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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. (( not taking a turn, but explaining a small forum in-joke )) (( it sort of grew from that point for me ))
  2. Ah no, Tari, I mean the Lab earn a lot of money from gacha gambling. There is a sizable cohort who spend a lot of USD hoping to strike it rich with a rare jackpot. I used to have one as a SL-Brother. They put the spins up on the MP, it sells, they cash it out. At each point of this the Lab are taking a cut. I'm currently thinking that if the Lab give us a way to avoid the MP spam, the gacha fanatics lose the impulse buy, and the Lab lose their cut. That's the only reason I can think for the Lab not wanting this, and Dakota suggesting we would be punishing people.
  3. A little better, but not fixed unless you are in the 3M crowd, or getting to that size. I call this one, The Jake Neck.
  4. I grabbed the original and created avatar #4 for that reason! To see if she is removed. I'll let you know if she dissapears. When the creator adds underwear, I am sort of hoping they can remove the dress. Yep! It really is Sad thing is, this is the sort of "lady" I swing the banhammer at most at my club. It's really quite a popular thing in SL.
  5. An avatar can be easily improved, but a nasty and shallow personality is quite a bit harder to turn around. (Not saying this is you, but many shallow people hold a similar view) Find friends based on how they are to you, the chemistry, the way they talk, the way they act, the warmness and goodness, if they make you smile. Don't find them by looks, especially in a game where it's trivially easy to hire someone to make you look like a superstar.
  6. Lelutka's is great. The HUD is cleaner and easier to use, and it has some nice animations built in. Lelutka also doesn't threaten other creators with fake DMCAs over the standard SL UV map like another un-named head creator.
  7. They could be Dave noises too! *looks innocent*
  8. Ooo surfable waves You are pawsome Lucia! Thanks. Checking in another region I can't repro. Turning off the waves, I can't repro. I haz the derps.
  9. First checks it's PG picture... This one? They say: But I would say that even hidden endowments would be against the rules, if it's G rated. Likely ERP is against the rules too?
  10. That 1 listing per item instead of loading them all into the same folder is very common. And it adds the the punishment the Lab are doling out to us.
  11. yeah, if you don't you only see the same old same old. You will never get to see fresh items.
  12. Cetainly: "cyber NOT gacha" set it to newest first which is how I like to shop when I desire to see the freshest releases. Then do "kimono NOT gacha" wanting to see if there are some new styles, and you will see this: Pretty much pick any word. You will always find 2 pages of gatcha spam. It's out of control. Culling limited quantity would mean we were not punished by this endless junk, and we could shop and buy without frustration.
  13. sorry Blush "NOT gacha" doesn't work. Picking a word at random "cyber":
  14. There are, we get good numbers at our dances. But how you see the game does depend a lot on what you do yourself. I don't see SL as a sex game, others do. Sex happens in SL, we all know that, but there is a lot more. To me sex and shopping is only a small fraction of the game. Same for dancing. I run dances in the club, but I don't enjoy dancing myself so much, I tolerate it. So my view of the world is very biased to someone who only dances, sexes and shops.
  15. Yes, the 6.0.1 beta firestorm. It's being widely tested now, so it's probably close to hitting the grid properly depending what bugs are found.
  16. Hmm, does this look correct? Watch the LI change, but more the accounting on free prims left in the homestead.
  17. Rigged - Check. Modify - Check. Animesh Capable.... Check. 18 LI - meh eyes separate - maybe .... working Dawww.... It deforms
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