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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Thank god you didn’t have any kids or get forced into a loveless marriage!
  2. Yep, sounds like LL was smart on this one.
  3. You could try rezzing a new copy of the HUD, and attach using the default attach point - don’t choose one just “wear” it.
  4. Starting to think that my origin story is, “my momma dropped me on my head a lot”.
  5. Just heard on local NPR, “Tonight on All Night Jazz, it’s Game Night so get your Avatar ready..” Very confusing.
  6. My landlord sucks. He’s never there, won’t make any improvements, complains all the time. I own my own land.
  7. Given the RL recent “men’s Romper” fad, was surprised I couldn’t find that on the MP. Settled for PJ’s.
  8. Tactic for gamifying the forums: Save links to a bunch of threads and help keep them going. Create new threads and do the same.
  9. Marketplace needs a “You bought this on..” feature to help keep you from buying the same item twice.
  10. Having a full region and Linden home, not sure I need another 512. It would be cool if LL offered 2 Linden Homes.
  11. Whut I miss? Do I have to read the book, or is this season of “Linden Realm is Borked, WAHHHHHH!!!1!!” available as a streaming dramatic performance?
  12. You can file a support ticket here: https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new
  13. Loved that movie! I had this single. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JNG_Kn-m73M
  14. Wearing a Ladies' Sakura Kimono, in a tea house while the Sakura blossoms fall.
  15. Wearing a Sakura kimono, watching the Sakura blossoms fall.
  16. Wish you could summon a Linden - oops it’s 2018, not 2006.
  17. Technically, I should be a greymuzzle Neko Lion, but I’m clean shaven in RL so don’t think about it much in SL. Maybe when I get more grey in my RL temples/hair.
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