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Ethan Paslong

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Everything posted by Ethan Paslong

  1. Ethan Paslong

    Bento Male

    to combine both previous answers: you don't have to look/search for bento clothes, only need the clothes made for your specific brand body you use.
  2. Ethan Paslong


    my finger is a lot more sensitive than Rollig's but if 1000 mutes isn't enough in the 3 months you'r here i seriously wonder where you hang out.
  3. i think you will get more response when you contact furry clubs yourself, if you don't know a lot, perhaps use the groups.. for sure that will give more options than you will reach on the forum. most clubs in SL work with tipjars for DJ's think that won't be a problem, the second however.... it is normaly not the club that brings in the visitors, but the DJ brings them to the club... something to think about. If there are regulars in the club, they for sure will tp out if they don't like the set, nobody can prevent that.(same for occasional visitors)
  4. is the land set to group or deeded? ... if it's only set to, most group abilities don't work, it has to be deeded.
  5. /me was busy this weekend... had to do some interior changes...
  6. for me it is irrelevant to ask for a system that's totally not needed because it works perfect as it is.
  7. the numbers of hacked accounts show the opposite. It's nearly all phishing. And you can't blame LL for that.
  8. usual i don't share Prok's opinions, but really can think about anything what's wrong with this one... the starters are a lot better than in the past, but please ditch it asap when you enter the world.
  9. look at the message you got... it's send by the Fraud department. now you'r freaking out and panicking... log off and get some fresh air. NOBODY here says you are frauding, we only go on the info you give.
  10. what to do is in the message you got... try again after two weeks. I'm pretty sure LL has a reason to do as they do, and perhaps they'll never tell the reason and keep in general terms. I can imagine they'r not goingt to reveil their fraud protection protocol.
  11. you take me totally wrong, it's not rare to me, it's rare that Lindens give support directly on the forums,if you don't use your account, that will be impossible to trace for them. If your ticket is still open, try to get your answers there, nobody here knows your issue, nobody can see it, and perhaps even you'r the first one with a specific problem. If there are really serious thoughts at the fraud department, your money will stay in escrow and your account on hold. and you skip it, but as i said in the same post: You can also check paypal support... ór is it possible you missed questions from LL in your email/support ticket, and didn't answer those in time? If it's a relatively high amount, or they see some other red flags, LL will ask for verifiable RL details. 
  12. very rare, but by serious issues a Linden here can take up cases, if you don't use the connected account, that will be a lot harder. But closer to your questions ... the forums can mean nothing for you. The only channel to talk to them is by reopening the case and ask more details. You can also check paypal support... ór is it possible you missed questions from LL in your email/support ticket, and didn't answer those in time? If it's a relatively high amount, or they see some other red flags, LL will ask for verifiable RL details.
  13. in this case even as guy i could imagine multiple reasons
  14. just a thougt, you want to rent with multiple people, huge house, with quite some LI needed for use with 3 persons. If i'm not wrong you looked for the same in the past. Wouldn't it be a smarter idea, and avoid loads of drama about none payed shares, annoying visitors and anything else that can be brought by people you never seen before.... to get a small house, rent a small plot, and be happy ever after?
  15. have a look at Tuff by Rya Nitely, those can be set to use by visitors i think ... badly you have to collect them everywhere...lol... but also rezzers with auto delete when not in use for a certain time i mean to remember.
  16. this is not a advertising spot anymore , Fav Destinations is, as more sections more restricted since a while ( think it was even the first one some months ago) it's really to post what the title says, read the sticky at top of that forum. If you own the place, or clearly only post to advertise the post will get removed since some time (if reported)
  17. perhaps tell a bit who yóu are... might be the black men don't look for you and hide?
  18. as start thats not very smart, never give somebody access to your account. IF you do/did and there are things going wrong, you'r totally responsible yourself. there's a weekend... and a holiday... everything will get picked up after that. to be honest i never heared about they asking for a selfie... but could be to see if the ID isn't stolen and used by somebody else.. but still... kinda weird. we can't, this is just a users forum.
  19. and there it goes wrong, who is going to decide what is talented and succesfull? Many of the big brands sell premade stuff that's only re textured .. is that talented? Many of the talented people have very smalll business or work only for friends... is that succesfull? With those two as requierement they'll shoot in their own feet again, and they will attrackt people for the wrong reasons, many regular customers will start to avoid those stores, and not bad meant, but you need your regulars... those are the spenders. With all pro's and contra's here, i'm still at my own opinion: LL stay out of this.
  20. you make it only worse... announcing adult content... remove that link.
  21. to be more precise... it doesn't belong at the forums at all unless it has a specific dedicated section, and there isn't one for tattoos... but as more people offer their services in it, put it in the employment section, you'r looking for work after all.
  22. feel free..., because only your first 9 words were a reply to me (..the other 90 +/- were just repeating your previous which i seen already)
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