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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. hihihi I gave Love my shopping trolley, so all I have left are a few kitten toys and a photo of Patch. I think I will send Ethan the photo of patch, but you may have the kitten toys.
  2. Valid point, these things are designed to be bought and sold. (One assumes without a transfer only permission)
  3. There is a long standing theory called the Mandalla Effect that suggests history is often altered. Events that are in our mass consciousness, and we accept as truth, suddenly change or never happened. The mass memory is proven wrong. For example, President Kennedy's car had 6 passengers that fateful day, not 4.
  4. OK I do still count you as respected though - so I am partially correct (doesn't happen often)
  5. The number of people who expect a support question answered in under 5 minutes is pretty high.
  6. It's also not hard to place a prim over vendors, can be done in a holodeck so 1 button to press.
  7. Hmm a shakeup might be needed. I know some of our respected forum members are on that board, but the last batch has a stealth shop advertisement in LEA15. A constant point for me, if it's Linden sponsored I don't think it should benefit commerce, even in a stealth way. Too much FIC when the Lab allow one business to get a head up.
  8. Dawww, a photo of a kitten saying "get well soon" Hope you are soon feline better!
  9. Relisting the improved version - with same name but different description and a higher price - as a new product would seem to be the proper way to do this.
  10. Never one to turn down a challenge... On this avatar, I only have 4 years of MP history, but I am 12 years in SL... I'd love a search!
  11. Impressive! One of those IBM clackety-clack ones?
  12. You still find the need to take a dig at men. Look, I was insulted by the clickbait, body shaming title, I was insulted by the insinuation I was part of MRA. But I wasn't insulted by an insuinuation of loneliness, because that isn't true for me, nor the men I know.
  13. If only she had of approached it with the clarity and grace you have shown there Ayela. Thank you for saying it in a non-confrontational and rational manner.
  14. Maybe the OP needs to attend a few yacht races and tours? People who sail together. race each other, or just travel in a yacht club group. Most of the yacht clubs are non-sexual, social events. Maybe the OP needs to do some RP outside the regions she is normally in. Quite a few guys travel in RP cliques.
  15. Would the joke work if it were directed male to female? If a male had of written a click-bait headline that bordered on body shaming? It went downhill from there.
  16. Quoting Beq in that Jira (as Prok can't read them) It corrects my thoughts a little, but I was close. I apologise for getting the origin of the raycast wrong.
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