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Ethan Paslong

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Everything posted by Ethan Paslong

  1. as far i know only the profle owner can see warnings?
  2. nahh not on the streets... my home would be better perhaps start a project... adopt a Linden?( support for clothes and a comfy room to stay) would save the Lab some money..... i'd know who i'd go for....
  3. ehm perhaps explain that? 100 + 5 + 10 ?
  4. as i already told.... i am in europe, en premium is NOT subject to VAT, as my post... Blush post already showed. The one who claims he does, let hem make a screenshot of his accountpage and show what he pays.. It's simple: you only pay VAT on the shown fees
  5. https://secondlife.com/corporate/pricing.php premium isn't subject to VAT, so yearly is 72 for everybody.
  6. use your own chimera/dances .. i never use the clubs dances, some still even use the freebies that were aready old in 2004.
  7. ignore it if you don't like it...very simple and i think the remark of Hintwen isn't feeding any hurted feelings, but guiding it to a totally right discussion.
  8. no for me it would be not ok. As employee of a firm, and the firm itself should stay far away from promoting clients. ( in any form) IF you feel the need to do it... you'l have to do it with all, ánd mixed, not only the big boys, but also the small... the good ones, and the amateurs.. random and skip none... imposisble to do, so simply don't. Stick to your own product.
  9. nothing, no prims is useless for nearly everybody
  10. you'r so right, but guessing you didn't like my remark at yours in the employment section?
  11. don't you think Patch would look even more super cute...when in.... socks?
  12. noooo not under my pillow!.. can't see the pic when i open my eyes... it's on the little table not the cute Patch! ?
  13. if the Lindens going to do it we'r done soon, most look like..... ehm.. lets say 2002
  14. thats even low... 300/400 ... pets, blings... sounds./music.. gestures..... oh wow the place is laggy
  15. the first.... NO the second... derender it if you don't want to see it. Mainland is free, no limits except TOS and maturity levels. What you want is a private sim with your rules, move out my precious mainland, and buy your own.... invite your friends, buy your community but leave the mainland what it is. And no i'm not against a refurbishing and reorganisation, but when forcing to community life?... it will end more empty than it ever was before.
  16. yes i know, thats why i posted it's a bit like groups... not meant to be used as it is now. most of us know what time/efford it was for LL to get thát work smoother and more reliable, pretty sure it will be that way with picks too, and if you don't want a related location to the pick, create it at public Linden lands...?
  17. the whole thing about picks IS about places, your other likings are meant to put in the other fields on the profile or use your feed? Just a abandoned region will not give you the desired words.
  18. yes it's RP, but still club work/job .. have to be a very dedicated member to want to do that for free, those normally aren't found in these forums, but in their own groups, just guessing the club doesn't decline tips either ?
  19. the landmark/slurl is in one of the posts above you.
  20. you can try "search" at every community page, i'm pretty sure the posts/blogs/ announcements about the changes to come will show up somewhere. Might be some excersize .. somtimes keywords bring up interesting, but not very relating subjects. About moving to the cloud and other changes in the pipeline are all announced and talked about in the, not so far, past.
  21. sooo... we drain you for free, we take your time online, and after that you'r not meeting requirements for our job anymore , bye bye? create some alts... much easier.
  22. it does when you add a new payment method, in the cashier OP is your paypal verified and backed with direct payment options to maintain your balance? If not, all will keep failing, beacuse LL, ánd Paypal don't wait for their money.
  23. if you buy wise the costs are not higher ... if you normally bought 2500 L$ every week for 60 cts fee... buy now 7500 every third week... you'll save 30 cts It perhaps only asks a little more dicipline at your side to put the amount you buy normally at your paypal to save it for a bigger buy order. Next to that, if you buy even lightly higher amounts, it gets really interesting to use the limit buy, ... even a simple 10 L$ more...is your first gain. Also, you don't need to do the extra math, the buy/sell window tells you exactly how much it is including fee.
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