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shadow Tyne

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  1. AlecDeBoeuil wrote: WIth people who also can't spell intelligent? I am going to go out on a limb and say you picked on my misspelling because it sounded rather snobbish.. Which I can agree to. It did sound snobbish. However what I was attempting to convey was that I enjoy conversations that are more about 'oh, he did this and this' and the like. I enjoy discussing ideas, or current happenings. An example being the robot that recently passed the self awareness testing leading to a tangent about how we define self awareness. Based off a conversation I had in real life with a few friends who also like those types of random tangents. I didn't mean it as a belittlement or anything in the like, but I definately admit to relying too heavily on spellchecks unerlining red marks to tell me when I've spelled something wrong. :matte-motes-delicious: Though, I don't agree that having perfect spelling is the hallmark of somone who is smart. I actually have a friend who uses very litle punctuation or capitalization but is still very smart. I also have the nasty habit of spelling 'woman' as 'women' because my accent has me say woman more like women. Same with Greazy and greasy.
  2. I know how you feel, I went through the same thing. I'm looking for a friend to chat and hang around with. I enjoy Rping and gaming, I'm an artist both 2D and 3D, writing, fantasy, and Roleplaying.. Actually a lot on that list. I'm laid back and open minded, I love having intellegent conversations as well as silly ones. I have horse Avatars, human avatars...basically tons of avatars so if you wanted to go horseback riding or out exploring. Right now I just sort've float around, I have a little house but it's not been loved.
  3. I've been lazing about on Second life for 11 years, and never found my SL 'home'. Perhaps because it's hard to find a steady group of friends, perhaps I'm just missing some of the biggest fun spots. In any case, I'm curious to what others are doing, and felt like some casual chatting with other SLers. So, what does everyone else do in Second life? :)
  4. I see, that makes sense. I've left them alone for the most part, from what I've read you just have to plug in the variables. Like.. How long pregnancy lasts, how frequently they breed, when they can breed, how long does it take for them to get hungry, how long can they starve, and things like that. Sort of plug and play. I just don't know how to plug. I think the brain was said to be the most complicated. I can understand what the script is wanting in general, but I can't give it directions. It's like the difference between reading music and writing it.
  5. Well, it wanted my Avatars UUID, I guess so it knew if anyone else was editing the particular 'pet' I was making. Sort of like a failsafe? I'm not sure entirely. ;
  6. With the market down prices on everything rising I thought I'd try and script my own 'breedable' pets to dink around with. I did some research and found an open source XS script that gives me the crates, food, breeding, brain, etc. etc. in different scripts. So I proceded to build my little pets, got them a working food bowl and apply the scripts. I figured out my UUID for the codes and kept the same names for the scripts for the brain which appears to link to the other scripts.All in all there are six scripts in the animal. One for Egg and egg cup (not sure where those should go, if the egg is in the egg cup or something) one for the food bowl, one for the crates. Has anyone else had experience with these scripts? I've tinkered with scripting but I'm not very good, I'm not sure exactly where to plus in the variables and integers the scripts are wanting me to without getting errors. I'm sure it's just basic 'put this here' errors that I'm getting wrong, but a guiding hand is really needed. I've also been told that the scripts wont run unless you have the pet rezzed from another object, but I get errors if I take the pet into the inventory to load it into another object. Or.. Uh.. How to get things to rezz from other objects. x.o; Any help is appreciated.
  7. Hehe, I looked at my profile and seen that my account is six years and 1 month old. I missed my big 0-6 by a month! Hehe. It's so hard to believe that it's been SIX years since I first started my account. SIX. And not much has changed! XD Maybe I should hold a late SL birthday party for myself. xD Still, it's just.. really hard to believe. My how time can fly.
  8. Oooh~ Secret club. Lol, it must be interesting. When asked what you can do in Second life I normally reply 'What can you do in real life?' because I find thats often about true. There are some give and takes, but it normally evens out. I've tried to start building in SL. Trying to make a small model toy that moves around. It's.. Frustrating. To say the least. Scripting is even more confusing, though. So I've settled on building shapes for now. Working on a cute child shape for those who do family Roleplay. x3 Or just want to walk around SL as a kid.
  9. I'm bored and don't know anyone, so I figured I might as well start an idle chat thread to make a couple friends. Things about me: Like to Rp but haven't gotten a good start in SL (ferals, Centaur, fantasy, past Rps, family, etc. etc. A lot of things.) Breed and sells PreciousDragons Love lots of animals in general. Write and draw as a hobby. Generally play SL to relax and have fun. I don't really know what else to put about me. :P Tonight I'm messing with my Seawolf Gryphon avatar, considering buying an acrobatic saddle for it but not sure if I'd ever use it. What is everyone else up to tonight? Any special plans?
  10. Heh, yeah. Maybe get a square that moves around first. Thank you for your help! ^^ With anyluck my invention will one day be all the rage in SL.
  11. I guess I'm really not sure exactly what I want to make. I know I want an object, and I know I want it to move and such, I just don't know how to get there. Do you think that Meshes or Sculpties would be a better way to get that? I'll try Jass and see what I can do with that.
  12. I've only managed to build something once. I made a dragon head that wound up being 30 prims. It gave you a cookie with you touched it. :D It was very simple and a little ugly made comepletly with SL basic prims. The current model I'm trying to make is a horse that will shift it's limbs, bob it's head, and flick it's tail. I've seen one way where it has all it's limbs attached but some are invisible? Now I want to make something a little more complex. Figuring my prevous success in a CAD program through a class would give me a good enough start I could start making sculpted prims. So a trip to the internet and I now have two programs. One is Blender 2.5a for 64 bit Windows. The second is I guess one made specially for easy building for games. Called Curvey 3D. Next I tried looking at other 3D models to see what they did. I see the polygon one (I think thats what it's called) and I started with Curvy 3D. The problems I've encountered so far. My lines aren't steady enough. There is no button for a straight line maker? The wiggly lines are making divits in the prims. The instant rotation is a little annoying. Is there a way to toggle that off? Where is the straight line tool? Dx Suddenly went from 'auto rotate' to making a cylinder around the line I draw. What? Doing from front view or perspective view when I add a face to attach to the side view it is made like.. Worlds away from the actual face. Can't seem to move it. Ugh. At this point my patience runs out and I swtich to Blender. I checked a youtube video for 'how to' and this guy took a picture and like.. Traced it and then the modle became 3D when he started adding faces. That looks like a good way, so I find a tutorial and try to follow it, but it doesn't work. Problems I have aarre I can't rez any base objects. Where is the scew and uh.. morph.. I can draw but it doesn't do anything. So many buttons. X_X I have no idea what any of them does. Am I missing a special version? Why can't I do what that guy did? All the Tuts I find seem to be outdated. From here I can't do anything because I can't make anything and I've been screwing with the buttons and nothign is productive. So... Anyone think they can help me? At this point I'm about ready to pull out my hair. Online tutorials are proving to be either outdated or complex and hard to understand.
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