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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Vision Spheres are not yet enabled in Firestorm. Hopefully the next release, not sure.
  2. So, a slow-cooked casserôle, rather then crunchy fried?
  3. Cute poking stick. They can be great for efficiency.
  4. Bald Patch would not look as nice as Patch sailing the Blake with me. (Starts saving his Linden Dollars to snare the next Auction)
  5. GAH! I hate that more then Brussels Sprouts. Time to start a derail with it.
  6. Your skill at languages far exceeds my toddler-ish attempts. Thank you always for correcting
  7. It's worse then that, people can derender any/all of your clothes at any time. I'd say you are safe from the Lab. They have logs that show your attachments at a certain time, and won't rely on the photo alone. They are also pretty aware of the rez time, and that other people can derez clothing. One would expect the Lab, getting an AR on you, would look and say, oh he did have clothing on. As for Private estate and G-Rated land, sure, the owners/managers can kick your butt out of the region/estate with a ban. But I think most know of the slowness. Rather then a doll skin, if you are really unsure, use your alpha HUD and set the groin and butt to hidden. Just in case you didn't know, as well as no nudity (male nipples are ok and allowed, female nipples are unholy and proscribed) you cannot swear in a G rated region, keep your language suitable for a Grandmother in Church.
  8. On mainland, in a skybox, "Always allowed", is pretty useless as the ban lines stop about 70-ish Metres over the water. So, for this reason, most people will use orbs to keep people out of their skybox. Or just do it manually. "Always Banned" works, those lines go to as-good-as infinity for anyone on that list. On a private estate "Always allowed" can be made to work. The estate owner has the option to make ban lines go almost to infinity (I do this) or make them like mainland.
  9. Yay for google translate in SL. Although, sometimes I wonder if it just plays jokes on us:
  10. Land ratings were well in place when I started SL in 2006. But we are not talking about private regions. we are talking about Zindra. And as it's mainland Zindra can't be connected without blowing the rating. Sex can happen in the open on Adult rated Land. Sex must be behind closed doors on Moderate. Someone in a Moderate region would be able to sail right up to the line and see sexual activity. In addition, you would have nongs who set sail from Zindra, naked and erect, to sail down the moderate/general channel to another continent. Further proof is in the CSP, which allows private region owners to attach their community to the mainland, these must be rating appropriate in the rules of the program. Yes, It's what i have been pushing for for a long time. The map can likely be marked with arrows as the linked thread shows. It is a solution that allows sailors and aviators, possibly drivers to travel between regions and it carries only developer cost for the Lab, no ongoing region charges. It would really open the world up for exploration, and it would allow far more people to reach the Blake Sea areas, or other inland oceans, with ease. It would also help with some of the silly land prices around popular areas.
  11. Where are adult and moderate regions (the word is not sims) joined? As far as I am aware Mainland doesn't allow this. All home positions will be invalidated. All picks will be invalidated. As picks are a part of search ranking, moving a region means that venues and shops will drop in search position, I've worked hard to get myself to the top of search in the terms I desire. I do not wish to lose this position due to my region being force moved. As Animats has demonstrated, when you are using a vehicle this is the process when a region crossing comes along: When you hit the region edge you are unsat and teleported to the adjoining region (without the intersitial, but it is a teleport). The vehicle is also moved and continues on it's path, you are automatically resat in the vehicle. When a region crossing fails it's because the teleport/resit failed to happen in time, the vehicle sailed more then 64 metres by the time you were in the adjoining region. You end up on the ocean floor with your vehicle sailing on.
  12. Yes. Set home and picks are to a fixed location on the entire grid. If you move a private region, home points and all picks are invalidated. This is a bad thing. Mental? pfft. I like watching a certain group of regions for green dots just by lazily opening my map without doing anything more. No, Zindra should never be connected, due to being Adult. But Zindra should have it's missing edges filled in with LInden Land. Openspace quality would do fine for this, the cost to the Lab would be minimal. This whole point of joining the continents has been discussed a lot on the forums. Great suggestions like hyper-portals remain my favourite as there is minimal impact to rivate regions yet you can stilll warp a vehicle from one continent to another. But in the decade we've asked for it, the Lab have ignored us.
  13. Be aware, please, that any friend you grant edit rights to can pick up and take any items that are transfer. Some sex beds for example. Only give edit rights to people who you really trust.
  14. "Knupper, knupper, Kneischen, Wer knuppert an meinem Häuschen?"
  15. For roleplay purposes in an adult-rated capture region I am building, I wish to find hardcore relay users. That is, ping avatars in range and see who is wearing a relay, and then stealthily test whose relay is set to land/risky/fully permissive. I specifically do not wish to bother people whose relay is set to "ask" with any command that would cause a permissions request. These people need to be quietly skipped over. This test would allow me to treat submissives who enter the region and desire a hardcore/risky experience in a very different manner from submissives who wish to retain some control. It is simple enough to stealthily test for a relay with llRegionSayTo(avKey, -1812221819, "StealthDevice"+","+(string)avKey+","+"@versionnew=8881"); and listen for replies, with a timer event to skip over people without relays, But from there is there a command that can steathily test for people who have enabled hardcore mode? Everything I have tried so far alerts the ask-level relay wearer.
  16. In your Catwa head's folder will also be a set of eyes. Right click and Add these too.
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