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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. I demand equal rules and rights for the EU! ... Ahem. Do continue.
  2. Well, yes. Being served something that isn't on the tin isn't just immoral, but illegal, and certainly does put the producers' and distributors' integrity into question. But at the same time, if you're buying industrially produced lasagna from a big brand who outsource their production to companies abroad and barely put any proper ingredients even on the actual ingredient list to begin with, you pretty much get what you pay for. It's not unheard of for factory produced foods to contain traces of everything from soil and insects to human seed and teeth, it being the 'wrong farm animal' appears a minor inconvenience in the bigger picture.
  3. Horse meat scandal? I don't get what people are complaining about. Horses are neighingly good. ... And that sounds better in Swedish. Gnäggande gott!
  4. I would advise against that, as this behavior might be perceived as a personal dispute, which you aren't supposed to bring up on the forums - and may net you a warning, if you're caught by a moderator that hasn't been properly caffeinated.
  5. It is my opinion that this thread has become too focused on food. Where are all the 'I can't stand furries!' posts at?
  6. No one's going to know whether you reported it or not, someone else may perceive it as abusive even if they themselves are not the specific target of the post and report it anyway. Whether it's a first and only offense, or someone you know to be abusive in general, it's probably worth reporting them - if the moderators find it to be against the rules, then they'll dispatch a warning or put them in the freezer, and they'll know not to do it again. ... Speaking of, though, it would be nice if receiving a warning actually came up as a notification or even a PM. The one warning I've gotten I only discovered by chance when looking at my own forum profile after getting a 'follower' notification.
  7. Or just buy and rez a bunch of the stolen GTA assets on the MP. 😛
  8. Aren't people already doing this, though? If I come across a post that's overly hateful, flaming or spammy, I'll just give the report button a nudge and usually leave it at that, or occasionally comment with some context of why I perceive the post as being in the wrong. But I wouldn't dream of running around policing the forums; most days I just skim over the thread titles to see if anything interests me, if not, I'll just mark the board as read and move on to the next - there are only so many 'Help me make a mesh avatar because I can't be bothered to read any of the dozens of threads on this precise topic' or 'Serve me a loving partner/sugardaddy on a silver platter because I'm entitled to one' threads that I can be bothered to sift through.
  9. https://i.gyazo.com/0fa21db5e9237446e53561dee11d6acc.gif Neph getting more stronk.
  10. I do that too. Heinz's chili sauce is generally better at just about everything that ketchup does.
  11. No. Chips should be served with salt and vinegar. If you want a creamy dip, it should be blue cheese, goat cheese or pepper sauce. As for my unpopular opinions ... Hm. Hard to say, really. I hate a lot, and a lot of people are offended when what they like isn't liked by others, because apparently that makes sense and is totally mature. People with 'inspirational quotes' plastered all over should be waterboarded until they snap out of it and realize that we aren't living in some feel-good rom-com universe, but in a reality where the universe is completely indifferent, if not hostile, to our existence.
  12. It could also be that you're in a region which doesn't allow you to use scripts, hence disabling the HUD?
  13. Whilst wearing the HUD and the body, go into avatar health and reset your attachments, the HUD should update to reflect the alpha cuts. Alternatively, if you're using BOM, make sure that you're not wearing any alphas.
  14. Yes, I've noticed that a lot of HUD games and such seldom come with very complete instructions and that you have to resort to checking blogs / videos, or asking the community. Asking around in the games' groups tend to be a good way to make acquaintances though.
  15. When driving, or when arriving at a region to navigate it or find people.
  16. I tried to voice verify once, but dogs aren't particularly proficient at operating microphones.
  17. I've mentioned in some other thread that I recently got Neph hooked onto a HUD game which has been quite addictive and fun - but also made available a community that has led to a lot of social interaction (hence the 'Make Friends' board!). And it got me wondering, what other HUD games are out there? To get the thread started, I figured I'd introduce the HUD games that I know of myself, and give a brief introduction to them. GTFO: 'Get the freight out' is a game which encourages you to explore the grid and various modes of transportation, from cars and bikes, to trains, to boats, and helicopters. Whilst the game is, by itself, not 'social' in nature, being out there and meeting others along the way who are up to the same can be a good way of making friends, perhaps you'll spot a bunch of green dots on the map along your route and find an event or party, or perhaps an unexpectedly bad sim crossing will send you flying into someone's back yard? If you enjoy vehicles and exploration, GTFO might just be for you. Cost: You can get a free vehicle (a small car!) to get started with, and GTFO-compatible vehicles are supplied by third parties and can vary greatly in cost depending on whether you're looking at a simple car or a large train set. There is an in-game currency, but last I checked it didn't 'do' anything, there's also a premium version of the game HUD (the free 'demo' is fully functional though). Bloodlines: Bloodlines is a game where you can take the role of either a human, or one of the four cursed races (vampires, werewolves, angels or demons - or a hybrid combination of two races). The idea of the game itself is fairly simple; every day, the cursed races lose 5% of their health; to restore their health, they must feed - primarily off of human players (although there are bottles that contain the essential nutrients for your survival that you can purchase). To be successful, you will have the constant incentive of needing to feed to push you towards befriending people and convince them to join the game. Whilst Bloodlines is frowned upon by a lot of people, it is an excellent tool for building communities and making friends, and offers a fun setting for role play. The game is a lot more complex than what I've briefly described, but I figured a short overview will have to do - if you're curious about it, most Bloodlines players are happy to give you a more detailed introduction, or you can find all relevant information on the game's website. Cost: To join the game you need a HUD, and regardless of which race you wish to become, the price is L$599. If you choose a cursed race, the cost is a further L$14 per day if you want to live off of the bottled stuff (or get a pint of it at a bar!) - equally, restoring the health of a human player by 5% will cost L$14 for an apple, or a cider. Though depending on how you chose to play the game, the exact daily cost may vary - there are also various add-ons ranging from character equipment to furniture, with various price tags. SML: Sunset Muscle League is a game with a simple goal: pump iron, get stronger. Despite the simplicity of the concept though, it does require some strategy to maximize your limited resources - fatigue (time), stamina and gold coins, and has a competitive element to it (weekly leader-boards with in-game rewards). As you work out, you increase your strength as well as your level, and unlock 'heavier' work out methods. Although the game may seem a bit niche, it can be quite addictive and gives you plenty of opportunity to meet people - especially as you'll eventually want to find someone to spot for you, and may be asked to spot for them in return. It's probably worth pointing out that certain regions on which the game is playable are A-rated, but you'll be able to play only on the M-rated regions if you so prefer (or figure out how A-rated you're okay with!). Cost: Entirely free. You couldn't pay for it if you wanted to. Well, I suppose donations may be possible if you insist. You can find the game HUD (and the required group) at any in-world gym that is in the system. --- So. What HUD games do you like to play? P.S. please don't turn this thread into yet another 'spampire' circus only because BL is mentioned. If you don't like that game, or any other game for that matter, just move along.
  18. It depends on what kind of people you wish to meet. Usually, the best way to meet people is to do something that you enjoy doing, and speak to people along the way. If you want to meet people for the sake of meeting people, there are plenty of clubs and hangout spots, but .. Well, they're usually full of other people who are just desperate for social attention and don't really know what they want for themselves either. As for people initiating conversations, it's usually a matter of A) what's in your profile, B) how your avatar is presented, and C) what kind of place you're at.
  19. Neph's gotten hooked on a workout HUD game, so she's now running around in gym-wear.
  20. It doesn't drive as regular SL vehicles, it's pretty difficult - but really fun! Instead of the vehicle going forwards when you press W or arrow-up, doing so increases your throttle, and then it just drives at that speed until you pull the throttle back. Same with the steering, pressing A or D, or an arrow key, turns the steering bar and the vehicle will keep turning until you straighten it back out. My one complaint is that it really doesn't handle curbs very well, especially if you end up on the grass off the walkway and want to get back on the road .. I suppose 'don't drive off the road' will have to be my new driving mantra!
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