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Ethan Paslong

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Everything posted by Ethan Paslong

  1. Solar is right. Your parcel needs to be owned by the group before most group abilities will work. If the parcel is only "set" to group, you will see many abilities simply not working. If it's another issue, of course provide us with more info
  2. of course it's possible you can't buy L$ with your possibilities... the reason you give isn't really valid. You don't need Euro's or Dollars. If you think that's really the problem, perhaps check payment options through paypal or skrill.
  3. thats a good thing... but keep it a bit real, look at the date.
  4. often it's not really shared, but a shopping sim where creators/sellers, rent a shop. That can be on one parcel, but also seperated. Also, as often seen at events or satelite shops (no main store) , it can be just a building with stalls for a very limited amount of items. Shops with a joined client base, same interests, like in rl (... a shoeseller, dressmaker, make-up seller... ) have the same client base, so being on the same sim, or parcel is good for traffic and attracting the right target group of buyers. If it are resellers, and not creating their own items, you see often seperate shops, just for a mall experience.. or shopping district. It can be owned by the same merchant.
  5. could it be somehwere in the process you clicked on some wrong buttons?... because what you tell is more simple than what your picture shows. Your balance shows 229 L$ while you want to spend 699. So somewhere you ór have to adjust the order, ór buy more L$, ór pay directly with your payment method... In any case this is not a wise choice, you will pay a lot more than when you have bought your L$ upfront at the lindex. The fee for your purchase also will be nearly 50% ..buying additional 400 L$ before you can buy your basket, and 1.49 dollar fee... If you really bought it as shown, you have got this also in a confirmation mail, and will show at your orderhistory, ánd balance at your accountpage... copy that and send to the seller. He/she might be able to help you if you'r right.
  6. but... i hear you complain/remark about Firestorm... why not blame it on Mac? I have no connection with Firestorm otherwise than a user, and really... at my GTX 740m and GTX 960m i can run SL at mid/high, fps at my home + 70 and at other places mostly 25/35 .. it works fine. Don't only check your viewer settings ( that first... stop hitting all sliders to the max) but also be sure your machine uses your resoursces wisely .. heared one inworld recently... "oh the lag is so bad"... had netflix, youtube SL and few more minimized/at the background running....ehm... yeah i really wonder why ....
  7. well... pretty sure what's going on.. your connection is really really bad.. a ping of 100.000 wil make playing SL impossible. How to solve it?... if nothing what's told here helps, you need to contact your ISP, and hope it's at his side, and not somewhere out of his reach...
  8. se o lixo for esvaziado ... ele se foi. Você poderia tentar uma atualização de cache de inventário, no caso de ser apenas um bug. Se realmente estava no lixo ... ele se foi. Você sempre pode tentar receber os itens de volta nas lojas que comprou. (google translate)
  9. do so and try yourself? Install both and work with them. except of the objective tool for inspection as Fiona pointed to, it's totally subjective, no standard in experience for anyone, all depends on like and your machine/connection. I have a quite standard machine, Firestorm works good on it. Problem is mostly: people use it out of the box, and just drag as many sliders to the right as possible. That makes even the high end newest machines to lagmonsters.
  10. back up?... all your SL inventory and stuff are on SL servers, nothing is on your pc
  11. if this is only announcements of performance inworld... it should be in Events...not here.
  12. i got it in email... it's on the forums, it's on the main page. .. and its pretty clear that it would be available only for one week. That it's not a great way to attrackt the ones doing it..well think we all think the same about it. If they don't want to open the lost weeks again, i'd suggest LL opens a little store at the final location, and sell the missing ones for a good price.
  13. use a general normal, not fancy font, the system will be able to keep it, pc's from others will show it, ( otherwise it will be blocks ) and others will be able to read it.
  14. ? derendering objects /builds/people works as far i know everywhere and it's pretty easy to learn your tenants do the same. If thats no solution, and LL doesn't/can't act, there's no other way ..ór leave, ór derender and ignore everything there.
  15. ánd... depending on the age of your account...ánd not been premium before... your stipend cán be 300 or 400 or even 500 L$ weekly
  16. actually... they can ask all possible things when you try to process credit some things i got asked during several cash outs: name of some friends where did you sign up ( town/region of RL) from where you regulary signed on ( region or ISP ) why you logged on from xxxxx ( from the office with a vpn) who are xxx.xxx and xxxxx ( store owners i did some business with) utility bill phone bill rl identity proof and this isn't even all....
  17. i'd lock my part of land, derender the whole bunch at the other side, and enable the privacy settings, than don't look again at the other side of the fence.
  18. Ethan Paslong


    posting wrong hypothesises as answer while the right answers are in more than one post above it asks for confusing emoticons... it's why they are there. ~coughs~
  19. don't use the normal grid for your test uploads, use the beta, thats free.
  20. Ethan Paslong


    no it's because you gave information that wasn't right, as still shows in Chic's response on you. ( and editted later.)
  21. Ethan Paslong


    /me soflty coughs.. https://slbloodlines.com/gear/nightshade This potion can be used to cure vampirism. If you drink this potion, the following will happen: your vital blood will be transformed into an equal amount of humanity (1L vital blood = 20% Humanity), your curse and embrace will be undone, you will become human again, you will no longer suffer the curse, you will lose all of your souls, and souls from your minions will no longer total upwards. nothing else to add to your post i walked out of it some time ago, been up to 5 star king/alpha, all achievements.. in their records i'm still a registered player, nothing more. Just a side-note, if you activated the garlic necklace, no bloodline player can see your name in the records, it's replaced by a random name they use for deactivated accounts, it won't point to you inworld or anywhere else. If they scan you inworld they get the message not to bite and their hud won't work on you. Keep in mind, this is only about Bloodlines, there are other vampire huds and games, Those have their own rules and techniques.
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