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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Is your Avatar’s good name being tarnished by a Troll in the Forums? AR that Troll today, your Avatar will thank you!
  2. Last 3 Lindens to go IN THERE didn’t come back out..
  3. Hmm..but since you were technically sitting, the “walk animation” would have to be triggered by the pram script. I’ve done similar by interfacing to my AO. Then, you’ve a separate override anim for grasping the pram handle. Sound right?
  4. So yours was a vehicle, and supplied it’s own walking animations.
  5. I had Popeye anthologies when I was little. Sea Hag scared me. I guess that’s why I like d*ck.
  6. I like how your brain works, and how you articulate your thoughts.
  7. Bearded Ladies are hot. Wait..what did you think I meant?!?
  8. To clarify, you didn’t have to “make love” at the place, just love it..?
  9. Derek, when they admitted to being c***y, that tells you all you need to know. Anything after that is obviously trolling.
  10. Ok. I would not give up - maybe the last Linden Who helped you wasn’t a troubleshooting expert, and you can get a more expert Linden to help.
  11. I did not intend (someone else’s) suggestion was changing to an RC server - just any other server than the one you are currently on, EVEN if the server you are on is not busy. Those were 2 SEPARATE unrelated suggestions.
  12. It depends on the item. Some you just Rez in-world and they give you a folder with contents. Some you have to Rez and “touch” (click). Some you have to Rez, Right-Mouse click and select open (if no script in the box). *Edit* Don’t wear it, Rez it on the ground someplace that you have Rez rights.
  13. One Blonde Avatar to another: “My God, your AV is so ugly! Other Blonde Avatar: “That’s not what your Alt said to my husband last night!”
  14. Run out of nice things to say about another Avatar? Try Sarcasm! Your Avatar is smarter than it looks!
  15. Such a sweet daily affirmation:) One good way to spread daily affirmations is to compliment someone completely out of the blue to make their day happier. Taligurl you have the most amazing boot collection I have ever seen in SL! @Talligurl!!
  16. You do realize, Second Life wouldn’t exist if we could do that?
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