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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. he means your viewer crashed with the other account or your other account was banned from the region you were in /me hands Alwin the rolling eyes emoji
  2. Rowan Amore

    Mesh body

    Everything at the outlet store is 99L. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/COCO DESIGNS/32/37/21
  3. Did you contact the seller? Let them know the button isn't working? Also, is the HUD near another HUD on your screen. Sometimes even when one HUD is diminished, it interfere with another.
  4. @nyahrouwhat exactly do you mean by..like the typing AO effect, just not the animation.? A lot of things that say no mod can actually me modified. It might just be scripts or the animations themselves that are no mod which makes the whole thing appear as no mod. Is.it copy? If it is, try rezzing it out and editing.
  5. The last pic, your first post on the forums, looks more Asian than the others. The middle pic looks as if your made major changes to your jawline as it's far too narrow. The most recent pic that you posted in this thread looks as if you tried making some correction on the jawline/chin but ended up losing it completely. It's always a good idea to make copies of your shape before starting to edit and name them something like Shape for Editing and DO NOT EDIT just to make it easier to go back. The following is obviously a skin made for a mesh head but the shape should help.
  6. Perhaps not but it wouldn't hurt for them to check it out, put in an application so when they are old enough, they have some things lined up already.
  7. Never ever hug a stranger.
  8. This has most of the events and sales. A lot with pictures of what's available. https://www.seraphimsl.com
  9. Well, you did say most of the female heads are not mesh so that would be the same for men and women. I think I'll just go back to ignoring you and your threads as I don't have a shovel that's nearly big enough.
  10. Scroll down in this thread. Several places hiring but you need to contact them yourself.
  11. Cutest pic ever! I was one too. We butted heads as I got older but I'll always remember more those times like yours above where we just hung out, usually watching John Wayne movies on a Saturday afternoon.
  12. I suppose we could also include cornrows and dreadlocks. But then we'd have to include music too. Gospel and reggae, the blues. Can't wear those or play that music unless you're black. Maybe if we were all more inclusive than exclusive for each culture? If you choose to use a cultural tattoo, learn before you do. Then when someone asks, you could explain the origins of it. To say someone can't because they aren't of that culture is hopeless and only serves to divide people even further. IMHO
  13. I recommend watching out for bats. But seriously: https://modemworld.me/2020/07/15/the-climbs-and-caves-of-mount-campion-in-second-life/
  14. That is where that alpha HUD comes in handy. Open that tab in the body HUD and hide the area that is poking through. Easy peasy. That does happen even with mesh clothing especially made for a specific body if they don't use auto hide. Elbow usually for me.
  15. Hope you find something.😁
  16. But the surprises are half the fun! When you take off something that has used the auto hide, go to the alpha tab on the HUD and hit the little arrow/circle icon under the pic of the body. That resets all of them instead of having to hit each body part separately.
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