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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2018/01/stop-singing-happy-birthday-to-you/
  2. Mm, not unusual for Americans. For me, I've never heard the English words, it was always English speaking kindy kids all singing in French! The hold some popular songs can get across nations and cultures is rather strong. Happy Birthday is just like Frère Jacques in that. The language isn't so important as being a global ohrwurm
  3. One of the first songs Aussies sing in Kindergarten is Frère Jacques. Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.
  4. I tried to pull off the Mousie look in 2007. Couldn't do it as well as Patch Linden.
  5. Traffic can take a long time to build, as Rolig says most will come from friends, and their friends. You can get some with a decently worded parcel add for search. As there is an SEO algorithm there, rather then just keyword-spam fill your parcel description with a readable paragraph. Short of that, try things and watch your parcel traffic, see what seems to attract people and what doesn't. Provide something other places don't. Also, always watch people, see what they do and where they go inside your club. Consider why they made those choices and build on it. Although you will make some friends, you'll never make money, and it can take many attempts to get a club that can even break 1,000 traffic.
  6. Prepare for spam. Especially if 10, 20, 30 people take them out. At the least put in a counter so there is only one message. You would be better, I think, turning the plane to a temporary item once they sit. That way when they stand, even in a no-script area, the plane will just clean up. As long as people are sitting on a temporary item it won't dissapear. As soon as they stand, pretty much instant clean up.
  7. It's not going to be the mesh, but more likely the long flexi hair and prim chains (You can see the chains a little on her exposed nipple and around the back of her butt)
  8. The bandwidth slider is a "less-is-more" setting. The lower it is, the better SL runs. For most people between 800 to 1500 is likely the sweet spot.
  9. Leaving double negatives aside... could the 180° be as in would/wouldn't?
  10. I tend to actively put discussions about politics and religion down in my club. Nothing gets my guests more riled up, and absolutely nothing destroys a party faster then the club fracturing into one side vs the other. Here I will stick on the outer throwing a cat picture every now and again, or poking the stick lightly at the die-hard trumpettes, people who are so blinded they can't see that all their esteemed Kindergartner-in-chief is doing is "Making America a joke again" especially with his trade-wars, and outright fawning over Putin. I feel sorry for my American friends.
  11. Many, and it's not much use recommending any of them, not even mine, as where you go will depend on how tall you are and what you like. Some clubs are realistic-ish sized twinks and some are for 9 foot tall giants in an arms race to be the tallest. Then it further splits into sex and dance/social.
  12. I really do hope we get a function: list all_names = llGetAllNames(key UUID);
  13. We all are. We need to wait until they do it. I get a feeling in my tail-bones it won't be this year.
  14. I have a bot farm in my locked-down homestead. Even if I wasn't doing it that way, sending two bots into a random sim to "talk" to each other is pretty low profile. So, that rules out people being stasi. Hueristically the lab could likely detect weird logins, but then on the other hand, maybe they can't. 'system':{'address_size':i64,'cpu':'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (4200.25 MHz)', 'gpu':'NVIDIA Class 5 NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2', 'gpu_class':i5,'gpu_vendor':'NVIDIA','gpu_version':'NVIDIA 390.48', 'mac_address':'42-ff-2c-c1-22-42','opengl_version':'4.6.0 NVIDIA 390.48', 'os':'Linux 4.15','ram':i16362812, 'serial_number':'cffa344fdf5aa6219d9711d16933db81','shader_level':i5} ^ isn't hard to fake.
  15. How do you stop 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000 bots talking to each other? All earning gems that get sent to their botmaster?
  16. OP was removed for arguing with those in power, AKA the officers of the region... although in my picks I call those officious sim officers another name. In a similar light our esteemed overlord asks similar of us. Normally if an officer of the land/sim... whatever (goes for Gods of the world also) asks for your assistance in upholding the rules you doff your hat and with a gracious bow from the neck say "Yes ma'am, I will detach my L$1 huggsie boy-bits and follow the sim rules." (until they look the other way) but we don't poke them. Poking hornet's nests gits ye stung.
  17. I am enjoying the Google Images search on "Idiot"
  18. Future: In three years someone will necro this thread with a single word reply.
  19. Firestorm has the ability to route though the google/bing APIs if you purchase a key, those cost USD$20 per 1,000,000 characters. A huge disadvantage is over-users of "i love this DJ" gestures cost you real money.
  20. I made mine for a challenge. Your first response was funny and taken in good humour, it's exactly the sort of tongue-in-cheek comment people make to the many elementary school level, localhost jokes.
  21. It's not hard to make these things... // Who shall we watch? string sMonitor = "Callumn.Meriman"; // How often (seconds) shall we check if they are online? float UPDATE_INTERVAL = 5.0; // ==================================================================== // Don't change anything below here unless you know what you are doing // key UUID; key nameQuery; key onlineQuery; integer toggle; updateStatus(string s) { if(s == "1") { if (!toggle) { toggle = 1; llPlaySound("fc372181-20ea-8180-28b8-bc84c36df065", 1); llOwnerSay(sMonitor+" is now online"); llSetColor(<0,1,0>,ALL_SIDES); llSetAlpha(1,ALL_SIDES); } } else { if (toggle) { toggle = 0; llOwnerSay(sMonitor+" is now offline"); llSetColor(<1,0,0>,ALL_SIDES); llSetAlpha(.2,ALL_SIDES); } } } default { state_entry() { nameQuery = llRequestUserKey(sMonitor); } on_rez(integer n) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & (CHANGED_OWNER | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) { llResetScript(); } } dataserver(key req, string data) { if (req == nameQuery) { UUID = (key)data; llOwnerSay("Now monitoring "+sMonitor+"'s online status"); llSetTimerEvent(UPDATE_INTERVAL); return; } if (req == onlineQuery) { updateStatus(data); } } timer() { onlineQuery = llRequestAgentData(UUID,DATA_ONLINE); } }
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