been watching with interest.
  4. Is there PO Box I can send my gold doubloons to? I'm fed up of all this electronic money rubbish.
  5. Anna Nova


  6. Anna Nova


    42. There, satisfied?
  7. Well then, spend some of those ill-gotten gains! I've changed my name and all my alts (one a month). Did the last one this week. Very happy with the result.
  8. I always agree with LZ, but... I'd like to point out that we already have Blockheads, Blockchains can't be that much of an upgrade.
  9. My Avi is 5'4", and I have the same problem with my two Teagle horses - oddly the Clydesdale is the better fit than the Paint. My legs and heels are inside the saddle on the Paint. It's our fault for wanting to be normal sized and not SecondLife Giants, or Tiny and can sit on top. It's for this reason that I will not be buying any more horses. The technology just isn't there yet for a proper fit, so I doubt anyone else's horses will be any better than @Teager's.
  10. They put the script in to get the script count up. Everyone wants more scripts, don't they? Who wants to move anyway?
  11. I have a theory that becoming an US legislator causes irreparable brain damage. The DMCA is about as brain-damaged a piece of legislation as it is possible to write. I have another theory, but I'm far less sure of this one: 'Zhaoying' is 'Stiring it' in some language. As in: Love Stiring it. Me too!
  12. Oh God! A CHANGE! Let's panic! Change is fun. I'm already enjoying this...
  13. Where can you get the free Genus head? I looked at the mainstore, they are all 3300.
  14. Interesting. I have long thought that I had a ration of sim crossings, but could never quite work out what it was, somewhere around 20. Then there is the 'arrival region' effect when I always get broken on the last sim crossing of a journey. These may both be symptoms of some unreclaimed memory growth that occurs on 'cluttered' sims - inevitably the target of a journey isn't an empty one!
  15. And then, of course, there is Ruth 2.0. Which is free on MP, and in world. I am a Maitreya user myself, and poo-pooed the Ruth, but then I was RPing the other day and came across someone using it to great effect. Saves a lot of cash. Anyone found with a Legacy body (or anything from the TMP hypercapitalists) on my land gets derendered. You have been warned.
  16. I have an Archlinux system that is my one and only computer right now (discounting the Pi3 and PiZero ). AMD Ryzen 2700 with nVidia GTX1080Tx, and 16Gb. The memory footprint of my regular usage with SL is about 40% with Brave(web browser) and Firestorm, this is from 27% with just Brave. It varies with the scene complexity, I think, which suggests that some is associated with the NVidia card. Firestorm itself only adds 3% to the memory (i.e. 30%), but when logging in rises to 46% while all the initial rendering takes place, and then falls back to 40% or so. Opening a second (alt avatar) Firestorm instance and logging in raises the memory footprint to about 55%, which then falls back after the rendering to 53%. Not sure if this helps, but there it is, for what it's worth. I'm interested in your conclusions.
  17. This is excellent, thank you. Until I read this I was thinking 'psychological effect', but now I realise you are talking about something much more physical. It may well be psychologically induced, but it is very physical. True, I don't experience it, but now I understand a little. Being a depraved sensualist by nature, I am off to search for my triggers...
  18. Thanks. And to everyone else. The Wikipedia was best I think (usually is, and if I'd been awake I'd have started there) I am officially uninterested in paresthesia. But you just have to know!!!
  19. It would be really nice if someone would define ASMR for those of us who don't follow popular American culture. It seems to be about touchy-feely stuff, but what does ASMR actually mean? I tried a websearch and got porn. Thanks.
  20. Ya, I tried that, but my autistic (sic) talent isn't good enough to do it in one shot. But always use the Local texture method, which I thought I'd made clear, but obviously Wulfie and Orwar didn't get. Mostly you can get away with using existing alphas, as Marianne says, but I find that my shape often needs them tweaked - which is why alpha-cuts aren't always any good.
  21. Thanks Matty, I was aware of that, and have a suit of 'Robin Wood' system layers ready. But you have confirmed that my way is basically 'the way'. One can tweak the method a bit, but that's the essentials.
  22. So people are saying that making alphas is easy. So I'd like the tutorial please! The way I do it is with GIMP and Firestorm. 1) In GIMP I open a copy of a Robin Wood UV-map of appropriate size - usually 512x512. 2) Use the eraser to wipe over some bits near where I want alpha, not taking much care. Export a png of it, but keep GIMP open. 3) In Firestorm make a new alpha in inventory, and attach it along with the item to be 'alpha-ed'. 4) Edit the alpha item and mount the exported png from (2) as a local file on the required part. 5) Edit the GIMP version, re-export. Repeat until everything perfect. 6) Upload the final png to SL paying the L$10. 7) Save the GIMP file for when you discover you made a mistake.... Now this is hardly 'Easy'. So I am wondering if I have totally lost the plot.
  23. I had a houseboat in a region that was very laggy all the time, at the beginning of the Belli era. I swapped it out for a newer one, and the lag improved a lot - most of the time. Maybe consider moving. But it's dangerous - you might get somewhere worse!
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