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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Are you under the impression that politicians actually do stuff? Personally I largely regard them as leeches who are suckling civilisation dry of its lifeblood. "An honest politician is one who, when bought, stays bought".
  2. It's been a bit of a plague. I went ahead and prepped for it. Just throw that at the sender, file an AR ('Disturbing the peace -> Repetitive spam'), put 'Unsolicited Advertisement' in the summary, in the details you can put whatever blurb you want, just put something short and concise. Then block them. Another alternative which you could turn to is to go to your preferences -> Privacy -> General -> Only friends and groups can call or IM me. This does hinder everyone outside of your contact list from contacting you through IMs though (not sure whether they can still send note cards). As far as whether it's 'great advertising' .. I don't know. I wouldn't step anywhere near a store that did that, personally, but then I'm a pretty acrimonious person.
  3. Blasph-- Wait. Uh. Divinity? Bleh. Bad! Assam tea has a very smooth, malty flavour to it that is a bit sweet already. Teas like Yunnan taste like someone threw up in your mouth. This is why we drink Assam. Nods.
  4. In Orwell's essay, a good cup of tea, he challenges his readers to try it for one week without sugar with the claim that you'll never want to go back. I accepted that challenge a couple of years ago, and it was true. For the first few days I thought it was miserable. Now, I haven't put sugar in tea or coffee for years, I tried it once after a while to see whether I would like it - it was a resounding no. Furthermore it laid the foundation for me to stop drinking soda, and then removing all added sugars from my diet outside of the occasional sweetbread when I have reason to celebrate. I lost about 1/6th of my weight in six months, and almost half as much as that in the following six months (for a total of 1/4th). I'm so glad I accepted Orwell's challenge. But he's not getting me to get rid of the milk. Shakes fist.
  5. Yes. They haven't released anything new since, but the store is still there, as are the bots and the vendors. Perhaps the sales of the store being open are enough to keep it going.
  6. This felt appropriate considering the circumstances.
  7. Very much this. Some people suggest that it's in large part due to the social media algorithms that does its damnedest to show us what we want to see; if you follow politicians, celebrities or political commentators who all lean to one end, the algorithm is going to keep suggesting such content for you. Also with certain platforms banning certain schools of ideology, people who are politically active appear to be divided not only by ideals, but platforms, where they seldom have to actually face any opposition, and there's no room for rational, restrained reasoning where both sides of any given subject can be explored. I'm genuinely curious. Did you expect that to impress me in any capacity, or are you aware how utterly pathetic your rhetoric is?
  8. How is your juvenile delinquency record in any way, shape, or form a relevant argument in an online environment with international participants, though? Not that a whole lot of anything around here is relevant by any means, but that one stood out as particularly peculiar.
  9. It would be easier to tell what the issue might be if you had included an image .. But, I'm going to make a guess: it's your system hair, it has an alpha texture and it's large enough to protrude from your head.
  10. So, your definition of a 'true' democracy is one wherein everyone thinks the same way you do, and the moment people don't, you want to revoke their right to voice their opinions. Sounds pretty fascist, actually.
  11. Oh, I just remembered another thing one could check out. Rebel Hope kicked off a Farewell Sale .. In Winter 2019. It's been ongoing for a little over a year by now. 75% off, you can find dresses, tops, bottoms, beachwear etc. for L$40-50 per piece.
  12. Oh, look - another thread about these political shenanigans. Seriously, if you're terrified of the risk of being exposed to a Trump 2020 sign, you probably shouldn't be online at all.
  13. You could get a complete avatar off the MP, but I don't think it advisable. The way clothes are being made, they are only fitted to certain bodies - Maitreya by far being the most popular example. The bodies of those complete avatars barely have any clothes made for them at all, which would severely limit your style and expression down the line. It may feel overwhelming, but it really is fairly simple once you're set up. It absolutely is worth the effort of getting there, if your avatar's appearance is a concern to you. A better approach than buying a full avatar, is to buy a shape that looks appealing to you that includes a style card. That way, you'll just have to wear the shape and the 'style card' will be your shopping list for which head, body, skin, make-up, and hair that you need to look like the person in the ad. Mind, getting everything in one go can have a price tag which some may find off-putting.
  14. 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖈 𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖘 ...
  15. But have you heard Pope Francis' prog-rock album? It's been a little while since anyone told me I need Jesus. I feel left out. Perhaps my blasphemy has been lacking as of late .. Hm. I may have to do something about that .. Now where do I find volunteers who have nun costumes ..?
  16. Brewed from real tea leaves. I mean. As opposed to what? Besides, only Assam brewed as per the Orwellian method counts as 'real' tea. Everything else just wishes it was tea.
  17. Can't remember the name of it, but there is a train set from a Gacha that has a bit of an Orient Express theme to it ... Looked it up (Cat gave it to me as a Christmas present the other year, just had to open my inventory) - DRD, Arctic Express.
  18. People are very different with how they use their contacts. Some even waste profile space to make an aggressive comment about how they'll get hurt in the feels if someone adds them without asking. Those who add me either learn that I'm not available at all times, or sort themselves out. Personally I seldom add people, when I do I usually ask first though. Some people have been on my list for years and years, some without us having spoken for a very long time - I'm not really bothered by it, but I will unfriend people if they never made a lasting impression and I'm bored. I never pay attention to nearby chat to be annoyed by people logging in or out anyway.
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