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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Not getting your point across in the Forums? Your Avatar is articulate, so post a reply to every response! People love reading your posts!
  2. Whut? I miss sumpin’? *Edit* Ohhhh is Necro!
  3. I used to let my SL live on my sim for free, but I never saw then and got rid of that sim.
  4. The sound of silence, played really loud. I see what you did, there!
  5. Sorry, I thought you were stating that all serious suggestions in this thread were “bland”. I thought you were being rude and unappreciative. My apologies. I am nothing, if not irreverent. Anyway, I can’t promise it was in THIS thread, but I saw some suggestions for server-side performance issues: 1) Have Lindens (or perhaps a user with technical knowledge) check that your sim is not being hosted on a server that is hosting a “busy” sim (such as a club). 2) You can Request that the Lindens move your Homestead sim to a different server. You did not state in your post about a Linden helping, if this was already tried or not. The above is about the best I can reconstruct my memory of what seemed to be related to “server-side” suggestions.
  6. Ethical implies sourcing is ethical, dunno. Google if no replies?
  7. Can’t you drastically change heads with different head-skins? I didn’t look into that yet.
  8. Your Avatar is Trustworthy, so don’t tell another Avatar’s Secrets! You can do it, if you try!
  9. But the “Flexi” item means it won’t work with Mesh?
  10. Any ho would be proud to sell her wares under that purrrdy lamp!
  11. Thanks! In my ignorance, I assume they have a “mesh version” and a “standard avatar” version all included.
  12. Dal and Naan snack. Oh wait, the Dal has butter. D*mn!
  13. You’re like a movie star, or Imelda Marcos!!
  14. Second picture has melted (yellow) cheddar cheese.
  15. I’m trying to see where it says “mesh”. Oh, I see now. So what kind of search terms did you use? Teach me, Sempai!
  16. Looks better with the cheese, right?
  17. Sure! The way I scripted my own tail is by changing its gravity every so often. I’m not in-world much still but will send you a friend request when I am!
  18. Specifically: The first item I bought that I liked had info that said another of their products was UPDATED. I left that detail out. (And that they offered an updated service.) My Logic was: well, if this other thing is UPDATED then it’s probably of the same quality of this thing.
  19. I read “Always, Always, Always Demo!” I just started using mesh and I have a theory. 1) I bought a set of some mesh clothing from one merchant, after trying the Demo. I saw that this merchant delivers a version suited for many mesh bodies, all together (what a great idea). 2) After my first positive experience with this merchant’s product, it occurred to me - if they reference another item of clothing in the same listing, perhaps that is well-made too. 3) I tested the theory of #2 and bought the related product - it also came with many different versions and fit/worked fine. That gave me the reassurance that the merchant had quality stuff that would “fit” - so I bought more without trying the demos - and was totally happy. Now, I should buy some of the other bodies this stuff works with, since now I have clothes for those bodies too! So, are any of you the same way, once you find a merchant you trust, sometimes skip the demo?
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