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Ethan Paslong

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Everything posted by Ethan Paslong

  1. you use the omega relay?
  2. as others said... this isnt available for "just" a resident, it has to be a bit more, the price isn't exorbitant, it's for business accounts. from the wiki: Custom surnames Upon creation of a custom surname, the account designated as owner will be billed a US$500 setup fee plus the first annual US$500 fee. On each anniversary date, the owner will be billed US$500 to retain custom surname ownership. Last names must clearly be an organizational or corporate name, and distinguished from personal last names (surnames). For example, "Smith" is not acceptable, but "SmithCorp," "SmithInc," "SmithProducts" or "SmithConstruction" are. Linden Lab will consider names that are clearly made up or composite (for example, "SecondLife" or "Agilent"). http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Custom_Name_Program#Request_procedure
  3. we have loads, pages full... nearly a library full of guidelines, advices and so on... problem is a bit.... "we" write them down, and do nothing unless some people, preferably a lot of them, send in AR's .. or make the problem clear on the forums. If there would be a actively team on these things half of your post would be solved.
  4. you too... repeating this every hour is what lot of people would call spamming.
  5. i'm not sure but think the LL viewer is still locked at 512( or at least in the preferences, it might be changable in the debugsettings, but i don't know what one) .. try firestorm if you want to change that.
  6. coudl it be you'r hinting on the texture cache for your graphic card? standard that's on 512 but depending on your graphic card you can change that to higher levels. ( only in soe 3rd party viewers i think) Also... when your graphic card doesn't have more memory you won't be able to raise that number)
  7. Some said it already... it's a bit like rl, you have to make it what you want it to be, but,.... everybody does that. So for some the social aspect is less important than for others. Also a lot of communication isn't done in local chat but in IM's. Local chat has a reach of 20 meters, some aren't really comfotable using it when there are several people around that they don't want to involve in a talk. At some locations it's even seen as disturbing to use local, or only RP in local en OOC talk in IM... so many different things. Experience the things.. go out, meet people and places, feel a local banhammer sometimes , restricted areas... but always keep in mind, when one door closes, ten others will open, if there is one place where this is true, it's SL.
  8. yes, since a while the other numbers ( weren't in use anymore for some time ) were removed. Sadly not only response times are a bit longer but also how to contact isn't getting easier.
  9. hope OP is in US/CA .. other wise it might get quite expensive to get that one dollar back.
  10. it was just a valid response on things you bring in the thread yourself. Nothing wrong with that, and you can't prevent how a thread changes... some fast, some take a while, but the more secondary remarks in posts, the more and faster it goes. About your question what lags and what not... there's a second not less important thing : your machine, and third: your connection
  11. and as we all wait to transfer your post to: go check out MP and tp to the stores to try things out, if they don't have test material.... skip it.
  12. because sl doesn't work as those other games, everything of SL is on the external servers, at your maching you only have "links" and "pointers" tot the SL stuff. Other MMO's have a lot of content downloaded on your machine, so don't have to get it from the external sources. Next to that, (i hope the girls from the mesh optimisation topic don't read this from me) , all content on SL is putting heavy loads on your machine because it's not optimized material.. lot of badly made mesh, high resolution textures.. and so on just for the record, your attitude is rejecting help and you blame me to say that?... see above
  13. if you have issues always use also the official viewer. Hinting that's it's FS fault is just showing you don't know what you'r talking about. It's the major used viewer on SL so if there would be problems it would be noticed in a more general way, and not only your "select few" . you come ask for help, you get help .. and first you say it's wrong help.... perhaps try it first and read the tips as given in the link. If that doesn't help please come back and tell what happened and additional info like system specs and if you tried to rebuild your inventory. .
  14. they perhaps care a lot about it, but LL is not involved in this problem. And to be honest... there isn't even a issue, you bought the wrong, or not complete pack you needed. I really don't see the urgent need to change the whole system for that. And you'r not the only one who has this, have this or will have this... we all made purchase mistakes. And in 99% of those mistakes it's nobody else to blame than ourselves. As Cindy also said, contact the seller if you have such thing, a lot of them won't let you down. demo - demo - read carefully - and only hit the "pay"if you'r sure, as most of us, you can only spend it once.
  15. somehow.. and somewhere i have the feeling we'r not on the same planet....
  16. i wonder whát discussion... same as you nobody here knows the income, nor the costs for the Lab to keep things running. So did the raise of fees help? ..... dunno, but pretty sure they paid the electricity bill, the lights are still on. It's a privat business, i'm sure if you are shareholder you would know a bit more, they don't have to explain us what they do with the money. It's never said what they pull out of SL will be invested.. or where. It's a company that has to make profits to keep board and shareholders happy, and we are the ones they collect it from. About Sansar and the other projects you mention we know even less.
  17. packet loss, it's not unusual to get disconnections if that's reaching 0.5 % already. It simply means you don't receive 7 out of 100 packets .. UPS/DHL would get sacked for such results.
  18. no figures to proof that i think and also here on the forums/answer section, the lag questions are in a far minority compared to the connection issues. I think most leave because they don't get even a basic understanding of SL, want to have and be what older residents build up in years and see the huge costs when they want to do that in a day.
  19. and exactly there is this whole situation about. The subject of AR was violating the Terms of Use for the Linden Homes and maturity ratings
  20. who drags gays in this discussion? YOU .. it is NOT about that. and exactly that is why LL should act.
  21. commercial upperclass you mean?.. in thats case this thread is even more useless, you'r preaching for you own congregation, everybody sleeps and yawns because they heared your sermon thousends of times before.
  22. yes it's totally proper to use AR and not talk. I have no business with the neighbours but with LL. If somebody ruins the experience in my neighbourhood, mainland and linden homes, LL is the one to control, check and act. It's really sad the support system is overloaded and have to wait for so long, or even have to pull attention here before there's action taken. I think there should be a fast intervention team that gets a warning to have a look when really bothering situations appear. don't forget the L homes are meant to be a experience to have a home in SL if you have such extreme likings a normal, even moderate, community is NOT the place where you should be.
  23. at the first... nah.. with such breach of guidelines, maturity rating, and violating the agreement to use a Linden Home... AR is the way to go. Not reading the rules, ánd extra rules in case of a Linden Home?... you even have to agree seperate before the house is available... just a handfull of lines... no excuse foranyrything. Its mostly those people think they'r on mainland, or rules aren't for them.
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