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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I, like many of you have been in Second Life a long time. So long, that interests change and wane, and I even leave Second Life now and then. Sometimes Second Life feels like “work” either due to long, endless projects, small rewards, etc. We all (or most of us) don’t like calling SL a “game” - because we take it seriously! But, if Second Life is feeling like work..and you are getting a little “burned out”, why NOT “Gamify” it? How would YOU (or how DO you) Gamify Second Life? Some ideas to get you started: - Take part in Hunts - Set Small goals for your Avatar (appearance, etc.) - Buy something every day - Make Friends (Who does that anymore)? - Explore at least once a week - Make a “Bingo Board” with different things like Drama, Griefer, Friends, Shopping - and try to do and/or avoid those things - if you get a “Bingo”, do something in SL special for yourself.
  2. I confess the Forums would be a little more dull without the drama-triggered posts.
  3. You said “sickish” yesterday I think, get well soon!
  4. I suggest that you say the result of llGetAgentList to chat so you can see if it is getting the info or not. After the call to llGetAgentList, add this line to debug it: llOwnerSay(“List result=“ + llList2CSV(result)); This will show you what is in the list after llGetAgentList. Also, in your touch_start event I noticed you are not initializing y to zero.
  5. Juggling Forum threads. Not sure my Wetware CPU is threadsafe, or SFW.
  6. Did you hear about the evangelical Christian who wanted to play a Satanist in Second Life? Just in case, they decorated their altar with Repentagrams.
  7. Derails and humbugs more than welcome! Threads created for discussion!
  8. It would be fun if they hawked like at a Mercado. “Lady, you looking for shoes? I’ve got great deals on shoes over here!”
  9. Drink your coffee and get on SL this morning, to see what trouble your Avatar got in last night! That rascal!
  10. Better answer: ask yourself, does anyone really want “blue balls”?
  11. I’ve always been a fan, student, collector of information and art of the St. Louis 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition (the “1904 World’s Fair”). Partly because my roots are in St. Louis. Anyway, while navel-gazing tonight over “SL vs. RL” it occurred to me, that I never considered commissioning any builds from the Fair. Here are 4 original artistic prints (this post and first comment) from the Fair. Note that the building in the first one is 1000 feet long - longer than a sim! (See the tiny people, to scale.) Sorry for the quality, these are on my walls behind glass. I do not know if anyone has built or commissioned anything from the 1904 World’s Fair in SL. Any thoughts? *Edit* I have many reference photos and drawings of buildings from the Fair.
  12. The phrase “Don’t threaten me with a good time!” comes to mind.
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