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Eowyn Southmoor

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Everything posted by Eowyn Southmoor

  1. I'm pretty sure that's exactly where the train line will end up - and after running through this new theme I am just as sure that it will continue to wind noretheast, around the Stilt homes, and end up in Sakura at Shobu.
  2. *removed cause having discussions with some individuals is pointless*
  3. This happened to me about 24 hours ago. I got logged out then even with repeated attempts I couldn't log back in. The SL website also wouldn't load, nor would these forums. Had no issues with any other websites though. After a few hours, everything was suddenly ok - still no idea what was the issue though lol
  4. regular banlines only go 50m above terrain or water height, whichever is higher. So if your land is at 35m, then ban lines stop at 85m
  5. Just turned up https://gyazo.com/a26aedcc975dd4217b6135f79250a2f6
  6. Makes sense - the W could also stand for West if they were making two, however, the Newbrooke theme already has a community centre at Newbank, so maybe the Moles are being sneaky again and "N" simply stands for new
  7. The image you posted shows that you're in one of the old LL premium homes (Meadowbrook). Those do not have a mailbox containing the Security system. The mailbox containing the LL security system, as well as texture boxes and various decor, only comes with the newest generation of LL homes, on the continent of Bellisseria
  8. I'm thoroughly lost on this new PBR thing so I thought I'd revive this thread to ask a few questions, specifically as it relates to vehicles in SL, so hoping @arton Rotaru especially might be able to shed some light on things for me. I paint vehicles in SL. I don't make the vehicles themselves - I download the texture template PSD files from the creators and come up with new designs for the diffuse textures. Sometimes i also make the normal and specular layers too, though this isn't always required. Indeed, many vehicles in SL still don't use materials or cheat and use a basic white texture as a specular layer. So with this in mind, here goes: 1 Is pbr a new system completely, or is it an additional texture that works with the current diffuse/spec/norm textures? 2 If pbr is a totally new system, is there new LSL code that allows you to write paint applier scripts to texture specific prims/faces with the new system (assuming pbr uses different names from diffuse/spec/norm)? 3 Will vehicles using the current materials system still look decent? I ask this because I don't think many vehicle creators will bother to update their older products, and unlike many other things in SL, newer doesn't equal better when it comes to vehicles. 4 Will vehicles that currently use NO materials at all (ie: the use the default SL 'shine') still look decent or will these start to look bad? 5 If pbr is a new system, will it be possible to still use the diffuse/spec/norm textures then add some kind of "pbr" texture? 6 Will i need to create custom pbr textures for every single diffuse texture I make? For example, if I am painting a boat, and I use 4 diffuse textures to paint different areas - one for the hull, one for the deck, one for the seats, one for the engine - will i need corresponding pbr textures for each diffuse texture to ensure the right "look", taking into consideration that the 4 parts painted would all be very different surfaces, like plain wood, wood planking, leather or fabric, and metal. This is probably the most important factor for me as currently I have vehicles that require up 30 diffuse textures to paint fully. Now, if i add full materials layers to this, then that can jump up to 90 textures in total. Will it be even higher with pbr? 7. Relating to question 6, is it possible to create multiple different surface types on the one texture with the pbr system? Currently, I might paint a vehicle where one texture contains areas that cover several parts, and these will be different types of surfaces. With specular and normal textures I can tailor them to match the diffuse so i can have metal, wood, plastic, fabric surfaces all on the one texture. I hope my questions arent too difficult to understand.
  9. Maybe its just a hint about the UFO's - since Patch is holding one of those cordless hand-held vacuum cleaners and the UFO's look like big Roombas ?
  10. Just boating now through Newbrooke and Chalet areas, and yep, heres another: https://gyazo.com/4bb82d3c524c9f6b02e2222411612bfa
  11. The new Destination guide, when viewed in a web browser, seems to always forget I am logged on. I will check one place, and it will give me an inworld map link to click, but then if I change my mind and go back, upon selecting another location, I don't get the map link because it now shows me as logged out
  12. You are correct that it's various components like the sim surrounds which is causing what you see on the minimap. They are likely to be mesh which never shows up correctly on the map. When you say "but none seem to change it" I assume that to mean you've removed or changed these items but didn't see the map update. This is actually totally normal - the world map can take anywhere from 2 to 7 days to update and show any changes.
  13. Was planning a longer reply but Orwar beat me to it so I'll just make a few points. Prior to the cloud uplift, LL changed some code to do with region crossings that have improved things substantially for most people who travel in SL. Whilst I personally never had too much issue to start with, I did own a few vehicles that were very unreliable with crossings, and even these are now much better. Last year, I was unseated from vehicles only twice in 628 hours of sailing / flying / boating, and that's with a 7 year old computer, outdated graphics card, and fairly slow internet, so I'd say overall that's a very positive experience. Done about 141 hours of travel so far this year, and haven't yet been tossed out of my plane / car / boat The thing with region crossings is, there's a lot more aspects involved than just having a good computer or fast internet, and if all you have going for you IS a fast computer, that's no guarantee of good crossings by itself. Your avi plays a huge part, as nowadays the vehicle usually crosses before you, so keep that script memory down, don't wear un-needed huds, and have a nicely organised small inventory (yes that plays it part in region crossings). I'm in a couple of large travel groups in SL, and one, (Drivers Of SL) has weekly drives that will include flying legs quite often. We have hundreds of people completing these drives on a weekly basis, and rarely is there more than about a dozen people who have issues. I always find it interesting to note that it's usually the same dozen people that have issues week in week out, which points to it being issues on their side rather than a genuine failure of SL. I agree with Orwar re: banlines and speed. If you're hitting banlines in an aircraft, you're flying too low! My "normal" speed when using vehicles is between 15-20 metres per second - which is fast enough not to be boring and slow enough to let the scenery load. Putting it in perspective, 15 m/s is only 55 km/h, or 35 mph. If you join any of the main flying groups in SL I'm sure you'll get a lot more tips and advice on how make things go as smoothly as possible.
  14. Besides from the well-planned and very pretty landscapes that every theme has, and the important role Bellisseria plays in joining all of mainland together for us pilots / sailors / drivers, one of the things I love best about Belli is all the little easter eggs the Moles have hidden away. Whether it be references to movies or TV shows, secret portals at the bottom of lakes, or magical Stonehenge like teleporters, it's great to wonder round and find all these little things. Each time I think I've found them all, I stumble across a new one
  15. I explained this years ago. What you are seeing is two water levels because the default water in SL is 20m, and this "layer" projects across every region in SL. So, whenever you have a region with a higher or lower water layer than the default height, you'll see both layers being drawn. However, you will only see this IF you are standing in the region with the "non-default" water height. If you are standing on a region with only the default water height, even if you look at the region with the high water level, everything will look completely normal - that's because the non-default water level doesn't get drawn past the region it is in. SL has always been like this - you can see this effect not only in Bellisseria, but in southern Sansara where some of the lakes there have the water layer set to 70 or 80m. At the Linden Memorial park in northern Corsica - you can see the opposite effect, whereby one region there has the water let set lower than the default 20m. As Nika said, this is the exact reason the Log homes are ringed in mountains - to hide this oddity after many complained about it when the Vics were released.
  16. Autoreturn set for 10 minutes (as an example) would be completely inadequate because self-replicating griefing objects would spawn faster than the "clean-up" time. This is exactly why, in areas where object entry is set to on - these items spread throughout regions on mainland, as evidenced over recent years of griefer attacks in places like the Blake Sea, and even in Bellisseria. In both the above cases, the ONLY thing that prevented these replicating griefer objects from spreading much further was the fact that Object Entry is turned off in the Blake Sea and Bellisseria - precisely to combat this sort of thing. Bellisseria, whilst not "mainland", has a similar road infrastructure, and has object entry turned off since day one, yet you can drive on the roads there without issue. Of course, as soon as you stand up from your car it will vanish, but that's the trade off for increased griefer protection. Regardless, my original point still stands, mainland LL rez zones are quite common. There is certainly enough of them to support the relatively smallish community that frequently travels the roads. I spend around 4 hours per day travelling on them, and honestly i've never had an issue with finding a rez zone nearby.
  17. Enable parcel borders in your mini-map - most LL roads on mainland are full of rez zones. Opening up the entire road to allow rez would be a griefers paradise, doubly so with object entry turned off.
  18. Yeah the Scout is one that doesn't have cruise control in the Lusch Range - usually it's the ones with the automatic gearboxes that have it - Hermes / Ajax / Nordic / Stella / Tradeline / Stepvan / Trademaster. Their little TukTuk tho has cruise control even tho its a manual gearbox. Indeed, the Scout, like most GEMC scripted vehicles, will coast quite well on level ground, just like a RL car.
  19. Many of the GEMC and Lusch vehicles do use a cruise control system, as do the various Infinity trucks. Vision motors also have a cruise control mode on their vehicles too (at least the ones I own have it). In some cases it's just something that you have to enable via the menu.
  20. Not sure what you mean by "rez some objects" in this case. If you are just trying to have items showing in the trunk at all times then that's easy. You just position the items and link them to the car (assuming its mod). Best practise is to stop the scripts in the car first, then do the linking, then reset the scripts and set them back to running afterwards. You could add a script to the items that turns them invisible on touch, effectively "hiding" them if that's what you wanted to. If you want the car to physically rez other items then that is also possible but much more complicated. You'll need to put some sort of rezzer script into the car and the items into the cars contents. This will only work on rez-enabled land though. In a perfect case scenario, you could link luggage into your trunk, with a rezzer script contained inside that luggage. When you click on the luggage, you could script the rezzer so that it rezzes "new" luggage on the ground, and turns the-car luggage invisible.
  21. Along that river they've also added a new underwater road tunnel running north/south between SSPFallons Mooring and SSPKeepcalm Inlet
  22. I'm pretty sure Object Entry is turned off on Blake Sea regions, which means if you are unseated from your boat on a region crossing (even if it's for a fraction of a second), your boat will be instantly returned.
  23. A Linden Home is not included as part of the Plus membership, so your friend has given you bad info. You'll need to purchase mainland yourself but it's quite easy to find abandoned areas , then you'll only be paying 1L per sqm.
  24. Love the Back To The Future references in the new community building
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