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Everything posted by HarrisonMcKenzie

  1. Sorry, but that's just not true. Mesh is rigged to your skeleton. Bento didn't change that. To resize rigged mesh, you could have to change the placement of your bones, which you can't do. Bento just added more bones that can be used in fitted mesh.
  2. Most sims should be fine. I only come across the odd one randomly that doesn't allow kids or anime-like avatars. If you're looking to roleplay, that's a different story. In that case, I've only found a handful of child friendly roleplaying sims that aren't schools or the like, but all asked for realistic avatars. I'm not sure what is available for anime-like or furry avatars, since I've never looked.
  3. I guess I technically have 3. I have an alt who I use to teach with, but I also have a kid body so I can do clothing tests and photos for my main. I have some other avatars for my main, but they only exist for testing purposes and likely wouldn't ever be used on their own. Beyond that, RP outfits are costumes, though I do talk about the RP characters a little differently.
  4. I know, right? I was talking talking with my RP family about this last night. My sisters use play SL far more seriously than I do, and use it as a way to be themselves. I, on the other hand, use it as escape and for fun, and everyone understands and supports both ways to play. It doesn't matter why someone plays SL. It doesn't matter what their slant on it is. There is nothing with SL being called a video game, because there is nothing wrong with video games.
  5. Exactly. The reason we can't resize rigged mesh clothing is because we would have to change the shape and size of the avatar's bones. Otherwise, the vertices of the mesh are attached directly to the bones and would just go back to the original places when scaled. Also, SL isn't a fully functioning 3d modeling engine, and thus lacks the precise controls needed to affect individual vertices and rigging on the fly.
  6. The best way to make Linden is to make something in SL, be it a real object or some kind of unique service. You can get a few Linden here and there playing a camping game or doing contests, but the best way to make any noteable amount is to do something for it. That being said, the days of making boat loads of money are probably over. You can definitely make some money making clothes or textures, and there is a chance that you could do something with creative writing or being an Editor. Just like anything though, you have to offer something that either no one else is doing or that is different enough to create a market.
  7. I was watching The Flash when I decided to give SL another go. I liked Harrison Wells (a character from the first season), so I grabbed that name. For my last name, I went to school with a guy named McKenzie, and had a lot of fun together even though he was only an acquaintance.
  8. It sounds like you need to do the upload test for the Beta grid. You need to do it for both. But yeah, you should always upload using the LL viewer. Mesh physics are messed up at best and non-existent at worst in other viewers since the physics system is proprietary software.
  9. You are aware that disagreeing with someone and getting upset are two different things, right? Adding modify permissions adds nothing to my business. All it means is turning over my rights as an artist. I don't want to do that so I don't. And as far as I can tell, the entire kid clothing market also sells with no-mod, so the argument that my business will hurt if someone else sells with those permissions isn't a valid one. I made my informed choice. Voicing that choice in a discussion isn't me getting upset, nor am I afraid that my business will suffer. That's you getting upset over my choice, not be being upset over it.
  10. >I hope, then, that I've been able to illustrate that just because you did not think of a situation where mod perms add to the product does not mean such a situation does not exist. Unfortunately, you haven't. The issues you described only seem to apply to you and not my store's demographic. I make kids clothing, so issues like **bleep**-slips and breast physics really aren't a concern for me. If someone really, truly did have a burning issue that required modify permissions, all they have to do is message me for custom work, which I'll probably provide for free. But my choice is that I do not want you retexturing or tinting my clothes because I'm not just selling a blank template; my clothes stand out because of the care I give to the texture details, not just design. That you don't like that, frankly, doesn't bother me because the issues you have with your avatar are not those of my customer. If me declaring my creator rights over my work bothers you so much that you would boycott my store, that doesn't really concern me.
  11. >However, it is my belief that many people choose to release no-mod due to some fundamental misunderstandings with regards to how SL works (see anyone who claims they only release no-mod to protect their content)... I'm not sure how protecting your art is a misunderstanding of how SL works. I don't have modify permissions on my clothes because I don't want the user changing the colour. I spend a lot of time making my textures, and I don't want them changing the appearance of it because it is more likely to make my product look poorly made. And since I sell mostly clothes, you can't resize or modify them anyways. The only thing that modify permissions would do is allow for renaming and inserting scripts, but I can't see people scripting a shirt in a meaningful fashion. Now, if I am selling furniture, I will absolutely do so with modify permissions, since the value, options, and more private use outweigh my concerns about recolouring. I personally do not buy no-mod furniture because I want control over scripting and size. The same is true with a character accessory; modify permissions actually add something to the product. But when those permissions don't add anything and can only take away from the product, I see no reason to use them. So no, I am not misunderstanding how SL works. I know exactly what I'm selling and why.
  12. The thing with the whole "it's the programmer's fault" argument is this: the programmer of the script is probably not a professional programmer. All the coulds and shoulds in the world aren't going to change that. Should the programmer write in a failsafe function in case the dialogue window is left blank? Yes. Did they? No. Why? Maybe the programmer didn't realize they had to. How many scripters in SL have a QA department to bruteforce their scripts in hopes of finding weird bugs? How many just do a few test transactions and call it good enough? Should the programmer have spent more time testing this and programming failsafes? Absolutely, if they are observing professional best-practices. Did they? No. Thus, the finger points bad to the user, unfortunately. Again, the script did exactly what it was told. It doesn't know that it shouldn't charge when user name "" wants the item. It doesn't know that this is an invalid name. The seller probably doesn't have control over this, and I'm betting the programmer didn't follow those best practices. But the user can observe their best practices, which includes making informed decision and using effective communication when things go wrong. The user can't control how tthe script works or if the programmer observed best practices, but they can control their actions.
  13. When I was younger, one of my teachers liked to say this. An error exists between the computer and chair. With that said, and without calling you a moron, I want to explain how programming works. Programs follow strict rules to decide which operation to run next. They are cold and logical, and do not care about your feelings or intentions; they only follow their direction and do so to the letter. So when you clicked gift and entered no name, you instructed the vendor to send the item to the user by the name of [bLANK]. It did exactly what you told it to do. The script does not know that you misclicked, nor does it know what your intentions are, because those things are not included in its programming. It followed its programming and your instructions. The next thing to understand is the person you paid probably didn't write the vendor script. They, like you, are probably not programmers, so they bought a product that someone else wrote. Even if they wanted to foolproof the script to prevent gifts from being delivered to the user [bLANK], the scripts are probably closed (no-mod) and the seller probably wouldn't know how to implement that anyways. Yes, you are at the mercy of the seller, just as you would be at the mercy of a real life store's staff to come and open the store in order to refund something you mistakenly bought, or bought but forgot to take. Welcome to commerce. As others suggested, instead of blaming everyone else for your mistake, you would have better luck messaging the store owner and explaining the misclick. I know that if someone messaged me because of a problem using my vendor system, I would deliver the item as soon as possible because I have nothing to gain from not doing so. Also, my vendor (at least) includes a transaction history of both the buyer and the recipient, so your seller should be able to clearly see the mistake that took place once they look into it. That might take a few days or even weeksm especially because it's not the holiday season, but patience and respect are virtues you will learn as you mature. TLDR. You made a mistake. Accept it, dust yourself off, message the seller, and wait for their reply. Understand that you may not get a reply right away or even at all (since not everyone lives in SL); that's life. It's not like you spent a fortune and are going to lose your RL house because of this.
  14. If my classic avatar you mean not a mesh body, it's far more common than you think. If you're wearing mesh clothes, the standard avatar will be alphaed out, which means no one can really tell. I only bought a mesh body because child avatars don't scale down very well, and because aa few items of clothing for kids don't fit the standard body. If it's not a big deal to you, don't worry about it. No one is going to see your lump sides if you're wearing a shirt.
  15. Food for thought. The reason LL doesn't allow child players in SL isn't because SL is some inappropriate sex dungeon (though it certainly can be). The reason why we see the number 13 as a general internet cutoff has to do with the American legal system and how information for children has to be handled online. In order to have child members for a website, user data needs to be handled and stored in a special way, and few websites that require member registration care to deal with that additional bother. While I agree that parents should be mindful of their children when they (the parents) are online, I don't buy this rhetoric that a 4 year old sitting on the parent's lap is a TOS violation or that this is somehow uniquely inappropriate.
  16. There is no shortage of playgrounds and amusement parks in SL. I don't know any off the top of my head, but I've been to a few different parks recently. Just hit the Search window and you'll find something.
  17. Something that always gets missed in this kind of conversation is this. If you are wearing mesh clothing, with the exception of toddler or literal monster avatars, no one can really tell if you are mesh or system. The reason for this is because you are sstill using an alpha to turn off the body when you wear clothes. While your naked system avatar chest might look lumpy and terrible, no one is going to see it if you have a shirt on. And while your doorstopper wedged feet look awful when barefoot, no one is going to see them if you have shoes on. The only thing left is mesh heads, which the community is far from unanimous on. Most people seem to use system heads because they can shape and skin them however they want. That all being said, I do have a mesh body, simply because child avatars look like horrifying aliens without one. I like to wear sandals and run around barefoot, and I like to change to go swimming. I do that enough to warrant the body, but the rest if the time, the body is alphaed out so you can't really tell anyways. Mesh is both the present and future of SL. But that doesn't mean everything else is garbage or looked down upon that much. Everyone had a system shape, regardless of whether they have a mesh body or not. And unless you have a mesh head or are naked, no one can really tell.
  18. I play SL because it's a video game that doesn't require me to raid or do PVP. I started playing SL because I wanted to try my hand at online video game roleplaying and see how that differs from tabletop. I like SL for many of the same reasons I liked City of Heroes or Star Wars Galaxies; it's about making a living character that I enjoy playing. I also use SL as a vehicle for getting back into 3D modeling and to get better at Photoshop. I've been trying to get better since I stepped away from animation in high school and have been struggling to get back into it ever since.
  19. I feel like this picture is a pretty relevant statement in SL. As a whole, people's age shouldn't matter. Most of my friends in SL are in their 40's or older. That soneone is older or younger shouldn't matter, provided that you aren't having problems with their maturity level. You can always try to find groups or places for people in their early 20's, but you're more than likely going to find people's RP age rather than their real one. 
  20. I'll add to this that if your sliders are maxed, you are probably 12 feet tall. Unless you are a dragon or Greek Cyclops monster, you're probably too tall.
  21. I apologize if this has been answered. I'm not sure what to look for or how to describe this. Is it possible to change what part of the avatar is used when sitting? I'm making a climbing wall using pose balls and I'd like the avatars to hang from the holds by hand when "sitting" rather then from their pelvis. I'd like it to look right with different avatar sizes. I can position my avatar so it looks like my hand is on the hold, but the next guy won't line up right because their shape is different. If there is a way to have the hand be the rotation position for the pose ball so that the user always hangs from their hand, that be great. Thanks.
  22. I'm kind of curious what this is all about, since the first post was edited away. Looking in though (not just for this situation), I would advocate that people read the ToS, as well as recognize that people play different kinds of characters. I don't get furries and think the excessive amount of sexual content in SL is inappropriate, but I just keep doing my own thing rather than try to be the moral police. If people want to do things in SL that someone doesn't like, provided no laws or rules are broken, no one should really be in a position to judge them. If people were propositioning kids or whatever, that's not cool and that's never going to be cool. And if a venue owner doesn't want kids in am area, that's fine. Let's just all be nice to one another and let each other play how they want.
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