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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. is your body slink redux? https://gyazo.com/34a222bc3abe621887a924d9490c0b46
  2. Do you have BOM turned on for your body? If so, appliers won't work.
  3. Analog Dog has quite a few curly styles you might like.
  4. /me gently takes the Niramyth demo from your hands and places it in the trash. You'll thank me later.
  5. This might be obvious but how do you get the link for my name instead of having to type it. I don't always want to quote someone but would like to mention. I'm sure it's something simple I'm not seeing.
  6. It's difficult to copy someone else's exact look even if you know which head and skin they're using. As Maitimo said, they may have spent hours perfecting the shape to get the look they wanted. Even using a shape that came with the head or skin, it would be near impossible to duplicate if they have worked on it.
  7. Seems to be working now. It hadn't been for the last day.
  8. It's the Your Avatar sub forum for me that gives me that message when I try to enter from the main forum page Yes, those. I can access it from your link just not from the main page.
  9. And good luck finding those places as a noob. Funny how most of these people posting don't checked the wanted section where there ARE jobs posted but come to this subforum.
  10. Good.luck.with that if you don't have an updated avatar or are a male. These people probably had a fan base already. That's what those dj/host groups are for. Mass tping them all to your gigs.
  11. Which is all true. However, most places that would pay that usually are looking for someone at the least 30 days old and a somewhat updated avatar especially places with enough traffic to generate those kind of numbers. And no, I don't work in SL although a lot of people do.
  12. Aw, I'm sure you look adorable! Trust me, A lot of us had the same feelings you have dealing with each update. You're just doing it all at one time. First we did mesh bodies (before BOM), then we moved on to heads. Lastly was the whole BOM thing. Trying to do it all at once is a daunting task and I commend you for keeping your sense of humor.
  13. Ok, got the authentication fixed and now I get this when trying to access the Your Avavtar sub form from the main forum page. This page isn’t working community.secondlife.com is currently unable to handle this request. Anyone else having trouble with it?
  14. I.spent my first month just wandering around and figuring thing out. Then I realized if I wanted to get anything besides the freebie junk, I needed Ls, so I purchased some. Never even considered getting a job since I had one in RL.
  15. This should actually be posted somewhere before you even sign up for SL.
  16. But unless the OP posts that info, people can still.respond and probably will. She could report and ask.for a lock but most people don't.
  17. All the talk about prostitution aside, my main problem was the title of this thread and a couple others the OPer has on the forum. The words he uses to describe...suburban housewife (is this the 1950s?), daddy's girl (showing grown women who I assume aren't his daughters) and princesses (as in daddy's little princess?) As Scylla said earlier, it's demeaning and infantilizes women. And the fact that these aren't women he's photographed. These are women he himself created. It's just beyond disturbing to me. Personally, I think prostitution should be legalized. If a woman chooses that as a profession, that's fine. It's when it's forced or coerced through drugs and such that it's the problem and usually when men get involved in it. As in these pictures, it's like pimping out the 'girls' he's made.
  18. Maybe just a new glitch with the forum update.
  19. It's probably not a new system they created just that they allow it like firestorm.does. The official SL viewer does not. The Restrained Life viewer I believe was the one made exclusively by and for rlv. I do know that black dragon, at least last time I ran it, was more like the old.style version.of the SL viewer unless that's been changed. It would be harder to navigate for newer people who never used the previous type. As for inventory? Yeah, mine is beyond hope at this point so no viewer in the world.could help.
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