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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. you only can turn it totally off or on... you can set groups to not to send messages/notices, but you won't get the notices/messages when you'r online either.
  2. most easy solution: mute/block ( and derender) and ban (if possible) if you want to report, right click the avatar and report or in your viewer menu, or support ticket on the website. keep your report clean and to the point, but just calling you a bl**p won't trigger a lot of alarms at LL. .
  3. if it is on a private estate, ask the owner for a sim restart, it will log the avatar off, for mainland you have to contact support if she still is there
  4. normally when your avatar is still inworld you get a message to wait a little doesn't your viewer pop up something? if it's not, try a alt and go to the same location as you were last to see if it's really there also for the webpage... what message do you get. It's not normal to be unable to login for that reason resetting your password never hurts.. and in this case even very worth trying.
  5. you have to look for folders with the name of the box and wear that, not the box itself. have a look here https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185
  6. you'll have to give more details, or still have the risk on removal. People need to know where the money is going and for what goal.
  7. as you can read in the knowledge base, bank cards and debit cards are in general not accepted as billing method. You need a real CC, paypal or skrill to be sure it works. branded debit cards, prepaid and bank cards are not accepted. A branded bank credit card will most likely work. (For example a Societe Generale credit card with visa logo)
  8. think the only place here is the events subforum... most others will have your post removed or moved to events... But if it's a real personal crowdfunding/fundraising it will be difficult, it has not much to do with SL and might get removed at all forums.
  9. Chrismaky wrote: What I am saying is more people should start downloading Blender and other free mesh creation tools, and LEARN. . Its too easy. Too simple. We need to keep expanding our minds and learning new things. SL is the world where i don't need to do things... where i not should download stuff to learn... where i don't feel any need to expand... it is to RELAX, have the life i don't have in real... hobby, meet, and for once can decide myself, without boss..kids, hubbie, wife, partner or whatever is around you in rl.... where i can delete, create and dream my own dreams... i love to play with blocks, and everytime it's something nice i'm even more happy. When it;s crap... i delete and start over... childish? kids? perhaps yes.. but it's my time, my life and i love it. if yours is expand and learn, do so... but stop that generalizing talk that WE should do what you think is right for others ...
  10. there are thousends of products in SL, some people never heared about most, so it's nearly impossible to keep up with all manuals... i'm sure there's a usergroup for yours, try there, read the manual, or contact the creator
  11. to start, in this "game" accounts are never hacked, you entered your data in a malicious weblink. Or made it too easy to guess your data. gift cards were never a official payment method, it's always been Credit Cards, wire transfer, and paypal. Later they added also Skrill, but wire transfer was abandoned. You were lucky to have your giftcards accepted, and perhaps some will still be. Further, it really never happened people got money taken from their bank accounts... it is simply not possible because there is NO connection between SL and rl banks for any user. There's always a party in between. If your cards arent accepted you will have no choice than accept the payment methods as asked in the knowlegde base CC, Paypal or skrill. ... or keep trying yours... with the risk it fails.
  12. i'd like to add something very important: Second Life is user created content, as soon you go to only mesh lot of people will not longer be able to create or build. Don't get me wrong, i like mesh a lot, but also still love prims, and system clothes aren't obsolete yet too, it's not without reason lot of new mesh bodies use appliers = system clothes.
  13. Chrismaky wrote: (1)Mesh is more realistic, (2)better looking, (3)resizeable, (4)and is much lower in prim/land cost. (5)Do you think there should be a push to make SL 100% mesh? (1) can be more realistic, but is not always (2) can be better looking, but is not always (3) can be resizable, but is not always (4) can be lower in li , but is not always, in special in case of (3) it can go horiibly wrong in landimpact when resizing. (5) NO
  14. buy L$ back, it should take your sl usd balance before your other billing method.
  15. set it to group owned, or deed it to group when you are in that group he can set the right permissions to you
  16. positions are always saved to the last spot. detach right lick the item in your inventory and choose add to hud ... look for a empty spot in the list ór click the item /edit / move it to where you want. It will still attach to the center but at the last spot where you moved it to.
  17. don't post things doulble please. It will push other people's questions from the front page. Your's is answered on the other post. it is no fraud, no real scam.... you just picked a wrong victim. This is how it works when people change their mind about joining. Your victim didn't run with your money, he/she just has a hud what means nothing unless joining bloodlines. Next time bit first, and give the needed potion so the soul is for sure yours. Reporting is useless in this case, LL will do nothing.
  18. you don't get it back. Thats the risk for inworld games that involve some investments. Choose your blooddolls more carefully. However it's a very open way to play BL by paying for your blooddolls, you could try using the potions to be sure your victim doesn't run off with your huds. They at least will need the electrum to get their soul back. advice : .... potion and bite first (AFTER being sure the victim AGREES FULLY to join) and buy the hud as last. You will at least have the soul promessed to you, of course there are ways to get it back, but with a less risk for you to loose it. ór let your blooddoll buy the hud themself, and pay it back after the bite and joining.
  19. when your account is on hold communication by ticket system works better than calling. You will have all things you said and they said and all thing that are send in one place. When you did send documents on own initiative without pending ticket responses, things will for sure not speed up because they will have to find out manually where it belongs.. ID is mostly handled by a automatic system, LL will send a special link for you to upload your copy.
  20. What is traffic  Traffic is a numerical metric calculated for every parcel of land inworld. This score can be summarized as the cumulative minutes spent on the parcel by all visitors to the parcel within the previous day. (The value shown in About Land is based on data gathered from midnight to 11:59 PM, Pacific Time.) It is calculated by taking the total seconds spent on the parcel, dividing by 60, and rounding to the nearest whole minute. For example, if your parcel has a cumulative seconds total of 121s over the course of a day, the traffic score is 2. Traffic has a mild influence on the relevance of search results. It's one of many factors included in the search logic. To see the traffic score for a parcel, right-click on the ground in the parcel and choose About Land; or choose World > Place Profile > About Land. The General tab shows the traffic score for each parcel.
  21. rainbow Fairymeadow wrote: For the life of me, I cant see WHY you would answer like that.. so crappy! People come to the forums to ask questions and get help, not to get smart pants answers like this one pretty usefull reply after nearly 4.5 years... message was posted 01-20-2012 10:55 AM
  22. a slong your ccounts are on hold you can not get it back, also not with security questions. If they are on hold and LL asks for the information and you can't give it you will never get it re-opened Not remembering such important info is a sign for them you are not the owner.
  23. not sure what these horrible blinding colours have to to with asian/korean, you scare the h*ll out of people with this:) but don't you think "wanted" is a more right seciton for this?
  24. Alwin Alcott


    stand in your home, pick up your stuff, open about land/ land details and click abandon than go to your account page / premium membership and downgrade to basic
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