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Everything posted by HarrisonMcKenzie

  1. Persephone Emerald wrote: One can also listen to live Music, Go to Art Exhibits, Drive or Fly a vehicle, Raise Breedable pets, Learn to Build, Learn a 2nd language, Play Roleplay, Do Hunts, Freebie & Sale shopping, Sort Inventory, Own or rent land, then Landscape or Decorate your house(s), Join a Support Group, & Chat with people. - I think almost everything gets boring eventually, so you need to keep finding new things to do and new people with whom to do them. This. I mostly roleplay, but I can break that up into more specific activities. I roleplay at school, which means learning how SL works and doing a little real world lerning and research. I roleplay with a family, which involves improv acting, telling joks, and a little problem solving. I'm in a Scout troop, which involved a little event planning and photography (shot composition, light levels, etc. Actual photography). Plus other rp stuff. And that's just RP. I'm getting back into 3D modeling and my Photoshop skills have improved considerably. I like to attend DJed and live musical acts. Digital art exhibitions seem like a lot of fun (I'm a museum nerd), and I'd like to explore options for language learning. All of these are things that don't involve lounging or dancing.
  2. Sweet. Mind hanging around with a dorky 11 year old? I do have some big person friends already, so it's not weird for me at least.
  3. I play a kid avatar (11, not a baby) and enjoyed a great wealth of comradery and activities before I moved to East Asia. Most of the activities I was doing and groups I'm in are all based on US timing, and due to the massive timezone difference, I just can't take part in them anymore. I'm looking for some friends and hangouts in the same part of the world to hang out with and help keep me interested in SL beyond the little bit that I can still do now. I'm still enjoying myself, but having some avatars to play with who are closer to my timezone would make me very happy.
  4. I've also been thinking about this. I like the RP aspect of clothes, so I take my shoes off when I walk into my house. I'd like to be able to layer like this for jackets, winter wear, and the dreaded socks. I think part of it is just someone making clothes that can layer. Not everything will (if I make an open hoodie, it probably won't fit over other people's shirts), but one should be able to easily make their own line of clothes compatible.
  5. I resonate that you and your friend should be critically looking at the listings in question. For example, I regularily flag BDSM items, **bleep** sleeves, and sex benches that should up in General, since these are items that should be in Adult and is probably a TOS violation to be inappropriately categorized. Has your friend miscategorized his/her items, improperly labeled their permissions, or done something else that would cause the items to be getting flagged? While it's entirely possible that someone is just flagging the items as a prank, I suspect that there is actually fault somewhere, unless your friend is one of the most popular and showcased builders and thus high profile enough to be trolled.
  6. How dare SL not look like Tron or some other 80's CG effect! I disagree that there is no individuality in SL, or that people stopped making content for it. If you spend 5 minutes looking at the number of options available, you"ll see how easy it is to build a unique looking avatar using the far better visuals offered by properly 3D modeled items. Yes, you require skill to make quality products, but mesh hasn't changed that. You still needed decent graphics skills to make good loking textures for items, and you needed some degree of modeling skills to make a prim object that didn't look terrible. There were people who surely got very good at these things, but there comes a point where the work you are putting into a video game should be even the slightest bit transferable. And I fail to see how the introduction of mesh suddenly translates to a need for programming knowledge sufficient to make your own game engine. Creating objects in SL has nothing to do with scripting, programming, or designing physics engines. Based on what you have said (I had to skim it, since I don't have a half hour to read a wall of text), I feel like you have missed the point of SL and whatever Sansar is entirely. The point of Sansar is to use transferable skills to create video game content. And the point of creating better content in SL is so that the game doesn't look 20 years old. System clothes tent to look terrible, making decent prim objects requires a set of skills that can't be used anywhere else, and scupted items really just seemed like a stepping stone. Why shouldn't SL be using the same extrernal software and skills that other forms of media and production use? Why should SL stay in the 1990's?
  7. As my wardrobe grows larger and more complicated, I find it increasingly difficult to change or add new details to my avatar. For example, if I want to change my shape or hair cut, or add a new accessory, I have to add it to each and every outfit, which can take a very long time or cause a mix up if I miss an outfit. I was thinking that it would be great if I could have some sort of base outfit that acts as a master to all others. From there, my clothes outfits are just those items. That way, if i want to make a change to a key feature, I onlt have to edit the base outfit. But I can't figure out how to do this. All I can do is save an outfit, then manually delete the links to things like the skin and hair, and then right-click and add the outfit to my current outfit. To problem here is clicking replace instead of add replaces the worn outfit, removing all those things like hair, skin, and common HUDs, which is simply going to be a nusance to keep going back and adding outfits and elements that I didn't mean to take off. Does anyone know a better way to do this to get the desired effect? Or is it a matter of making either complete outfits that are hard to globally change or making those separate and accidentally replacable outfits and just hope I get used to adding instead of replacing? Thanks
  8. 2GB is quite low. I was running 4 on a lower spec PC and needed to double it to be in an area with more than 3 people.
  9. You have about three options for funds. 1. Pay for them. It doesn't cost a lot of money to buy a lot of Linden, and you can get a lot of stuff for a low cost if you look carefully. 2. Do something as an inworld job, like DJ or make content. This requires a marketable skill or product, and is probably your best return, but don't expect to leave your day job. 3. Find a freebie game. There are a few camping or exploration games that have a small pay out, with an emphasis on small. If you need 10-20 Linden, these are fine. If you need any more, you will spend all your time grinding for RL pennies.
  10. I'd be up for a tabletop roleplaying game in SL. I think it'd be a lot of fun to do in world, rather than over somthing like Roll20 (which there's nothing wrong with). There just seems something charmingly entertaining about sitting in a mall food court or resident's basement inworld and playing a roleplaying game.
  11. I've been tweaking some kid shapes for a little while now. I've been making them as boys, but there really isn't much of a physical difference at that age in terms of body shape. I can send then to you if you're interested. As for a skin, you should be tripping on them. Young girls are the most common child avatars, and there is TONS of stuff for them. How old is your avatar though? I know a place with some kid skins that are available to month old avatars and younger. But they also have some lucky chairs and such.
  12. To be fair, some freebies can be really good looking. I was quite fortunate as a kid avi, since a lot of kid freebies are high quality. What really makes someone look like a newbie is using those bad freebies, or wearing system clothes (though that also makes oyu look 100). Wearing prim shoes and a system outfit just looks ridiculous. At least the starter avatars look good, basic and cheesy as they may be. While SL is hard to learn, it's not hard to put together a nice looking avatar on the cheap, nor is it hard to find good looking or cheap attire and avatar parts.
  13. You actually can strafe, toggle run, and spin the camera around. It's actually pretty cool what you can do with the camera, and you can find that just by Googling it. But yes. Something with a more modern control scheme/interface would be nice. Unfortunately, I'm not sure it's possible. It seems that the controls for SL are fixed and unchangable, unless you have a programmable keyboard or game pad. If one could customize the control scheme, I'd think that it would have been done by now (SL's what, 12 years old?).
  14. No, but I've worked in billing scenarios where Mastercard works far more reliably than Visa, due to a certain brand of prepaid Visa cards being widely circulated but not accepted. But you also have a situation where, if not accepted for Linden, you can still use it to buy groceries, clothes, and other RL goods. Don"t buy $100 at a time, but I don't see how buying a $20 card is a detrement.
  15. ve you tried linking your bank account? Or a prepaid Mastercard (I understand that Visas are always **bleep** and no one accepts them)? You can also buy using Skrill (whatever that is). There are lots of people who don't have a credit card, so you should be able to figure something out.
  16. Given that it's Halloween, I figure that threadomancy is appropriate. There is a kids baseball league that started. Unfortunately, I don't live in North America, so I can never make it to the training sessions or the games, so I'm not sure how it's doing.
  17. Second Life is a video game. It has more in common with a video game than it does Skype, a blog, or Goolge Hangout, which is too often what people try and compare it to. Does SL have a goal or level? No, but many video games don't. This is called a "sandbox." Minecraft has some things you can do that can be attributed to a goal or ending, but you can completely ignore that and still enjoy the game. In fact, these elements weren't even a part of the game at first, and were only added to build on the experience and give players more to do. It is a sandbox, where you can build, explore, make videos, or adventure. Look to any MMO and you will see more in common, fundamentally, with SL than not. Most MMORPGs do have a story line and endings to those story lines, but you can completely ignore all of that and still enjoy the game. You can simply experience the virtual world without engaging in the scripted story. And no MMO has "an ending" since that would render the game complete and lose subscribers. Just because (I think) the majority of SL players don't play mini-games and in combat RPs doesn't mean that SL isn't a game. It just means that it's a game with a broader focus than most others. You can explore, you can hang out with friends (a huge part of roleplaying or just being in a populated area in MMOs), you can build, and many other activities that many other games include. Is it a bad thing that SL is a game? No. Absolutely not. I have no idea why people are so defensive when they hear SL being called a game, because there is nothing wrong with that. "Game" isn't a bad word, and we really should stop treating it as one.
  18. Hi! I'm 11 (in SL), if that's not super weird. I know teens don't normally wanna hang out with kids. Ummm.... I'm not sure what to say. Oh! I like shopping too. Drop me a pm or in ingame massage if you wanna hang out.
  19. See, I prefer targeted marketing 100 fold to the random ad blast of the 2000's internet. I've found online stores that I shop at and social groups that I've considered because of it. Sure, having months of ads for old lady socks might be a little embarrassing, but it's better than a male getting ads for feminine hygene products or seeing sports memorobilia ads when you don't watch or play sports.
  20. I imagine it was also very complicated trying to police this. You have every scammer under the sun trying to trivk you with Linden into giving away personal info, and you'd probably have to have someone administering third party sales and the infrastructure supporting them. It's just as easy to bring the whole thing in house since they are doing all the work anyways. I really doubt there a conspiracy here to kill SL or to keep international players out.
  21. I don't think it's fair to be freaking out just yet. Sure the project doesn't have a community yet. That's because it's in testing. Heavy, technical testing. It's going to be oriented on content creation to test the new platform, but I hardly think it's only going to be about that. Once whatever it is or isn't is launched, we'll see it then. If people want to roleplay, they will roleplay. If people want to build a community, they'll build a community. Just because that's not being tested right now doesn't mean it doesn't or won't exist.
  22. Don't join groups that cost 500L? Whatever happened, whoever is right, maybe you learned something. For me, a group has to be really something for me to pay 500L for it. Heck, I barely spend that much on anything inworld. I'd be mad if I got kicked too, but I probably never would have joined one that costs that much in the first place.
  23. Let's see... I used to go to school (but it's summer holidays right now). I'm also in Scouts, and we go hiking and are gonna start camping and working on badged soon. I played soccer at school and tried to get into baseball. I spend a lot of time with my family, but I also hang out with friends too. And shop, 'cause it's a fun challenge to find kid's stores that aren't for babies. I sometimes watch movies too, and I go to a lot of amusement parks. SL is a sandbox, so you really have to find stuff to do and think about what you wanna to to keep busy. When I play my alt, I'm really bored because I haven't really figured out what I wanna do. TPing around looking for people to talk to isn't really working for him. You gotta be proactive.
  24. Rhonda Huntress wrote: <snip> Wouldn't it make more sense to say what you think is fun? <snip> Not in my case. I don't really think what I just said makes for good profile reading. I wouldn't make many friends with "Leave me alone. I don't want to socialize" /me runs to see what her profile says... Whew, nothing too encouraging or discouraging.
  25. Since support is so poor for not-Blender anyways, I think your only option for Maya or Max is to move the animation through Motionbuilder. I haven't tried this yet but I can't imagine it's any worse than creating any other game assets. My only hope is that whatever not-SL2 is, it will have better and mor eup to date creation support.
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