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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. Metropolis works for me, did you check all info for the grid at the "open sim "tab ?
  2. yes you are right it is 251 l$ for one dollar. (when you put in a higher amount you want to sell for 1 dollar the quicker it will sell, 251 is highest at the moment, 250 will not sell before the 251 is gone ... or it might even get 252 if more want to sell fast) If you want to sell more just keep the rate but enter a higher amount in the first entry. as example: quantity 25000L$ exchange rate 251 / 1
  3. shape ánd skin... both change, or can change the look.
  4. VCammarano wrote: The only thing I could suggest is to buy a prepaid credit card to purchase the lindens. yep... and find out prepaids aren't accepted... have a look at the knowledgebase to see the payment options. Only Credit Cards, Paypal and Skrill are the general accepted payment methods.
  5. contact support, we are just residents as you on the forums .. or contact live chat
  6. Alwin Alcott


    .. every week on tuesday, 300 L$
  7. just a little addition: many rental properties don't allow security that does eject instantly. Be sure your's does. Same as banlines... check your covenant. If you really want to control your privacy fully you'll need to get your own parcel at mainland, or rental company that gives you ownerrights.
  8. you will have to sell them first, L$ aren't accepted.
  9. a little addition to Rolig's answer: everybody can use his own settings, your landsetting doesn't force others to see it as you want.
  10. you give not much info at this moment, please add some to your post what payment method? It could simply be a little hick up in the system, or you have added wrong payment method...or... or...
  11. sorry but nearly none debit cards work for SL, they'r not accepted. You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: keep in mind, all cards metioned here are Credit Cards Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill The currencies accepted for payment include: CAD, AUD, JPY, EUR, GBP for non-U.S. Residents, and USD for U.S. Residents
  12. those pages as flickr are meant to show your exhibionistic urges... use it ... this are forums for sharing thoughts and questions.... not pics. You'r only a week old, find your way in SL , and collect snapshots, get graphic skills.. create art and stand up from the crowd .thán share..át flickr
  13. reset your connection shut down machine shut down modem/router let it stand for one minute restart modem/router wat till it's totally up and running restart your machine use wired instead of wireless if you do that
  14. i might have overlooked something, but i see really nothing special there ... group joiners vendors groupsgifts... limited sale vendors all seems to work perfectly. perhaps clarify your question a bit more so we know what you encoutered? ... pay options failing sometimes is just caused by lag.
  15. If you want that look you need the full version, you wear a demo now. The huge hands and feet are normal for free demos.
  16. No showing titles is no rule at all, LL doesn't even mingle in those things. Owners of venues may ask for it, but has nothing to do wiht legal issues. But if you want to stream legal... you have to own rights to broadcast... and thats not the same as buying the cd and have the right to listen to it in home/privat setting. To legally stream, you need a license from the artist, or his representative(mostly per country) to use the song, and pay for every use of it. Next to it in most countriesyou need a license to broadcast the songs. . for example in the netherlands those two licenses will cost you approx. 900/1000 euro's yearly. 99% of the dj's in sl don't have those licences and work on own risk... if you get cought you will get a fine you'll never forget.. some go up to 30.000 dollars or even hundreds of thousends when you'r in the famous claiming USA.
  17. i think you'r really on a crusade.... most gacha items for sale have a right description, giving it the pic of the set makes it even more clear for the ones that are interested in what collection it belongs. Just a few perhaps miss some keywords, but most are for sure not. Take a breath, use the search as advised. Skip what you don't want to see Or ask LL to write a special algoritthm for a search for you and we can all live in peace.
  18. this is not LL support, this is residents helping other residents. ... "there are many others...." ...simply not true, most issues about GMA are settings not updating after reaching adult age, those are always solved and isn't really bringing more weight to your inconvenience. Support does not discuss issues with you or others that aren't invovlved. Thats why you don't see answers. If you need contact to support you send in a ticket, or live chat if you'r premium.
  19. no not possible only credit card, verified paypal or skrill
  20. a little lower on this page this thread is giving some options, hope it solves your problem too
  21. perhaps some parts go out of your parcel?... try wear and drop, see what happens
  22. KokaiNe666 wrote: I understand you. But also understand that the beta grid is needed for content creators. And content creators need to LL)) if they do not - not exist LL)) And I just want to know - what is going on? They may inform that they are working. .... it's to test for free... a privilege... extra... nothing more, no right and for sure not needed. and what's going on...? they did say there was maintenance... live with it,
  23. if it is IN your inventory there is no way they can let it work. No scripts or objects from there are active.
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