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  1. Hi there I recently found the timelord sandbox and timelord city and was super impressed. I recently tried to go back and am redirected home within 3-5 seconds of spawning! Was I banned for no reason? If so how would I know? shouldn't it give me some message it just says You have nothing to do here when i arrive then boots me! Did they not pay their bill? Can others access this place? I am curious just wondering.
  2. YES!!!! THANK YOU! Now that's what I call helpful! visuals are so important! You are awesome. Now my mystical mushrooms are a single unit and one is even only 5 prims! HAZZAH! Thanks for spending time explaining this in a easily understandable way! Magnificent! Now to repackage my boxes!
  3. thanks for trying to help. I spent about 15 mins with a friend and we figured it out! The problem is ya all are trying to be helpful but did not realize the actual product, as i guess I did not explain it in detail. My product is a mushroom vase with an arrangement of "mystical mushrooms" and a ring of fire around the vase. I have the fire topper separate from the main base unit or vase, The vase of mushrooms is 4 prims all linked, the fire topper is two prims. If i try to link the fire to the base it becomes 40 prims! YIKES so I am packaging these items together as two separate items to box. The functionality is this, When you touch the main vase you get a folder with the two scripted mushrooms that contain an animation. these mushrooms are available to anyone who touches the vase. My problem was that I could not figure out how to give someone the two items as the script i bought only gives one item. I finally ended up with this script that actually works and is super simple. I don't know why its so hard to comprehend things via messaging, but for me it is. so here's the script! default { state_entry() { llSetText("",<1,1,1>,1); } touch_start(integer param) { llGiveInventoryList(llDetectedKey(0),"Folder with Mushroom",["Mystical mushroom of mystery A -add me to eat me -","Mystical mushroom of mystery B -add me to Trip Out- 1"]); } } all I needed was an array item list and my friend helped explain this using trial and error. I also learned that you create a digital folder in the first "" after detect Key. I am really dumb at coding and this was a huge win~! Thanks for all the input but I was more confused then helped by it. I will use your helpfulness in packaging the complete product base containing script and fire topper into a box though so thank you for explaining this! Although i will want a box that self unpacks and auto deletes itself, so I will be looking into that. I thought i could just package the topper inside the vase and the customer could just rez it from the vase but that is not the case, so I will have to box the items. Blessings!
  4. aggghgrgrghh Yes I wanna learn but I am selling this unit as a whole not the mushrooms. Hmmm I cannot list for sale in the profile for some reason... I am frustrated , my head hurts and I have been trying for 12 solid hours to build this. I hate texting as I cannot hear someone and things are hard to learn in this way for me. Ill keep at it but for now im kaput. if you wanna stop by and see my store and what im trying to do feel free. This unit will be a mushroom display that people can touch and eat the mushrooms and trip. I don't know why it wont let me check the item for sale box as all my items I have used to make this are full perm... AGGGHGHAGAGA Mieville Tinyopolis,Black Magnolia Imports Textures, Cake Fox, Mieville Doyle - Moderate This item is in the N8's Banned Books From Beyond & Forbidden Flowers shop
  5. so after I save this script and add it to my object it will find the mushroom folder from my inventory and extract it to the new person. Is that right? So I was confused thinking i needed a folder named mushrooms in my object!
  6. in this example i need a folder in my contents of my object named mushrooms to give the contents but there is no way to make a folder in my object!?!
  7. LEAVE IT TO ME TO BE DUMBFOUNDED BY THE EASY PARTS LOL!!! this is my other option but I cannot figure out how to create a new forlder in my contents of the object. If I could I would be done by now but this is why I started this thread here is what I want to work but cant figure out HOW to make it work. // Change the line below to make the floating text say whatever you want. // Use \n for a line break, and "" (blank between the quotes) if you don't want text string FloatText = "Touch me for Mushrooms!"; // Change the color of the floating text using the vector below. // <1,1,1> is white, <0,0,0> is black, and <1,0,0> is red. vector FloatColor = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>; // Change the words between the quotes to change the name of the folder that will be given. // If you make it meaningful, it will be a lot easier for people to find it in their inventory. string FolderName = "mushrooms"; //*************** Don't change anything below this line, unless you know what you're doing //**************************************************************************************** list gInventoryList; list getInventoryList() { integer i; integer n = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); list result = []; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { result += [ llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, i) ]; } return result; } default { state_entry() { gInventoryList = getInventoryList(); llSetText(FloatText, FloatColor, 1); } touch_start( integer n ) { integer i; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { llGiveInventoryList(llDetectedKey(i), FolderName, gInventoryList ); } } changed( integer change ) { if ( change == CHANGED_INVENTORY ) gInventoryList = getInventoryList(); } }
  8. this works for a SINGLE ITEM default { state_entry() { llSetText("",<1,1,1>,1); } touch_start(integer param) { llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0),"Mystical mushroom of mystery A -add me to eat me -"); } } IF THERE IS A WAY TO ADD THE OTHER MUSHROOM TO THIS SO IT GIVES MUSHROOM b AS WELL THIS IS ALL i NEED
  9. ok so the folder I want to give is called "mushrooms" The items are Mushroom A and Mushroom B In this code would this be right? default { touch_start(integer num_detected) { string thisScript = llGetScriptName(mushrooms); list inventoryItems; integer inventoryNumber = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); integer index; for ( ; index < inventoryNumber; ++index ) { string itemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, index); if (itemName != thisScript) { if (llGetInventoryPermMask(itemName, MASK_OWNER) & PERM_COPY) { inventoryItems += itemName; } else { llSay(0, "Unable to copy the item named '" + itemName + "'."); } } } if (inventoryItems == [mushroom A,mushroom B] ) { llSay(0, "No copiable items found, sorry."); } else { llGiveInventoryList(llDetectedKey(0), llGetObjectName(), inventoryItems); // 3.0 seconds delay } } }
  10. also do I put the named items in the brackets? do i use a comma to separate items? I've tried so many things over the past 20 + hours. I have bought over 1000L in scripts to try to get this darn mushroom to animate on attach as I have two animations a eat and then a trip out, but have had to resort to two different mushrooms as when I try to add the animations on timer script I bought nothing happens, also when i try trigger on attach script nothing happens! So I have got these mushrooms to do what i want individually and will have to instruct customer to add both mushrooms, A first then B to eat and then unequip A when your done eating to have your avatar trip! Now I need to figure out how to give both items to the avatar when they touch the mushroom pot. This is my first big build and I am just trying to understand how this all works and make a fun experience with a working object. I have bought all full perm stuff to make this so I don't get dinged.
  11. oK but where do I put this, and what exactly do I put??? Thanks for the quick reply I am so confused! I don't understand what you mean without an explanation! I read the wiki but am still confused as I cant make sense of code. Clear instructions like "copy this code" then, "change these lines to mushrooms" and "place mushroom a and b" here would be helpful. I am not dumb but am not able to comprehend all this code language. I feel dumb...
  12. I have a script that gives inventory in folder, and I want to create a folder in my object called mushrooms to give two objects, mushroom A and mushroom B. But in my object contents I cannot create a new folder there is only a create new script tab! When i try to create a folder in my inventory named mushrooms and drag it to the contents folder of my object it just places the objects in the contents folder!?! AGGGHG! There has to be a way... I'm going this route as I have 2 items to give from this object and when I tried the "give item on touch script" it will only give one item! I don't know how to make it give 2 items.... If someone knows how to create a folder in the objects contents or how to make the script below give both items that would be peachy keen! Here is the give items on touch script I cannot make give more then one item, and if I use two scripts with different items it only gives the item from the last script I loaded! default { state_entry() { llSetText("",<1,1,1>,1); } touch_start(integer param) { llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0),"Mystical mushroom of mystery A -add me to eat me -"); } }
  13. lol I'm in Norf Haven and just took over the olf GTFO dock there and went out on my boat and tried to enjoy a nice yachting in first gear at 50% throttle but at the first sim crossing, Bam yacht is gone and im swimming... So i hopped on a jetski and made it way further... Guess the size of the boat matters after all lol. I think I got booted from a parcel due to the size of my yacht.... Jee golly gosh.
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