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Everything posted by AviNews

  1. TRUE & confirmed.. out of stock!! All of the auctions. Both L$ and US$ auctions.
  2. It may be that any search criteria was too tightly defined.... finding no matches. I’ve never seen it ‘out of stock’, wish I could get inworld and see!! (Will check here with cell too.. am a curious type!)
  3. AviNews

    Hide UI Firestorm

    I believe there are two Hide UI, tho am unsure. One is to ‘hide’ of course. The other is to ‘hide’ when taking pictures or screenshots. That keeps all out of pictures snapped. I think I seen another option, it just hides your L$ balance in screenshots.
  4. Aayan: IF you speak nicely with them... understanding their 'policies'.... I'd believe that you would have a chance at earning the privilege of becoming an Officer yourself. THAT IS ONLY A GUESS on my part.. but you would need to work with THEM... and help out with things around their area. As an official officer in the group.. you would be 'allowed' to again enter.
  5. Ripley... don't worry about 'buying land'.... SL land is NOT as complicated or expensive as buying Real Life land. Actually the BEST deal is to get that Premium Membership (it is about US$72 per year). With that, first.. you GET BACK L$300 PER WEEK which amounts to approximately US$60... so costs is actually only US$12 per year. NOW the 'land'... with Premium Member.. you GET FREE 1024sqm of LAND without paying extra. One way is to get a Linden Home.. which you can 'create' things inside of it, that will be 512sqm (they may be getting bigger soon .... going up to the 1024sqm). So with a Linden Home you have NOTHING more to pay.. and you're getting BACK L$300 per Week (on Tuesdays). NO ADDITIONAL COST. Your 'security' in a Linden Home.. you can 'set' it so no one can see you... and believe.. not 'allow' anyone to enter (using Ban Lines). They will be able to 'see' your creations... by 'camming' but they NEED to be in the neighborhood. The Linden Homes that I've had there's HARDLY EVER been any nearby neighbors.. all is quiet and peaceful. Also.. there is a 'policy' that you cannot create that 'skybox platform'... but you don't NEED it, since no one is around. (if they are.. you'll be able to see they are nearby) If you decide NOT to take the Linden Home.. it is YOUR choice.... you can then 'buy' 1024sqm of land from someone else. The cost for the most inexpensive land for sale is about L$1000 (that's about US$4.. paid in L$'s.. and it only takes a couple clicks of your mouse.. BOOM ya got it.. and NEVER pay any more to stay there. It comes with all the security of a Linden Home... AND you CAN place that skybox platform up in the sky for GREATER security. You are required to have Premium Member status to 'buy' mainland.. without it you can only rent land... unless you start looking at HUGE islands and estates.. that would get expensive (but you don't need Premium then) BUT.. get that Premium membership and HAVE FUN!! .. AND ANOTHER THING.. if you want to 'move'.. you can SELL your land.. so you don't really have to pay anything at all for it.
  6. Buy some land... put a skybox platform at altitude of 4000m. (Don’t forget to create a LM to get back to it). it’s not totally secure but you should notice when anyone is getting close. If you want absolute security. Setup a sim-on-a-stick ..... your own little world on a USB drive. Google SIm-on-a-stick, should still be out there. tho... you’ll need to transfer to SL if you want it inworld.
  7. I'm am unsure how to contact them... if you are in their 'Group'.... pull up the Group Information from your Contacts... Look for Members tab... find those members that are 'Officers' and IM them. The Group Information may also have other contact information available... on that card as well. GOOD LUCK!
  8. I've dropped back in there to explore recently.... since I was sort of a regular LONG Ago. On this visit I noticed they are now Strick about enforcing the sim is for New Residents (Newbies). You may have been banned for just being tooo old! Seems to be their current policy, you'll need to contact them.
  9. AviNews


    They're profiting from all that Vanity Value!!! Where we're all *looking* at and valuing the presentation of our OWN headz..... everyone else is lookin' at our ****!!
  10. Do you have more than one animation in the AO. Could it be advancing to ‘next stand’ or going into a Sitting pose? My AO’s go outta whack if I’m not careful with settings. There’s priority setting’s that need to be considered too. One common foul up is ‘sinkin into the sofa’
  11. I didn’t want to get ‘that close’ to my premium billing date.... because I had deep suspicions that things would not ‘go well’. Was no concern on my part, and getting stipend... so am happy! (Will see this Tuesday!) when it comes to US$’s I pay attention! L$ now... where’s dat tip jar ‘round this place!?
  12. I got a pop-up when I first attempted downgrading as I was still holding my Linden home. It said I need to release it first.... so I went back and dumped it, no biggie. felt this was odd tho ‘cause I thought I could hold it till my annual ran out (30 day out yet). Guess not! But I am still receiving my stipends on that account.... even as showing Basic. That peak monthly holding needs to be considered when hold land, I know. You need to sell/abandon land Before buying other land (or that number gets bumped up for the month.... even if you only hold both for a matter of moments.
  13. AviNews


    I have my 'look-at' turned off... so no one can tell *WHERE* I'm looking. Of Course.. I ALWAYS look into pretty girl's eyes first!! (in light of Mother's Day... I'll tell ya Mum told me to ALWASY say dat!!) Then of course.. there's some Destinations (that I'd NEVER admit to exploring) where the more obvious 'attention getter' is that condom wrapper held between her teeth!)
  14. AviNews


    Question: Has anyone ever used mesh head's WINK AO to attract attention from another avi while in public? Really, I'm interested in hearing if the ladies do this.... (as I've been watching randomly). But guys.... is ok if you answer too, not discriminating here!! I let mine run sometimes but not with a specific 'target' in mind. IF anyone has successfully used this method of obtaining interests/interaction with another 'stranger' ... I'd like to hear of that also!
  15. GEEZ! My Gawd, Orwar!!! that could be taken WRONG!!
  16. I have to add... there's need for 'pretend you are a tree' when adjusting attachments... so there's no body movement when 'placing' jewelry/hair/accessorizing. Other times when doing VERY fine adjustments.. I'll plant my roots (usually at home). But out in public.... working on minor things ( always primping!)... I prefer to move with AO so I can passively see all at different angles easily... and, of course, manipulating camera around endlessly, also. (camera does 'stray away'.... just occasionally... depending on what pretty lil outfits may stroll by!! )
  17. I've seen many classes concerning upload of mesh.. and some in-world mesh creation tools/methods.(file requirements, management, conversions, etc.) I has also seen other courses, elsewhere in-world (can't remember locations/groups) covering overall management for creations of major builds.... utilizing a 'staff' of builders.. keeping notes... applying perms, etc. If all training is specifically for modeling/creation for SL only, I'd think the classes would be of interest.
  18. Seems no one has mentioned in-world Builder's Brewery sim. Keep an eye on sim and group, most all is about creation within SL. Basically tho.... create/model, open in Marketplace and place items for sale... hope you get a HOT one or two... watch your L$ balance go up, Up, UP and away! Doesn't end there tho... buy some land, open in-world store... start a blog, network/manage Social Media, etc... etc! That will confirm 'training' efforts.
  19. With a Premium membership you get a FREE home, (plus the stipend weekly pay returned to you, which is a diff subject) now land is a more confusing. You don’t need to take the Linden Home( on it’s land) .... you can ‘buy’ a lot. Lot prices vary... waters edge is expensive, inland mainland is selling for L$500 - L$1000 for a 512m2. That’s a one time cost for either... as buying from the previous owner. The monthly fee (tier) is paid to LL.. for system upkeep costs. Right now you get Free tier for land up to 1024m2, so no extra charge beyond premium membership fee. If you own/buy more than 1024m2, from other owners, then you’ll start paying monthly tier to LL. In addition to premium membership fee Clear as MUD!!!
  20. There are quite a few ‘help’ and building tutorial sims with regularly scheduled class events.. look for Builder’s Brewery... is one of larger ones with ‘advanced’ classes on most everything, including mesh. If looking for not so advanced subjects... NCI is another inworld sim(s) with tutoring events... being New Citizens Inc.
  21. I always work my shapes ‘on the fly’.... doubt I’ll ever reach a point of permanent molding. Have set viewer prefs for ‘do not pose’ for adjustments... so I can sit, relax and adjust. Even with AO on and in various lightings.
  22. I 'adjust' all my shapes.... using NONE as they 'come out of the box'. The Adam body looks Extremely slender in store... but can add weight/bulk etc. (and OH Gawd, facial adjustments are endless) The Adam head (beta version.. with lifetime upgrade) does 'ok'... I didn't like the eyes at first. Tho with adjustments and lashes... they seem to be 'getting close'. I'd say Grab a Demo and see what you can do with it.
  23. So.. I'm believing that you want to 'roll' the WHOLE frame of screen, hence similar to turning the camera sideways (like below... btw I could continue to upside down also) I have not found a keyboard way to accomplish this... only with Flycam and Auto-leveling disabled. Soooooo... I'm finding the 'same' results you've had. I'll keep looking... later... and let you know if I come up with anything. (I do have FS)
  24. Depends on what you have to invest. I have an Adam w/Head, And a slink w/classic head. Both sorta mid-priced, thinking getting a Catwa head. They each have some very minor issues but am finding acceptable for the prices. have no problems finding wide choices of clothes/outfits for either
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