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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. I sometimes wear a little splash of red or green with my black. And, on very rare occasions, I'll wear white - but as I've previously stated, this costs extra.
  2. Smirks all sweetly at Beth. Are you certain you'd like to exchange dares with me?
  3. In all seriousness, I don't think it really needs defending. Sure, I get that not all people are into the style of apparel, but no one is being forced to wear it against their will. Besides, this particular example, the choreography of the cut and movement of the cloth, and the wink of the Pacman-esque ghost, it's thought through and funny in a cheeky kind of way. And it does look good on you - it's not like the underside of your bosom being visible turns it into blatant pornography. My focus is drawn to the face in that shot, first and foremost!
  4. Be careful what you wish for! ... Actually, no, that's obviously not happening!
  5. Granted, but as all celery in the world is suddenly liquefied overnight, you will now be required to eat it with a spoon - or a straw! I wish for a permanent, never-ending winter to embrace the globe!
  6. It's been a while since I got around to shoot a pic of my own avies, the past week has been so occupied by model interviews and demo shoots. But I felt like I had to make one to show off my Secret Santa's gifts - and I got to finally deck out with all the Hellenistic-esque jewelry (not sure if there's a better term for that?).
  7. Makes a note to hide all the lava lamps in the house, if Beth or Seicher ever finds it. ... Scratches that, upon realizing that there are no such things in the house. I'm doing good. A little bit worn out. Not sure whether I want a cup of tea or a nap, but since napping at this hour would be disastrous for me, I think I'll stick to tea and an early evening in a bit. Put a spine on the book I'm working on today, tomorrow I'll put the boards on - and then I get to play with leather!
  8. Try asking the Swedes for pölsa. It's the same stuff, but better!
  9. That's all right! Omega is basically a system which allows a texture (skin, tattoo, 2-dimensional apparel, etc) be applied to mesh bodies. In order for it to work, you need a relay that conveys the intended texture to the intended surface. I can't swear that's what the issue is though, but the relays (which is a HUD, that you must wear whilst applying the textures) and installers (which permanently installs Omega compatibility in your mesh) aren't very expensive. To make sure before you run off buying anything new though, go check the product information for the tattoo, to make sure that it is indeed intended for Signature's bodies. They'll usually have a symbol of the Signature logo somewhere on the advert if they do, or a symbol of the Omega sign if they are compatible with Omega systems.
  10. A tattoo applier must either be designed specifically for the brand, or have Omega - to apply an Omega, you may need either an Omega Relay or an Omega Installer. Make sure that you aren't masking the tattoo layer, in the layers tab of your body's HUD.
  11. I made an interesting Christmas-related observation two years ago, and again last year, and again now - Danes don't have 'julmust', and as a result, they don't like it (.. Is my deduction, of observing my one Danish classmate - she always lets me have hers, when they serve it in the school restaurant). I -was- going to write a recipe for a Christmas drink here, but I figured that since it's a so Swedish thing that's the main component, it might be pretty pointless - but then I remembered; IKEA. I can't say their soda is the best (it might actually be among the worst), but they apparently do sell julmust abroad, under the name 'Vintersaga'. So, here are two recipes for some Yule drinks I make based off of it: 1 part beer (Porter, Stout, or a dark Yule Ale - try what you like best!) 2-3 parts Julmust (to taste) This is a pretty simplistic version of 'Mumma'. There are more intricate recipes for it, but I think this is just fine and less messy to put together. Julmust trivia #1: Julmust was invented in the 1920's, and was intended as an alternative to the traditional Yule beer - its inventor, Harry Roberts, a chemist, was a member of the temperance movement. The second recipe is for a slightly different flavour approach: 1 part Glögg (Sweden's variant of Gluhwein - you'll find plenty of recipes online, if you don't have access to buy it ready-made). 2 parts julmust. This creates a very frothy brew, with an intense and deep flavour profile. It does very well to be allowed to age a day or two in the fridge, to let the flavours get to know each other! Julmust trivia #2: Globally, Coca Cola's sales during Christmas are up across the board - except for one country; Sweden, where the sales instead decrease by an average of 50%! Why? Julmust! https://www.thevintagenews.com/2016/12/02/julmust-the-soft-drink-that-outsells-coca-cola-during-christmas-seasons-in-sweden/ So what -is- it? What does it -taste- like? Well. It's a spiced malt soda. Doesn't taste much like beer, doesn't taste at all like the lime-based colas (the fruit, not the mineral!). The closest I've come to compare it with, is a black barley wine. To a Swede, it simply tastes like Christmas!
  12. My siblings and I will all go to my mother's house, and have a more or less traditional Swedish julbord. I usually make a Swedish variant of Mozartkugeln with the assistance of one of my little brothers (I make him do the boring bit of chopping nougat whilst I add liquor to the almond frosting - tasting it off generously, of course). Being Swedish, we usually celebrate Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day - which is usually spent being hungover and eating scraps from the feast the night before. This year, due to scheduling shenanigans, we're doing Christmas Day instead. Some day later I'll visit my father whilst I'm in town, and we'll pick scraps from the julbord they're having on Christmas Eve. Then it's back north, just having the entire school to myself over New Year's.
  13. There are a lot out there, far from all of the servers are 'tagged' appropriately to be found in the Discord database. Many stores, events, groups, regions, etc. have Discord servers. I haven't heard anything about any official LL Discord though, and honestly don't know if I'd want to be in one - too many people in a live chat just gets extremely chaotic.
  14. Is that just when you try to run SL, or does it crash in general? You may have to bring it in for service/repairs/replacements.
  15. ... I never knew I'd enjoy a thread with the topic of nails quite so much, but parts have had me grinning or smiling, and then Madelaine got me chuckling out loudly.
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