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  1. Yeah,you have a good point there about using the card for other things if it doesn't work and yes I was only planning to put a small amount on the card anyways thank you again for the replies, I'll give MasterCard a go!
  2. Do you know from personal experience if a prepaid Mastercard actually works to buy Lindens? I just don't want to go out and get one and they won't accept it, you know?
  3. Now that Sansar has been announced, I was wondering if Second Life will still be up and running once Sansar is out, like will be still be able to log into our Second Life account, or buy stuff from the SL marketplace? or would they do away with Second Life as a whole? Thanks for any replies.:)
  4. Hi there, I have a Paypal account I am trying to use to buy Lindens, but its not letting me because I don't have a bank account linked to my Paypal, is there a way around this? Also, is it possible to use prepaid debit cards to buy Lindens?, because I don't have a credit card. Thank you to anyone who replies :matte-motes-smile:
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