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Everything posted by Nalytha

  1. I applaud the effort you put into that. I envy your stamina.
  2. I think it’s really putting in more work than is necessary, but if you want, you could also swap your bed for a PG one when kids are over.
  3. Y’all worn me down over the video game question over the years. I can’t do any more wall of texts. I don’t have it in me and I’ve come to realize that like most things, no one actually wants their mind to be changed. Is Second Life a “game?” Answer: It’s complicated. The end.
  4. Nalytha

    Refund request

    Have you tried submitting a ticket?
  5. Yes. I prefer smaller land mass but more LI. It’s just my style. i take your point though. I could buy larger land with lower LI bonus but use borders and landscaping to make it seem smaller
  6. As much as I possibly can. Whatever the LI is... that's generally what I'm using. I rent from private estates and won't rent if it's less than 2x LI bonus.
  7. Yes, my whole point is that based on my own Second Life experience, I would be confused and probably disappointed if I couldn't auto return stuff immediately when I started renting from you. Not because of any fault on your part, but based on my own user experience. It's easy to take for granted knowing all that you have learned over the years based on your experience. Some of us are fall less experienced in Second Life. FWIW, to a newer user, I really don't see the difference in semantics in the term renting on mainland and buying on estate. Because I still pay a weekly tier on my estate and I will lose my land if I miss a payment... so to me, I'm renting either way. So there is a whole new level of possible confusion for new players -- understanding the difference between buying and renting, and also when buying is actually synonymous with renting. Edit: You asked 'where do people get this idea?' This is where I get this idea...
  8. Yeah, as a renter, I want to deal with the owner or staff as little as humanly possible. More rights for me and more automation means I have to take up someone else’s time needlessly and I can also save myself some time. As for the OP, I’ve rented on estates and owned mainland. I have no experience with renting in a situation like you described. So, yeah, I’d be confused and disappointed to find a feature I’m used to isn’t possible on your property. But that speaks more to my own inexperience with dealing with rentals like yours. I rent from an estate that has been around for ten years. Their terminals are efficient and I love that I can easily pay with PayPal. It’s a little pricier I’m sure, but the features are worth it to me.
  9. I found a cute hair style for sale at Tres Chic that had a 21,000 AC. And I was so excited because it had some beautiful dutch braids.
  10. I think I want to try to make an avatar that looks like me... I feel like I'd be going against the norm lol. It might be fun to attempt though.
  11. Confession: I probably spend more time lurking on these forums than logged into Second Life.
  12. I told Ace/Matthew that I had some problems with people being dishonest in Second Life and he/she told me point blank that "I'm sorry... I honestly haven't had that problem." Says a person who can't admit they spoke to me not a week earlier as a completely different person =/ And my profile even says I'm not looking to RP or talk to dishonest people =/ I think that's the worst part. I have no problems with people who RP. I have no problems with people who have alts who they want to keep seperate. But to tell me to my face you haven't encountered dishonest people while you are knowingly being dishonest to me about such a large fact, is ... cruel.
  13. You sounds super interesting. I thought I remember somewhere reading you aren't looking for more friends though, that's why I wasn't sure how to take your post or if you just felt sorry for me. I am pretty open minded and I love meeting people who challenge me, especially ones who can engage in intelligent discussion instead of simply debate. I guess you can say I have a sometimes unhealthy interest in the darkness, I love documentaries too and am fascinated by true crime stuff. I probably spend way too much time researching serial killers. While I'm not a Satanist, I did a bit of research into it as a teen, and would love to know more. I am an Atheist who help found a local Atheist group and we have so many members of different religious backgrounds. I love hearing about different beliefs and I try not to ever sound condescending. I'm not militant about my beliefs, and I think our lives are too short to be worried about what others are doing (as long as they aren't hurting people). I love history, and while I'm sure I sometimes make grammar mistakes, I am in school for court reporting which has a heavy emphasis on punctuation and grammar. Sometimes I simply type too fast and fail to proofread before I hit send. So, I guess in a way I also work with my hands, though it's through a stenography machine. I can't consider myself pretentious, as I feel I'm extraordinary unexceptional. I'm just an average human being trying to make it through life <3
  14. I'm sure it's on me entirely. I'm probably just being a bit too negative right now and taking it way too seriously. I see this sort of deception described in relationships in SL, I just didn't expect it to be so common in platonic friendships, where you really have nothing to lose by being honest.
  15. I am not great as sarcasm. I take things pretty literally. I say what I mean and often make the mistake of thinking everyone else says what they mean =(
  16. I can't tell at this point if I'm being mocked or not =/
  17. I'm really bummed out... like really bummed out. I was fooled. I talked to Jaxxur a week or so ago in game, and I talked to Ace/Matthew yesterday or the day before. We even had a conversation where I shared that I was getting really frustrated because my last few friend making attempts wound up in people just lying to me about stupid stuff. I know you can't trust what anyone says on the internet, but this is really bumming me out. Like four times in a row now I find out I've been lied to. And I know someone else is thinking it... I know. I know =(
  18. I met Matthew today. He was kind enough to show me his lovely home. He's just as nice in person as he seems in his post.
  19. Hello I couldn’t help but notice we have things in common. I also like to hang out at social places and profile snoop and try to find interesting people to talk to. I also have two monitors and often keep SL running even if I’m not playing. I love to decorate as well. I’m very honest, I don’t know how to RP and I just don’t have a desire to. I like to get to know people. I’m also a gamer though not LoL. I do like MMOs and rpgs in general. We do have an age gap of ten years though, so if that matters I understand. But if you ever want to chat movies, books, games, or whatever, let me know.
  20. Oh wow! I will look into that for sure! I thought no copy items had to be listed serperately, looks like I should have done more research
  21. At least they are honest. I’m getting really frustrated by clothes advertised for bodies only to find out when demo’d, they definitely weren’t made for that body
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